Category: Self-disclosure

(Astrology: Third & Ninth House, 3rd & 9th House) Vocational & Educational Planning, Teaching & Learning

Mercury-Jupiter, Gemini-Sagittarius, 3rd-9th axis. Mutable-Cadent. Air-Fire, Masculine How Do You Learn?  What Do You Want To Learn? What Type of Teachers Do Like Best? Do you enjoy long-term, higher mind studying or would you rather take a couple of weekend workshops and gain a certificate?  The third and ninth houses tell us about our learning…

Why I don’t want to be a Therapist or Psychologist…

(Originally published on Friday September 16 ,2011 ) I have been told I’m a really good natural psychologist or therapist. And having a Virgo stellium in the 8th with Mercury & Pluto (not conjunct) with harmonious yet powerful aspects flowing through that house, it’s not really a wonder why I’m told that… I genuinely care…

Abella Arthur: Toronto Astrologer, Psychic, Tarot Reader, Numerologist by PHONE and For HIRE!

Been busy trying to make a decent living doing what I love, and what I do best for others. I can blog again when my bills are paid, and I’ve got a little extra on the side. 😉 Help me out.  haha If you know more about astrology, focus on getting a tarot reading from…

Aries in Chiron, 3rd house

Between 1952 and 1989 Chiron was in exact opposition to Uranus forty-one times, and in orb of opposition in the charts of most people born during that period. - Zane Stein Current Chiron World Transits Chiron is currently in Pisces 0°, is trining Sun & Moon Scorpio both at 3°, is sextile Jupiter Taurus and Pluto Capricorn at 5°, semi-sextile…

Astrology: Charlie Sheen, Mars Square Neptune, & Seeing the Gift

Here’s one possible upside: I believe a Healer (Mars-Neptune) is an awesome profession/skill and when you have it in square, you understand people’s pain better. You know “how” to heal in a very primal and enlightened way. However, the square will delay opportunities for you to do it. It will test your knowledge of healing and maybe put you into situations that will help you “get” healing better so you can go out and heal others. 🙂 Our pain becomes healing.

Part One: An Introduction to the 8th House, Eighth House Astrology Series

8th house Fire

The eighth house is the House that many fear. It is the house of taboos and sensitive subjects — what isn’t talked about in polite company. It’s the house of Other People’s Stuff or Your Stuff. Money, Inheritance, Business, Control, Sex, Secrets, Transformation, Mysteries, Psychology

The Professional Friend: Challenge #1

What is a Professional Friend? A Professional Friend is someone who offers Intimate Services for a fee.  A Professional Friend connects with the client in a deeply personal way.  A Professional Friend can be a doctor, therapist, consultant, personal assistant, coach, GFE, etc.  A Professional Friend has something to offer you that a traditional friend…

Natal Astrology: Mars Square Saturn – The Phoenix Rises Aspect

I tweeted today: Mars SQ. Saturn has a way of finding the positive in the negative. After the temper tantrums, gr8 things begin. Phoenix Rising. #astrology Note: Update:– Just discovered Mars is in Capricorn 16 degrees squaring Saturn Libra 16 Exact on December 29th (today); however, on the day I wrote this, Mars was 12…

Best Friendships, 7th House Beginnings…

Healthy Friends

I’m not the type to have many mutually Libran 7th house “committed” & Scorpio 8th house “deep” friendships but that’s generally what I desire.

In fact, most of my friendships are the Aquarian “superficial”, “aquantaince”, “groups & networks” 11th house type that generally skim the surface and keep things light, distant, and impersonal yet topics of discussion are deep, optimistic, warm, and spiritual.

There’s nothing wrong with 11th house relationships and in fact, they are low maintanance, committment free, easy-on-the-mind, and full of learning opportunities; however, every once in awhile I yearn for something more.

Teacherless Teaching: The “Fortified Teaching” Method

In my world Students are Learners (who are also Teachers )and Teachers are Guides (who are also Learners).

I want Learners to view themselves as experts and an authority on a subject within minutes or hours to make complex subject matters easily accessible. This approach causes the Learner comfort in expressing their knowledge of the subject to themselves and others and strengthens the learning process.

The Busines of Competition. Is it All About You, Me, or We?

I’m VERY competitive. I’m very competitive with MYSELF. I want to be faster, stronger, better. Not faster, stronger, better than anyone else.

I’m Leo Sun Conjunct Leo Mars with these two planets operating as one. I’m not stuck on what I have already accomplished.

Are you good or bad? Naughty or Nice? Whose to say?

I may be fat but I ain’t no Santa. Some people think I’m evaluating their goodness or badness when in fact I’m evaluating whether something works or not and whether there’s hurt or not. To evaluate good or bad is to evaluate a belief system based on parental, familial, personal and/or societal values and opinions. …

8th House Virgo Stellium, 12th House Survivors: Helping Those Who HIDE From Themselves

I have had a knack all my life for helping people who won’t, can’t, not-sure-how, or don’t help themselves.  They are the honey; I’m the bee.  I’m naturally attracted to 12th house characters who often have the greatest difficulty in resolving their issues.  Just as quickly as a problem or solution is identified, it can be…