Category: Natal

(Astrology: Third & Ninth House, 3rd & 9th House) Vocational & Educational Planning, Teaching & Learning

Mercury-Jupiter, Gemini-Sagittarius, 3rd-9th axis. Mutable-Cadent. Air-Fire, Masculine How Do You Learn?  What Do You Want To Learn? What Type of Teachers Do Like Best? Do you enjoy long-term, higher mind studying or would you rather take a couple of weekend workshops and gain a certificate?  The third and ninth houses tell us about our learning…

Natal Aspects: The Sun & Venus in hard aspect — Sun Semi-Square Venus, etc.

Sun: Self, light, brightness, creativity, essence, life force, the day (everyday). Venus: Love, money, beauty, the arts, self-worth. Square: 90° Causes tension, agitation, weightiness, obstacles to overcome. Has a Saturnian feeling. Semi-Square: 45° Half a square but not half the meaning.  It’s more like — half the time. Semi-aspects have been experienced as ‘on and…

Synastry & Natal: The Romeo & Juliet Aspect – Venus Square Saturn in LOVE – Part One

♀ ☐ ♄ I can’t have the love that I want.  The love I don’t want, I want.  I want to love.  I don’t want the love I can have.  I don’t want to love.  This love isn’t for me.  Eventually, I might give my love.  Love comes with hoops and hurdles. I feel unloved. An…

Natal & Synastry Astrology: The Magical Sex Aspect – Mars Square Neptune in Sex & Love – Part One

♂ ☐ ♆  I want the spiritual sex I’m forbidden to have.  My sexual power is held back and exists in my dreams. I am not telling others what I want.  I attempt to act on my dreams but it ends up being a fantasy.  Sexual fantasies are aggressive.  I’m sexually confused and frustrated.  I’m…

Natal & Synastry Astrology: The Solution to Venus Square Saturn in Love – Part Two

The lesson of Venus Square Saturn is to be responsible, discipline enthusiasm, yet care about the feelings of others and yourself. Let the love grow slowly and deeply yet nurture it all the same. Love, being in-love, and first love feelings can be delicious; however, if your or the other person’s heart is not open to love, it won’t happen or it will happen with a lot of tension.

Natal Astrology: Mars Square Saturn – The Phoenix Rises Aspect

I tweeted today: Mars SQ. Saturn has a way of finding the positive in the negative. After the temper tantrums, gr8 things begin. Phoenix Rising. #astrology Note: Update:– Just discovered Mars is in Capricorn 16 degrees squaring Saturn Libra 16 Exact on December 29th (today); however, on the day I wrote this, Mars was 12…

The Busines of Competition. Is it All About You, Me, or We?

I’m VERY competitive. I’m very competitive with MYSELF. I want to be faster, stronger, better. Not faster, stronger, better than anyone else.

I’m Leo Sun Conjunct Leo Mars with these two planets operating as one. I’m not stuck on what I have already accomplished.

Synastry & Natal: The Divorce Aspect – Venus Square Uranus in LOVE – Problem & Solution

Venus Square Uranus Venus Square Uranus is an astrological aspect that  can show in a natal birth chart or it can be a combined energy that occurs between the native and someone else. This aspect is a hot and cold one in that there’s a lot of excitement and heat that can get generated instantaneously…