Category: Body

Mars Retrograde Rx VIRGO January 24th, 2012 until April 14, 2012

I still want to publish a 2012 blog post but I haven’t had the interest to complete it yet. And I wanted to publish it before publishing anything else but due to how many (in my mind) negative thoughts about Mars Rx (such as inactivity, lethargy, lack of motivation, accidents, standstills, etc..) that’s been said,…

Colour Meanings 101: Colors Change The Way People Perceive You

Colours are an important part of my life and work. A colour can brighten or hide a mood. A colour can tell me that someone is single or seeking out power in their life. A color can create an impression and change impressions. Today I want to share with you how colors can change the…

Lazy Eye or Psychic Eye? Crossed Eyes? Theory About Eyesight Differences

I know someone who has what is known as Lazy Eye or Amblyopia.  They are an adult, wear glasses, and have had this since childhood.  There is no vision loss in that eye though they do say their other eye is dominant.  When I first met him I noticed one of his eyes drifted to…