Category: Mind

(Astrology: Third & Ninth House, 3rd & 9th House) Vocational & Educational Planning, Teaching & Learning

Mercury-Jupiter, Gemini-Sagittarius, 3rd-9th axis. Mutable-Cadent. Air-Fire, Masculine How Do You Learn?  What Do You Want To Learn? What Type of Teachers Do Like Best? Do you enjoy long-term, higher mind studying or would you rather take a couple of weekend workshops and gain a certificate?  The third and ninth houses tell us about our learning…

Why I don’t want to be a Therapist or Psychologist…

(Originally published on Friday September 16 ,2011 ) I have been told I’m a really good natural psychologist or therapist. And having a Virgo stellium in the 8th with Mercury & Pluto (not conjunct) with harmonious yet powerful aspects flowing through that house, it’s not really a wonder why I’m told that… I genuinely care…

Part One: An Introduction to the 3rd House, Third House Astrology Series

The third house is the house of everyday communication, siblings, close neighbours, co-workers, your immediate environment, short distance travel, short duration education, the lower mind, church, lower truths. Mercury is related to how one thinks, speaks, communicates, what one likes to talk about, how one learns, short trips, letters, mail, the type of relationship one…

Aries in Chiron, 3rd house

Between 1952 and 1989 Chiron was in exact opposition to Uranus forty-one times, and in orb of opposition in the charts of most people born during that period. - Zane Stein Current Chiron World Transits Chiron is currently in Pisces 0°, is trining Sun & Moon Scorpio both at 3°, is sextile Jupiter Taurus and Pluto Capricorn at 5°, semi-sextile…

Life Skills: Who do you know that’s controlling, critical, bitchy, flaky, fat?

When you notice that someone is too picky, critical, controlling, argumentative, defensive, dominant, aggressive, [insert non-social behaviour here] do you take a moment to recognize… Now to blend in astrology. My theory is that a projection is a conjunction that looks like an opposition…

Teacherless Teaching: The “Fortified Teaching” Method

In my world Students are Learners (who are also Teachers )and Teachers are Guides (who are also Learners).

I want Learners to view themselves as experts and an authority on a subject within minutes or hours to make complex subject matters easily accessible. This approach causes the Learner comfort in expressing their knowledge of the subject to themselves and others and strengthens the learning process.

Life Skills: The Four Stages of Self Esteem When Trying to Accomplish

Stage One – I can’t do it! (inactive) Stage Two – I’m not sure how this can be done. (passive) Stage Three – How do I do it? (passive-active) Stage Four – I can do it! (active) Notice that there is a progression from an exclamation mark (!), a period(.) to a question mark(?) then…

How Needing What You *Don’t Want* Works

WANTS vs. NEEDS What is a want and what is a need? Looking at some dictionary definitions we get much conflict and overlap about what “want” and “need” means. To me, it’s like this: Wants are desires, wishes or demands, discretionary, learned, futuristic but they feel like they are current. Needs are necessary, required, relieving,…

The Busines of Competition. Is it All About You, Me, or We?

I’m VERY competitive. I’m very competitive with MYSELF. I want to be faster, stronger, better. Not faster, stronger, better than anyone else.

I’m Leo Sun Conjunct Leo Mars with these two planets operating as one. I’m not stuck on what I have already accomplished.

Astrological Signs & Colour: What’s Your Color?

ZODIAC SIGNS, ELEMENTS, AND COLOUR — The following connects your zodiac sign and element with its natural colour. The best balancing or alternate colour or colours can be worn when you are finding the energy of your zodiac sign is too overpowering or underwhelming.

So say you’re a Pisces (water element) and you’re on the shy side – wearing orange can attract people to you and open your energy up. Likewise, if you’re a Leo (fire element) and your energy is too aggressive, wearing pink will encourage people to accept, understand, and welcome you. The flipside is true that when you wear a colour that balances out your energy, you will be mindful to embody more of that colour in your actions and behaviour. So the result is that you have both yourself and others working to balance you to a nice place of well-being and success.

Colour Meanings 101: Colors Change The Way People Perceive You

Colours are an important part of my life and work. A colour can brighten or hide a mood. A colour can tell me that someone is single or seeking out power in their life. A color can create an impression and change impressions. Today I want to share with you how colors can change the…

When Opposites Attract… Fireworks Happen!


We have heard the phrase: Opposites attract; however, what exactly does that mean? Well, it can mean that the behaviour and attitude differences in others compels you to get closer to that which is foreign to you. It can also mean balancing an extreme trait or action such as having an introspective and quiet disposition…

Are you good or bad? Naughty or Nice? Whose to say?

I may be fat but I ain’t no Santa. Some people think I’m evaluating their goodness or badness when in fact I’m evaluating whether something works or not and whether there’s hurt or not. To evaluate good or bad is to evaluate a belief system based on parental, familial, personal and/or societal values and opinions. …

Lazy Eye or Psychic Eye? Crossed Eyes? Theory About Eyesight Differences

I know someone who has what is known as Lazy Eye or Amblyopia.  They are an adult, wear glasses, and have had this since childhood.  There is no vision loss in that eye though they do say their other eye is dominant.  When I first met him I noticed one of his eyes drifted to…

8th House Virgo Stellium, 12th House Survivors: Helping Those Who HIDE From Themselves

I have had a knack all my life for helping people who won’t, can’t, not-sure-how, or don’t help themselves.  They are the honey; I’m the bee.  I’m naturally attracted to 12th house characters who often have the greatest difficulty in resolving their issues.  Just as quickly as a problem or solution is identified, it can be…

Work: How to Enjoy it more and have Success

When you do a job or a task consider these three principles to work by: 1. Enjoy it for yourself If you are bored, how can you make it more fun? Can it be played like a game? What parts do you like about it? Can you do more of that? Listen to the music;…

Self-Development: How much pain do you need to experience to change?

Do you experience enough pain to change? As much as you want to change and say you will change, do you experience enough pain to change? Pain is the catalyst to doing something. Human beings do not enjoy pain that they haven’t intentionally inflicted upon themselves. We, as human beings, want to get as far…

Are you really giving the best? The Ego & Subconscious Cop-out

Do you do YOUR best or do you do THE best? Listen to yourself and others when they talk about doing something well. Most of the time you will hear them say they will do THEIR best. However, is their best the best that can be done? I think not. I think that the “I…

Psychosis and Losing One’s Mind: Where, when, how, why does it begin?

I came across some material on psychosis and decided to contemplate it. Could I have it? Would I have it? This questioning is the normal state of affairs for me. I’m someone with many planets and points in Virgo plus one Libra (8th house) and I analyze myself, others, and environment for the betterment of…