Category: Aspects

Planet, Sign Delineation: Many Ways to Read Astrological Signatures

(originally posted on Astrogasm) As many astrologers would agree, one aspect or signature does not tell the full tale. How could someone who loves to sing (me!) actually sound good (maybe) if they don’t have the classic aspects for a vocalist — Sun Conjunct Venus or Mercury, and Venus Conjunct Mercury?! Well, my Venus is…

(Astrology: Third & Ninth House, 3rd & 9th House) Vocational & Educational Planning, Teaching & Learning

Mercury-Jupiter, Gemini-Sagittarius, 3rd-9th axis. Mutable-Cadent. Air-Fire, Masculine How Do You Learn?  What Do You Want To Learn? What Type of Teachers Do Like Best? Do you enjoy long-term, higher mind studying or would you rather take a couple of weekend workshops and gain a certificate?  The third and ninth houses tell us about our learning…

Why I don’t want to be a Therapist or Psychologist…

(Originally published on Friday September 16 ,2011 ) I have been told I’m a really good natural psychologist or therapist. And having a Virgo stellium in the 8th with Mercury & Pluto (not conjunct) with harmonious yet powerful aspects flowing through that house, it’s not really a wonder why I’m told that… I genuinely care…

Natal Aspects: The Sun & Venus in hard aspect — Sun Semi-Square Venus, etc.

Sun: Self, light, brightness, creativity, essence, life force, the day (everyday). Venus: Love, money, beauty, the arts, self-worth. Square: 90° Causes tension, agitation, weightiness, obstacles to overcome. Has a Saturnian feeling. Semi-Square: 45° Half a square but not half the meaning.  It’s more like — half the time. Semi-aspects have been experienced as ‘on and…

Aries in Chiron, 3rd house

Between 1952 and 1989 Chiron was in exact opposition to Uranus forty-one times, and in orb of opposition in the charts of most people born during that period. - Zane Stein Current Chiron World Transits Chiron is currently in Pisces 0°, is trining Sun & Moon Scorpio both at 3°, is sextile Jupiter Taurus and Pluto Capricorn at 5°, semi-sextile…

Synastry & Natal: The Romeo & Juliet Aspect – Venus Square Saturn in LOVE – Part One

♀ ☐ ♄ I can’t have the love that I want.  The love I don’t want, I want.  I want to love.  I don’t want the love I can have.  I don’t want to love.  This love isn’t for me.  Eventually, I might give my love.  Love comes with hoops and hurdles. I feel unloved. An…

Natal & Synastry Astrology: The Magical Sex Aspect – Mars Square Neptune in Sex & Love – Part One

♂ ☐ ♆  I want the spiritual sex I’m forbidden to have.  My sexual power is held back and exists in my dreams. I am not telling others what I want.  I attempt to act on my dreams but it ends up being a fantasy.  Sexual fantasies are aggressive.  I’m sexually confused and frustrated.  I’m…

Natal & Synastry Astrology: The Solution to Venus Square Saturn in Love – Part Two

The lesson of Venus Square Saturn is to be responsible, discipline enthusiasm, yet care about the feelings of others and yourself. Let the love grow slowly and deeply yet nurture it all the same. Love, being in-love, and first love feelings can be delicious; however, if your or the other person’s heart is not open to love, it won’t happen or it will happen with a lot of tension.

Astrology: The Jucy Method of Aspect Delineation (JMAD) – Introduction to Interpreting Aspects – Step #1

When I told Astrology by Kingsley that I would be calling my method of delineating aspects:  The Jucy Method of Aspect Delineation, he promptly retorted with “The JMAD“! <3 The JMAD is my way of interpreting the essence and influence of an astrological aspect whether that be related to a natal (birth), synastry (compatibility between…

Astrology: The Jucy Method of Aspect Delineation (JMAD) – Story Telling & Brainstorming – Step #2

Intro & Step 1 | 3 | 4 The Jucy Method of Aspect Delineation (JMAD) is my way of interpreting the essence and influence of an astrological aspect whether that be related to a natal (birth), synastry (compatibility between two or more people), composite (the purpose of the relationship), solar return (month by month predictions…

Astrology: The Jucy Method of Aspect Delineation (JMAD) – Dignities & Co-Rulers – Step #3

Intro & Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 4 The Jucy Method of Aspect Delineation (JMAD) is my way of interpreting the essence and influence of an astrological aspect whether that be related to a natal (birth), synastry (compatibility between two or more people), composite (the purpose of the relationship), solar return (month by…

Astrology: The Jucy Method of Aspect Delineation (JMAD) – Planet / Sign Swap – How to Interpret Aspects – Step #4

Intro & Step 1 | 2 | 3 | Stay Tuned for Step #5… The Jucy Method of Aspect Delineation (JMAD) is my way of interpreting the essence and influence of an astrological aspect whether that be related to a natal (birth), synastry (compatibility between two or more people), composite (the purpose of the relationship),…

Astrology: Charlie Sheen, Mars Square Neptune, & Seeing the Gift

Here’s one possible upside: I believe a Healer (Mars-Neptune) is an awesome profession/skill and when you have it in square, you understand people’s pain better. You know “how” to heal in a very primal and enlightened way. However, the square will delay opportunities for you to do it. It will test your knowledge of healing and maybe put you into situations that will help you “get” healing better so you can go out and heal others. 🙂 Our pain becomes healing.

Part 3 – How to Read / Delineate a Birth Chart: Nineteen Ways to Read a Natal Chart

A natal chart represents the all of you.  And that all is complex and intricate, no matter how simple one may feel.  A chart contains your DNA. It’s a very private document.  A word of warning: If you are content being naked amongst strangers, then feel free to share your birth chart with anyone.  However, if you…

Astrology Aspects: How the Sesquisquare Functions – Part Two

Below is what I have come up with notes about what other astrologers have said (thanks to links supplied by readers in the original document, now called Part One and a Facebook group discussion). My theory is not exhaustive, perfect, or anything like that. These are ideas about the Sesquiquadrate’s meaning, wrong or right, as I contemplated on the symbols and pattern. Please test it out and let me know what you think.

Astrology Aspects: Sesquare, Square & Semi-Square Sample Delineations – Part Three

Below is a comparison between the Sesquisquare (also know as the Sesquiquadrate) and the semi-square and square. This is followed by what others say about Saturn square Uranus as I believe this an aspect that most readily suggests some of the challenges and solutions in the Sesquiquadrate. I also say that this aspect has a Neptunian quality about it too. That’s probably why I choose to delineate Neptune and Mercury (a lower vibration of Uranus).

(Yahoo Answers) Why are Harmonic Aspects Ignored by Many Astrologers?

I responded to this question on Yahoo Answers: How Do You Figure Out if Two Placements are “sextile” Or ” Conjunct” etc..? If someone has their Moon in 29 degree aquarius and I have my moon in 16 degrees Taurus, does that mean those two are sextiles?? Or do they square cuz its taurus and aquarius??…

Life Skills: Who do you know that’s controlling, critical, bitchy, flaky, fat?

When you notice that someone is too picky, critical, controlling, argumentative, defensive, dominant, aggressive, [insert non-social behaviour here] do you take a moment to recognize… Now to blend in astrology. My theory is that a projection is a conjunction that looks like an opposition…

Aspects: Sesquiquadrate featured w/ Square and Semi-Square – Part One

Sesquiquadrate? How the heck do you pronounce Sesquiquadrate anyway? It’s a mouthful! And, to me, that translates to complex and hard to understand and that might be part of the problem. Is it even worth delineating? To me, fortunately or not, it is!

Other than reading that the Sesquiquadrate (inversion of a Semi-square) is less evil, I haven’t read much about it that differs it from a Square or Semi-Square. (Thank you Jan Bird for posting some links in the comments section!! I welcome more links as well)

Many astrologers (to my knowledge) do not speak about it in regards to how it affects a chart or transit. Is that because it’s known as a “minor aspect”?

Natal Astrology: Mars Square Saturn – The Phoenix Rises Aspect

I tweeted today: Mars SQ. Saturn has a way of finding the positive in the negative. After the temper tantrums, gr8 things begin. Phoenix Rising. #astrology Note: Update:– Just discovered Mars is in Capricorn 16 degrees squaring Saturn Libra 16 Exact on December 29th (today); however, on the day I wrote this, Mars was 12…

The Alchemy of Turning a Square Into Trines (Jupiterville)!

A Square turned on its side makes a DIAMOND!  The moral of the picture is to look at things differently. I have a belief that no such thing as good or bad exists, only difference. What’s in a square? That which we call a trine. By any other square would smell as sweet. Oh, I…

Synastry: Handling Venus Square Neptune (The Fantasy Romance)

Venus Square Neptune To get a better understanding of a planet look to the attributes of the home and perhaps exalted sign/s it rules (and vice versa). Venus rules Taurus and Libra although Venus is in the process of helping Libra find a new home.  Neptune rules Pisces. Neptune & Venus can be very much…

Astrological Contact Types in Planetary Aspect (now including Sesquiquadrate)

In astrology there’s a contact type or energy that form between planets / luminaries (Sun, Moon) and all together this creates what is called an aspect. When we first meet someone, an immediate first impression forms based on a gut reaction.  We notice something similar or different about them and we instantaneously decide if we like…

The Busines of Competition. Is it All About You, Me, or We?

I’m VERY competitive. I’m very competitive with MYSELF. I want to be faster, stronger, better. Not faster, stronger, better than anyone else.

I’m Leo Sun Conjunct Leo Mars with these two planets operating as one. I’m not stuck on what I have already accomplished.

When Opposites Attract… Fireworks Happen!


We have heard the phrase: Opposites attract; however, what exactly does that mean? Well, it can mean that the behaviour and attitude differences in others compels you to get closer to that which is foreign to you. It can also mean balancing an extreme trait or action such as having an introspective and quiet disposition…

Synastry & Natal: The Divorce Aspect – Venus Square Uranus in LOVE – Problem & Solution

Venus Square Uranus Venus Square Uranus is an astrological aspect that  can show in a natal birth chart or it can be a combined energy that occurs between the native and someone else. This aspect is a hot and cold one in that there’s a lot of excitement and heat that can get generated instantaneously…

Mercury in Aspect: Communication Quality, Rewards, and Headaches

Some Mercury Facts: Masculine, mutable, dignity/ home in Gemini. Home in Virgo (I say, “more like an honoured guest”), exalted in Aquarius, Sagittarius in detriment, and Fall in Pisces. Represents communication, information, knowledge, business interactions, short distances, mail, science, quickness, siblings, detachment, clarity, etc. With the philosophy of “no better or worse, just different” as…

Saturn’s Test: Astrological squares in aspect — How to overcome them and get on with it.

Laugh in the face of squares or the squares’ boss will laugh at you. In astrology there are various energies (aspects) that occur when planets and points connect (at particular degrees, angles). It’s the “Hey, I see you and I’m now deciding on what I’m going to do with you”.  One of these aspects is…

Astrology Language: Aspect Delineation, Reading Aspects

Delineation of planets aspecting each other is like creating a real-life story or message from an astrological term such as Venus Square Neptune.

It can be as simple as starting with the planet furthest away (Neptune); then moving to the connection / aspect (square), followed by the activated planet (Venus).

Synastry: The Fairytale Aspect – Venus Square Neptune

Astrologers around the world often say that one of the worst “red flag” aspects two people can have in a romantic synastry comparison is Venus Square Neptune. If you and your person of interest has this in your synastry chart are you going to choose to agree or disagree with this thought? First, lets get…