Venus Rx Retrograde in Capricorn December 21, 2013
December 21, 2013 | Filled under Astrology, Readings & Analysis, Capricorn, Celebrity, Current News, Planets, Transits, Venus |
Venus Rx Retrograde in Capricorn
December 21, 2013 — just in time for Christmas.
Shadow: Nov 20, 2013
Rx: Dec 21, 2013 @ 28° Capricorn
Direct: January 31, 2014 @13° Capricorn
Shadow Over: March 4, 2014
This cosmic event is ushered in with the hour of Venus, day of Saturn (ruled by Capricorn). She turns retrograde at 4:53pm on the back swing with Mercury’s wings at 4:53pm EST. Mercury semi-sextile Venus (yup, makes sense!).
About Venus
- Venus’ domain are the arts, love, sensuality, beauty, jewelry (pearls), mirrors, women, femininity, gardening, money and finances, tending to one’s growth, relationships, contracts (love & money, for example), copper (see color of Venus, above), birth & death, sweets.
- Venus was a very important (most?) planet for the Mayans. It told them when to go to war! Afterall, the opposite of Taurus, is Scorpio (co-ruled by Mars). And Libra, is Aries (ruled by Mars).
 About Capricorn
- Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Some Capricorn keywords: Serious, ambitious, old, business, acquisition, steady, solid, appropriate, responsible, career minded, value, etc
About Venus Capricorn & Venus aspecting Saturn
Some keywords:
- Old beauty
- The love of business
- Corporate art
- Love of work
- Hard working, at love
- For the love of money
- Long standing love
- Responsible lover
- Gold digger
- Antiques
- Valuing growth
About Retrogrades
When you think about how this cosmic event affects you, add “re†to every action you consider taking: reflect, rejuvenate, reignite, renew, recycle, repeat, redo, resolve, research, review, etc.
With the Rx (â„ž), you may also want to reconsider any prescriptions for physical, spiritual, financial, or mental health that relate to your love, relationships, money, beauty, etc during this Venus Rx.
You’ll also hop on the mental time machine — taking a trip back to get things finished up or sorted out, that were left behind as it relates to Capricorn themes. Expect to initiate, and possibly enjoy some closure.
Mundane Transits
Venus Rx Capricorn is applying to a non-perfected conjunction to Pluto. Venus Conjunct Pluto. Whoever obsessed just prior to and somewhat during November 21 — will begin to be obsessed about. Turn about, is fair play. Those with Venus and Pluto aspected, are more prone to experience this non-personal (mundane) transit more personally.
A romance right before the shadow period, may not last. But one that starts during it, could.
Personal Transits
This Venus transit, may cause Love challenges for anyone with Saturn Cancer (Venus Opposition Saturn), Saturn Libra, or Saturn Aries (Venus Square Saturn).
Saturn Libra natives are really getting hit (2011 Saturn was in Libra).
This Venus transit, may cause Love bonuses for anyone who has Earth or Water planets or on your angles. You may trine or sextile this Venus Rx, harmoniously. You’ll be in for a ride, and hopefully some good loving, beauty redux, art, and money making merriment!
What to do during this Venus Rx transit
- Review your love life, and what’s important to you.
- Sometimes this transit accompanies pain for a love lost.
- Reach out to a lover, friends, and crushes (past, or present), or welcome being reached out to.
- Reconsider an old relationship but don’t start a brand new one, or it might be over once Venus goes direct.
- Alternatively, if a new relationship begins and doesn’t end — it will be likely enduring.
- Try not to make a decision about your relationship, or lover until AFTER the transit is over. This is a time of reflection, not decision making. You may change your mind later.
- Any exes coming back, may leave — just as quickly, if they are not of value. Fruitless relationships are going to go bye-bye. Also because Capricorn is a cardinal sign — this is about new beginnings & fresh starts.
- Write a list of qualities you want in a mate. What you’re willing to tolerate, and not tolerate.
- Write love letters to your exes, and put them to rest.
- Do you really value that friend, or foe? If not, kick ’em to the curb.
- Avoid new beauty treatments, or changes in style. However, go over any beauty treatments that didn’t go well in the past. If any new beauty treatments are given — they could change your look for a long time to come.
- Say, “I love you” to someone. Especially someone you’ve been with for awhile, or who is older.
- Get your finances in order. Go back over your budget. Look at how to increase your wealth.
- Go to an art gallery. If you’re creative, artistic, or crafty — you’ve probably in a slump for awhile. This is your chance to get your mojo back.
Shadow: Nov 21, 2013
Rx: Dec 21, 2013
Direct: January 31, 2014
Shadow Over: March 1, 2014
Meditate with Music
Lady Gaga & The Muppets
Lady Gaga is an Aries Sun, Opposite Libra – who is co-ruled by Venus. Taurus is Gaga’s North node & True Lilith. It’s not surprising that this song is more on the martian side.
Frankie Avalon has a full Venus house — Venus aspects all the planets, in his chart. Venus is at the apex of a grande trine including Saturn & Mars! He has Venus conjunct Neptune!
Justify my Love
Peaches and Herb
The xx
Missing You
Ruff Endz
The xx
Reunion / Sunset
The xx
Ex-lovers rethinking their breakup realizing they still have feelings for each other after so much time.
Just the Reunion
The xx
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Natal Aspects: The Sun & Venus in hard aspect — Sun Semi-Square Venus, etc.
November 1, 2011 | Filled under Astrology, Aspects, Natal |
Sun: Self, light, brightness, creativity, essence, life force, the day (everyday).
Venus: Love, money, beauty, the arts, self-worth.
Square: 90° Causes tension, agitation, weightiness, obstacles to overcome. Has a Saturnian feeling.
Semi-Square: 45° Half a square but not half the meaning. It’s more like — half the time. Semi-aspects have been experienced as ‘on and off’ and because it’s not ever-present, that could make it ‘minor’ in some astrologer’s eyes; however, it’s a higher harmonic and therefore has an importance to the overall well-being of the native. And a semi-square can be close to a Novile 40° and other harmonic aspects. The astrology program used may not factor in harmonic aspects. Has a Uranian feeling.
Novile: 40° The request here is to overcome your restrictions to manifest self-enhancement. So if you actually have a Sun Novile Venus, the request here is to be more self-loving and allow the Sun to shine on your Venus — perhaps over-the-top self-loving, and unabashed ego. This is your destiny, if you will.
The semi-square asks for steady harmony and friendliness — all balanced, nothing over or understated. Just be YOU. You be you and I’ll be me. That’s what the semi-square is asking of you.
Sun Semi-Square Venus
Possible manifestations…
May also have meaning for Sun Semi-Sextile Venus during their *off* periods…
- Like Venus Leo, Sun Taurus out of harmony
- Denial of self-love, money, or beauty. Hard to accept money for services, compliments for beauty and personality.
- Beautiful and charming but that causing problems and agitation so can become self-destructive / destroy charm & beauty.
- Being overweight or underweight or prone to it. Not dressing to make oneself look their best.
- Artistic temperament that gets messed up with other people’s judgements
- Retail therapy. Spending money to feel better about self.
- Your father may like you a lot (like a friend) yet you may have problems with him at times throughout your life because of some side he took that offended you.
- Your father may have influenced your career choices. There might be some ugly truth about your father that you rather disown.
- A relationship with others helps you love yourself more. You may think others don’t like you because you are not beautiful, successful, or valuable enough for them or that you are too strong, direct, and unusually confident and sure of what you want out of life (even if it’s hard to get).
- You prefer soothing people and people who are soothing instead of picking fights but fights and arguments may erupt anyway.
- Sometimes you find yourself popular and then not. Popularity seems to go in cycles and your effect on others is hot & cold. (Uranus… Saturn’s son)
- You may get along better and be appreciated more by men but you seek admiration from women. Approval from women can help you feel beautiful, worthy, and successful.
- Not attracting love, money, beautiful or confident people. Must have or do for yourself before others will give to you.
- Excessive and irresponsible sense pleasures causing tension and difficulty.
- Getting a sense that you are not worth anything unless you are financially well-off and/or sharing your riches with others.
Do you have this aspect? How does it affect you? What goals do you have to overcome this problem and what can you do to support that?
I want to feel better about myself. I want to: 1. lose weight, 2. get a fashion make-over or dress up nicely everyday, 3. be selfish, 4. Ignore Schadenfreude. I was/am beautiful and my beauty was/is taken away by jealous people because I didn’t want them to feel bad themselves. I downplayed my beauty in everyday ways.
How will I meet my goal?
- Take a little time out for myself everyday. Self-pamper, play with myself, have fun!
- Smile often. Feel and be alive. Feel that I belong to the world and my happiness, makes them happy.
- Know that I’m part of the beautiful people. Act like a beautiful person.
- Develop affirmations. i.e. I am loveable and other people feel love from me because I am.
- If I doubt myself in self-care: 1. Think, 2. Be positive, 3. Re-affirm.
- Contemplate and investigate what others have to say about Sun Semi-square Venus
- Do some self-love.
What Others Say
- Vedic Horoscope Delineation
- A Western Horoscope Delineation focusing on money and ego.
- Another Western Horoscope Delineation
- And another…
- Another brief delineation
- And another…
At the time of writing this article, there isn’t / wasn’t much written on the Internet about Sun Semi-Square Venus. What I did read was quite negative, un-supportive, and misses the mark (I believe). While what they say might be true, they are not digging deep enough to understand the root problem or pain that the native with a Sun-Venus (in hard aspect) goes through. This native is literally hard on themselves and that might mean they are hard on others too but one way to get out of that is to stop being so hard on themselves.
Notable People
- Princess Diana – Sun Cancer Semi-Square Venus Taurus (mysterious death)
- Britney Spears – Sun Sagittarius Semi-Square Venus Capricorn
- Jimmy Hoffa – Sun Aquarius Semi-Square Venus Aries (mysterious death)
- Angelina Jolie – Sun Gemini Semi-Square Venus Cancer
- Bill Clinton – Sun Leo Semi-Square Venus Libra
- The Marchesa Luisa Casati – Sun Aquarius Semi-Square Venus Pisces
- Jack White of White Stripes – Sun Cancer (16°52′) Semi-Square Venus Virgo (0°)
- David Bowie Sun Capricorn Semi-square Venus Sagittarius
- Friedrich Nietzsche Sun Capricorn Semi-square Venus Pisces
- Martin Luther King Sun Capricorn Semi-square Venus Pisces
- Freddie Mercury Sun Virgo Semi-square Venus Libra
- Cloris Leachman Sun Taurus Semi-square Venus
- Liz Greene Sun Virgo Semi-square Venus Libra
- Theodore Roosevelt Sun Scorpio Semi-square Venus Sagittarius
- Keanu Reeves Sun Virgo Semi-square Venus Cancer
- Carlos Castaneda Sun Capricorn Semi-square Venus Aquarius
- Sean Connery Sun Virgo Semi-Square Venus Libra
- Anna Nicole Smith Sun Sagittarius Semi-square Venus Libra
- Clara Bow (Flapper icon) Sun Leo Semi-square Venus Gemini (note, she had Saturn Rx right on her Ascendant illustrating her ‘lack of growth’ that she turned into a positive!!… “A petite, flat-chested, big-lipped dynamo,”
- Hunter S. Thompson Sun Cancer Semi-square Venus Gemini
- Oliver Stone Sun Virgo Semisquare Venus Scorpio
- Agatha Christie Sun Virgo Semiquartile Venus Scorpio
- Isaac Newton Sun Capricorn Octile Venus Aquarius
- Richard Nixon Sun Capricorn Semisquare Venus Pisces
- Barbra Striesand Sun Taurus Semisquare Venus
- Jeane Dixon Sun Capricorn 14°05′ Semisquare Venus Sagittarius 0°48′
- Debbie Reynolds Sun Aries Semisquare Venus Taurus
- Michael Jordan Sun Aquarius Semisquare Venus Capricorn (side-note, he has Jupiter Sextile Ascendant. I find Ju-Asc natives are either larger than life, very tall, and/or very big.. the sextile provides opportunity because of that size, for example)!
- Napoleon I Sun Leo Semisquare Venus Cancer
- Helena Blavatsky Sun Leo Semisquare Venus Cancer
- Alexander The Great Sun Cancer Semisquare Venus Virgo
- 14th Dalai Lama Sun Cancer Semisquare Venus Leo
- Al Capone Sun Capricorn Semisquare Venus Sagittarius
- Steve Jobs Sun Pisces Semisquare Venus Capricorn (Apple icon, obsessed with design and beauty of machinery)
- Robert Plant Sun Virgo Semisquare Venus Libra (note, he also has Saturn Rx on the Asc but like Clara Bow was known for his size… except it wa the size of his huge package that he was known for. 😉 Guess Saturn Rx doesn’t always come in size ‘small’ though upon further inspection the length may be small but the other bits certainly are not!) “Robert Plant, ugly? Â Â er…um… Â no? Â Yes,. Â No! Â Yes? Â Hell I don’t know. Â Personally I do NOT think he is ugly. Â If only I could look like Plant! Â I’d be a stud!” Sun Semisquare Venus natives are at once, praised and insulted about their looks. :/
- Cloris Leachman Sun Taurus Semisquare Venus Pisces
- Abraham Lincoln Sun Aquarius Semisquare Venus Aries
- Nicole Kidman Sun Gemini Semisquare Venus Aries
- Stevie Wonder Sun Taurus Semisquare Venus Aries
- James Dean Sun Aquarius Semisquare Venus Capricorn
- Jessica Hahn Sun Cancer Semisquare Venus Leo
Oddly, I haven’t found a Sun Libra semi-square yet. 😉
After pouring over the charts of these notable Sun Semisquare Venus, I see the natives as being awkwardly sexy and charming. There’s something about them that is ‘off’, yet there is something that draws you into their appearance too — they are attractive, in their unique way but there’s something uncomfortable about being attracted to it. Sun-Venus is like Sun Libra / Taurus and Venus Leo. There also seems to be some gender bending — Men either are overly macho on the outside, but super soft when someone gets an inside peek (maybe even cross dressing) or they are super feminine on the outside and masculine on the inside (see David Bowie!). Same goes for the women.
The majority (if not all) of these notable people would be considered attractive, successful, and worthy! Listen to the song below and think of these notable people, people you know that have this aspect, or yourself. They had / have two sides — what the public sees and what is a reality behind-closed-doors (though the public might learn of it through dubious means – ie paparazzi or gossip).
Did you ever wonder why Britney Spears shaved her head all of a sudden? Or why Princess Diana had an eating disorder and why was Angelina Jolie accused of starving herself? Did Bill want to prove his worth, power, and sexiness by sexing it up with Monica Lewinsky? Jimmy Hoffa was so enigmatic that if he wasn’t for you, you would be against him.
Note: The Sun and Venus are never more than 47.8° apart.
Possible Aspects
Conjunction 0°
Quattuorvigintile 15°
Vigintile 18°
Semi-octile 22.5°
Semi-septile 25°42’51”
Semi-sextile 30°
Undecile 32°43’38”
Decile 36°
Novile 40°
Semi-square 45°
Septile 51.428571°
I see aspects, as requests or opportunities. The planets, as having plans. The signs, as style (and how they carry out the plans of the planets). The chart, a series of questions. Your whole natal being, a quest.
Jucy “There is no such thing as minor anything” Arthur
Smashing Pumpkins, Ugly
Billy Corgan has Sun Semi-Sextile Venus. As mentioned above, semi-anything means the aspect isn’t always active but when it is, it’s felt. For example, a Sun Semi-Square Venus can go to the spa every month but not pamper themselves until then. So Billy can understand a Sun Semi-Square Venus native because although he is loved, feels attractive, is good with his money, etc… it’s not always — on & off and because of that when he’s ‘off’ it’s like having a semi-square!!
I don’t look in the mirror
I don’t like what I see staring back at me
Everything is clearer
I’ll never see what you see
It’s not me
So beautiful and free
I’ll never be what you need
Can’t help at all
I was born so beautiful
But now I’m ugly
And I rot in my skin
As a piece of me dies everyday
I know I’m nothing
I know there’s nothing I can say
To change
The judegment in their ways
I’ll never be what you need
Can’t help at all
My love was so beautiful
But now I’m ugly
I’m good enough, but I don’t care
I’m good enough, but I’m not there
I’m good enough, but I don’t care
The sun is out, but I’m not there
I’m good enough, but I don’t care
The sun is out, but I’m not there
I’m good enough
I’m good enough
I don’t look in the mirror
I don’t like what I see staring back at me
Everything is clearer
I’ll never see what you see
And I rot in my skin
As a piece of me dies everyday
I know I’m nothing
Because I’m ugly
Jack White, White Strips – I’m as Ugly as I Seem
I am as ugly as I seem
Worse than all your dreams
Could ever make me out to be
And it makes me want to scream
When it’s halloween
And the kids are laughing
The rogue is a bank he’s never broke
But worth as much as a joke that no one is laughing at
Can you believe some things are not
Appealing and there’s a spot
On the ceiling of my childhood bedroom
And can these dreams you can’t imagine
Will never match the vision
That you had decided for me
You are to take away from me
Things that are mine and it’s not your right
Out that you’d wouldn’t expect to find out
Can it be that I don’t want what you want?
And the only thing I could care for
Is a place in a home that is safe and warm
Safe and warm, safe and warm, safe and warm
Judge yourself if you feel the need
Just let me known to be
In search of the truth myself
There is a drop of blood on the ground
And it seems to me that it’s not my kind
And I can’t be sure if it’s yours or mine
I am as ugly as I seem
Worse than all your dreams
Could ever make me
Could ever make me
Could ever make me
Could ever make me
(Numerology) What does 11-11-11 ~ November 11, 2011 ~ 11.11.11. ~ Eleven, Eleven, Eleven mean?
November 6, 2011 | Filled under Numerology, Readings & Analysis, Current News, Mundane |
People are fascinated with repeating numbers such as 11, 11, 11 as there’s a sense that some added power manifests; they would be right. In numerology, numbers have significance. Lets take a look at the meaning the number eleven has and how this date affects the world, in general, and the people, as a whole.
Keywords:Visionary, Perceptions, Foresight, Teacher, Educator, Speaking, Motivational Speaking and Preaching, Advertisers, Fanaticism Inspirational writing, Martyr, Justice, Integrity, The higher mind, Divinity, Healer, Healing, Choosing the High road, Wisdom, Light workers, Charitable. Devoted, Idealistic, Optimism, Spiritual Guru, Dharma, Luck, Heavenly downloads, The Higher Mind, Volunteerism, Being inspired, We are all one, Advanced education, Initiating independence, Empowerment, Excellence, Divine Will, The Word of God, Logos, Truth Seeker, Electrical light, Purposeful, Magic, Opinions, Dreamer, Knowing, Sacrificial, Bringer of Hope, Zealousness, Altruistic, Independence, Public service leaders, Non-profit, Not-for-profit, Spirit to Mind, Selflessness, Illumination, Enlightenment, An old soul, Pure spirit, The Angelic realm, Being “on”, Turned “on”, Fire-energy.
11/11/11 — The day a spiritual portal is opened up to the material world and where spirit can live in harmony with matter…
“In Numerology, the Master Number 11 is the most intuitive of all the Master Numbers. It refers to self illumination, a channel to the subconscious and having insight without rational thought. It is the number of the spiritual messenger, the intuitive with spiritual focus that is centered within the heart. The 11 is also highly inspirational, confident and charismatic in its positive influences.” – Numerologist Lexi Brandis
Stuff about the Number Eleven / 11, 11-11-11, November 11, 2001, and Numerology
As we get closer to the year 2012, the desire of those that follow the Gregorian calendar is that of initiating spiritual enlightenment on this date — either consciously or subconsciously. The people are ready to have a higher mind, to live a higher purpose, to help others even if they don’t get a direct return, to learn of, see, and speak the truth.  They want justice and others to act in integrity. In this pursuit, people are willing to sacrifice their stability in a fanatical and overzealous way that could cause the sudden downfall of old foundations.
- When numbers are experienced as a date, anyone who connects to that calendar’s energy will connect to the vibration it’s giving out. So if a country or culture follows another calendar, with another dating system, they are not likely to experience the vibrations of those numbers though if that country or culture is connected to those that do, they can be affected by that.
- Eleven is considered a master number. A master number resonates on a higher spiritual wave.
- Have you ever suddenly looked at your clock and saw it was exactly 11:11 ? That means that you were connecting to a higher spiritual vibration at that time. A message is being delivered to you through the angelic realm, possibly from your own internal spiritual realm. Stop for a moment, next time that happens. Ask yourself: What message am I to receive? Receive it.
- Some skeptics would say that seeing the number 11:11 on a clock, for example, is just a function of our reticular activator (basically having a higher attention about something you may not have had before — like seeing something you just bought (car, shoes, portable electronic) all over the place when you never saw much of it before) or apophenia (this seems like intuition and I could easily dispute Conrad’s original theory as others have too). Whether you are experiencing higher attention or “specific experience of an abnormal meaningfulness” — it doesn’t matter. Because when it comes to seeing 11:11, your brain has understood this as being a ‘message’ there for you to reveal. So go reveal it…
- Back to the date of November 11, 2011. The whole date adds up to an EIGHT.
- Some keywords include: visionary, inspirational, inspiring, spirituality, the higher mind, volunteerism, heavenly messages, optimism, education, insights, motivational, uplifting.
- In numerology, numbers get reduced; however, master numbers are never reduced in calculations. Calculating 11 + 11 _ 2 + 11, we arrive at the number 35 which adds to an 8. While the numbers are 11, this will be an 8 day with 11 themes and energy. Interestingly, Edgar Cayce’s life path is a 35/8 and embodies the spirit of the number 11.
- In it’s lower vibration, 2 — some meanings include: co-operation, balance, harmony, negotiation, and fairness.
- Also, if we add 11 + 11 + 11, we get 33 and that is another master number. I like to call this the Master Healer / Master Teacher Number. It’s kind of martial arts in nature — the subtle and gentle types like Tai Chi. The lower vibration of this number is 6 and that’s about support, groups, tribes, taking responsibility, intense creativity, unusual communication, balance, love, softness, soulful and alternative healing.
- The actual year 2011 adds up to a 13/4 which stands for planning, stability, structure, family, foundations, organization, design, teaching, compartments, architecture, tradition, etc..
- As we get closer to the year, 2012, the desire of those that follow the Gregorian calendar is that of spiritual enlightenment. The people are ready to have a higher mind, to live for a higher purpose, to help others even if they don’t get a direct return, to see and speak the truth.  They want justice and others to act, in integrity. In this pursuit, people are willing to sacrifice their stability in a fanatical and overzealous way
Current World Events
November 11, 2011 represents the dawning of a new time, a new way of life, a new way of seeing things in an exceptionally forceful way.
- Remembrance Day / Veteran’s Day (moment of silence at 11am!)
- The collapse of the economy and current banking practice
- Proposed censorship of the Internet, lobbied by music and movie organizations
- OWS — Occupy Wall Street
- A World Revolution
- Ousting leaders of government, banking, & corporation
 Possible Predictions
- This day (total date adds up to number eight) will reflect freedom as it relates to power, wealth, health, business, resources, respect, authority, management, success, ruthlessness, leaders, strength, will, organization, control, money, matter, breath, etc. with the themes and energy of the number eleven.
- World wealth is likely to see a change, for the better. Dow Jones could see a rise. The economy could bounce back having weathered recent storms. Update on 11,11,11 — Dow is currently UP.
- A marked change or display in civil disobedience and diplomacy
- Frustrations around difficulty in manifesting financial peace, initiating powerful inspiration and vision.
- Exciting, and sudden spiritual and humanitarian changes are likely.
- World leaders coming together to discuss world issues or beginning talks about plans to implement 8 type themes (see above) — Update: Could this be about APEC? First I ever heard of them.
- Justice and judgement are likely to be made. This causes many to feel elated and successful.
- A spiritual awakening on a mass scale
- Initiating, and manifesting spiritual business and wellness.
Check out your numbers
This is an excerpt from my Life Path Numerology Generator as it relates to the number 8 and one’s path forward:
Life Path :: Business Leader / Physical Distribution (8)
Your core self includes your major challenge or karmic lesson, desire, gift, knowledge, life path, and destiny.Today, the way to your life path, mission, or purpose is shown; however, in a live reading session I analyze and intuit all different aspects of your core self into one complete picture to give you a powerful reading that gives deeper insight into your personality, career interests, relationship opportunities, challenges, and so forth.
A life path, mission, or purpose is something a lot of people try to define for themselves. The funny thing is that it’s right before your eyes, nothing earth shattering and something you are always drawn to do. In fact, you may find yourself having a hard time achieving success working through your path but that’s part of the process of life, death, and being reborn (should you choose to believe in reincarnation).
Also your major challenge or karmic lesson, desire, gift, knowledge, life path, and destiny together makes a difference in where and how you work and live. Therefore, your life path may express itself in a slightly different way than what it says below. In addition, an inability to harmonize strengths and challenges can keep one away from their path. Please keep all these points in mind while reading and question yourself thoroughly.
Your life purpose is power, wealth, and health. You have the ability to manage resources quite well and because of this you are likely to run your own business, be the boss, and make lots of money!! In fact a spa, chiropractic clinic, or a health food business healing the body might really interest you as well but that all depends on the rest of your core personality and if you are still trying to find your way, let me assist you!
Some keywords: money, money, money!, body, health, energy, homeopathy, power, control, dominance, resources, planner, strategist, retail, auctions, budgets, sensuous, shopping, wealth, work, masculine, yang, Andrew Weil, natural foods, workaholic, fine dining, luxuriousness, distribution, owner, challenging, small business, big business, investments, CEO, executive, diet & exercise, Donald Trump, entrepreneur, lawyer, cosmetician, people manager, stockbroker, director, doctor, founder, director, loan shark, physical therapist (massage, physio, etc.), project manager.
Connects with the energy of Sun signs: Capricorn, Taurus, & Leo and the Elements: Earth & Fire
For number 11, it is Your life purpose is vision & enlightenment. As a rare individual you have the ability to see things many others do not and this leads to open many doors to new experiences.
Taken from my Gift Numerology Generator for the number eleven as it relates to a gift or strength that one possesses:
Gift :: Inspirational Visionary (11)
Your core self includes your major challenge or karmic lesson, desire, gift, knowledge, life path, and destiny.Today, the way to your gift is shown; however, in a live reading session I analyze and intuit all different aspects of your core self into one complete picture to give you a powerful reading that gives deeper insight into your personality, career interests, relationship opportunities, challenges, and so forth.
This free on-line reading has a lot of limitations and is not to be considered the whole of your self but rather a part of the whole.Your major gift is easy and comes naturally to you and everyone sees it plain and clear that that is what you are good at even if it isn’t acknowledged.
The following is not your only gift but is the main one which everyone would recognize within you.Also your major challenge or karmic lesson, desire, gift, knowledge, life path, and destiny together makes a difference in where and how you work and live. Therefore, your gift may express itself in a slightly different way than what it says below. In addition, self-esteem and other issues may be a factor as to whether you decide to suppress or use your gift. Please keep all these points in mind while reading and question yourself thoroughly.
When you are at your best you inspire, uplift, educate, and motivate others to move beyond surface reality. Naturally you are gifted at understanding the spiritual energies of people, places, and things.You help individuals all over the world take action and achieve their potential. However, if in the land of the darkness you may find yourself floating and not knowing quite how to use your gift to good ends. You may also use the lower vibrations of your gift by coaching, consulting, and counseling locally. This usually arises out of desire not to assert yourself forward. If this is the case, be cognizant that if you take the first step, you help others place their foot first too.
Some keywords: principal, photographer, teacher, inspiration, educating, volunteering, missionary, graphic designer, advertiser, spiritual guru, brand developer, individuals helping other individuals, Habitat for Humanity, Deepak Chopra, Steven Covey, Naomi Wolf.
Connects with the energy of Sun signs: ALL with brightest being Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Pisces, Virgo and Elements: Earth, Fire, Water, & Air
For number 8, it’s When at your best you understand and use mass (body, money, resources, skin, objects, and people) like no one else’s business. In fact, you probably run your own business or at the very least run someone else’s. Your motto is power, wealth, and health and your energy is unstoppable. Naturally you are gifted at anything to do with money, control & distribution, and/or the body. This can manifest in anything to do with business, industry, or physical health and breath. However, if in the land of darkness dominance, deceit, greed, and unethical practices can manifest and these unfriendly decisions can lead to the downfall of yourself and others. In this case, be cognizant that your ability to move mass can backfire if you do not consider the feelings, impressions, and thoughts of other people. (mass is weird)Â
Check out your numbers
- What’s your life path number?
- What’s one of your gifts?
- What first impression does your first name give?
About Abella Arthur, Numerologist & Numerology
Abella is considered a Numerologist because she studies and practices the art of numbers as related to prediction and how your life is affected by numbers. The way we love, work, and our purpose on this planet (amongst other things) can be found in numbers.
She has a natural affinity for numbers — how they look, the shape, what it’s saying to us esoterically.
Dates. Dates have a prominent importance in our life because they consist of numbers. And numbers, the universe, and everything living (which is essentially everything) has numerical vibrations.
Pythagoras, the Philosopher, Mathematician, Numerologist, Astronomer, Teacher and Musician (inspired by Egyptian God, Thoth — it appears), learned the powers of numbers while traveling to areas such as Egypt and Hindustan. For 22 years he learned from the Rabbis about the secret traditions of Moses as well as the Egyptian priests of Thebes, the Phoenicians, Syrians, and the Greek philosophers. In fact he came up with the term philosophy, Sophia, which means the love of wisdom.
There are many forms of numerology practiced: western, eastern, geomatria, etc. Abella practices an Eastern method shared with her by a friend who received that teaching from a guru.
She can be contacted for interviews about the date of November 11, 2011, 11/11/11, 11-11-11
“Intuition is a combination of historical (empirical) data, deep and heightened observation and an ability to cut through the thickness of surface reality. Intuition is like a slow motion machine that captures data instantaneously and hits you like a ton of bricks. Intuition is a knowing, a sensing that is beyond the conscious understanding — a gut feeling. Intuition is not pseudo-science.†– Abella Arthur
Inspired? ©redit.
© Abella Arthur
* Note:
It wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t factor in astrology…
I’ll be following up this post with The Astrology of 11-11-11 over the next few days so come back for another visit! 8)
And do share and credit, if you were inspired or liked my post.
Reference List: Date 11/11/11, Date 111111, Date 11/11/2011, Date 11-11-11, Date 11 11 11. Time 11:11Â Reference List: Metaphysics, Paranormal, Fate, Destiny, Random Chance, a Higher Power.
Reference List: Prediction, Predictions ~ Abella Jucy Arthur, Toronto, Ontario, Canada — News Story – 647-895-4233 — Numerologist, Numerology
The Mundane Astrology of 11-11-11, November 11, 2011
November 10, 2011 | Filled under Astrology, Current News |
The Astrology of 11-11-11
Given I’m an Astrologyphile as well, it would feel so wrong not to delineate the date of November 11, 2011. See my post about 11/11/11 as it relates to NUMEROLOGY.
Astrology Stuff about November 11, 2011
- November is the 11th month of the Gregorian calendar
- This is the starting month for the sign of Sagittarius and we are still in the sign of Scorpio, third decan. The third decan for Scorpio begins on the 11th! November 11 to November 21
The Third Decan of Scorpio is also known as the Cancer Decante and the “Week of Charm.” The influence of the Moon (this Decan’s secondary ruling Planet) lends these natives the ability to become exceptional nurturers and financial wizards. Generally speaking, a person governed by this Decante will enjoy a strong and lifelong bond with his or her mother…which is a good thing unless it results in an eventual lesser bond with the chosen mate. These individuals tend to be somewhat haughty by nature, but are fair-minded and blessed with remarkable energy. Still, they can be unyielding to the extreme. With a tendency to make sure they are right, those ruled by this Third Decan then decide that whatever they do must be on point. Subject in part to the caprices of the ever-changing Moon can create problems here. However, these natives are usually well-liked and harbor a fondness for pleasure and amusement. These are souls who desire to leave a legacy to loved ones and favorite causes. Money, privacy, loyalty and property are of supreme importance. A skilled keeper of secrets, these individuals will carry mysteries and resentments to their graves. Because they have remarkable memories and sensitive hearts, they will hang on to sorrow for an inordinate length of time. An aura of enchantment tends to surround those governed by this Decante. They are caring, abiding and more domesticated than other Scorpio natives. Canny, subtle and adaptable, to say nothing of being blessed with stunning powers of concentration, these are persons who can charm their way to worldly success…and into the heart of a chosen mate. The motto of the Third Decan of Scorpio is “Manifestation.” Novareinna, Constellation Chamber
- Some keywords for Sagittarius are: bluntly honest, truth seeker, philosopher, traveler, bohemian, fine artist or a massive appreciation of the arts, educated, justice-oriented often fighting for the underdog, religious or spiritual, culturally aware, connecting to foreign people, places, and things.
- Some keywords for Scorpio are: desirous of the truth, investigative, mass appreciation for transformation and death of what is no longer is to survive, intense, deep, strategic & tactical, dominant, directorial, boiling water.
- The number eleven is connected to Aquarius, Sagittarius, the 11th and 9th houses.
- The number eight is connected to Capricorn, Scorpio, 10th and 8th houses
- This day falls on a Friday which is representative of Venus. Venus is the day of love, beauty, money, and the arts. Venus soothes.
Current Events
- Remembrance / Veteran’s Day
- The collapse of the economy and current banking practice (Pluto Capricorn)
- Proposed censorship of the Internet, lobbied by music and movie organizations (Upcoming Neptune Pisces)
- OWS — Occupy Wall Street (Uranus Aries)
- A World Revolution (Uranus Aries)
- Ousting leaders of government, banking, & corporation leaders and systems (Pluto Capricorn)
- The Dow plummets on November 9th
Possible Outcomes (Predictions)
I’ll take the predictions used for the numerology article and transpose it here. They really shouldn’t be much different.
- This day is generally about initiating progress about money, love, spirituality, and illusions.
- World wealth is likely to see a change, for the better. Dow Jones could see a rise. The economy could bounce back having weathered recent storms.
- A marked change or display in civil disobedience and diplomacy
- Frustrations around difficulty in manifesting financial peace, initiating powerful inspiration and vision.
- Exciting, and sudden spiritual and humanitarian changes are likely.
- World leaders coming together to discuss world issues or beginning talks about plans to implement 8 type themes (see above)
- Justice and judgement are likely to be made. This causes many to feel elated and successful.
- Initiating, and manifesting spiritual business and wellness.
Astrologers’ Section
I could spend hours, weeks, months, and years on a chart so I’ll pick two themes for the day and take a look… I’ll probably come back to this. I’m not feeling it much right now and mundane astrology isn’t my “Happy Spot” to spend a lot of playtime. Hopefully you’ll add your insights to the comment section.
The strongest Money planets include Venus and Pluto. Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter can tell us how that manifests and maintains itself. The money houses are the 2nd and 8th house. We can look at how the 9th, 10th, and 11th houses connect to these houses.
In the Toronto, Canada chart for this day: Venus is in the 5th house. Jupiter in the 9th (at home). Saturn is in the 3rd. Uranus in the 8th.
I’m only posting the following Venus aspects; however, I’m scanning the other planetary configurations as well.
- Mercury Conjunct Venus – Powerful financial communication occurs on a daily basis. Something is being done about the economy.
- Venus Binovile Chiron – Financial healing through a marriage or partnership. A fix which has been a long time coming.
- Venus Biseptile Mars – Gaining an understanding of how to merge money from different places.
- Venus Biquintile Jupiter – Creatively causing an expansive flow of money through different places. Taking a risk via use of other people’s money.
- Venus Conjunct North Node – Powerful financial future is ahead.
- Venus Ascension* Pluto – Enlightened financial transformation.
* This is a degree / aspect type I have made up based on my observations of what this kind of contact creates.
The strongest Spirituality planets include Neptune and Jupiter. The spiritual houses are the 12th and 9th. Supporting houses include the 4th, and 8th. Neptune can be deception and Jupiter optimistic.
In the Toronto, Canada chart for this day: Neptune is in the 7th house of partnerships, contracts, and commitments. Jupiter in the 9th (at home) of foreigners and foreign affairs, spirituality, justice, amongst other things.
I’m only posting the following Neptune aspects; however, I’m scanning the other planetary configurations as well. Also, I’m only posting personal to transpersonal information in addition to points, angles, Chiron.
- Nep   Square    Mon – Spiritual and emotional obstacles and conflicts. It can be difficult to reconcile what is felt.
- Nep   TrUn   Sun – Spiritual identity along with the connection that psychic gifts become known and belong to many. Technology plays a part.
- Nep   Opposition – Mar – An aversion to or extreme use of spiritual warfare.
- Nep   Conjunt    Chi – Powerfully healing spiritual ills.
- Nep   Quntile    Nod – Creatively reaching towards a spiritual and psychic future.
- Nep   Opposition  Asc - Spiritual first impressions causes a push / pull reaction. Some people not ready to move in that direction yet.
- Nep   BiNovile    MC – Spiritual business, artistic business, and all other types of metaphysical businesses experience a growth spurt.
Other Stuff
The North Node is also something to consider as it relates to destiny and one’s future. I’ll also look at the MC, the highest point and most visible ‘news’, as well as the AC — what the general public may see in the news, at first glance. And since Jupiter and the 8th house are overlapping elements, I’ll pay extra special attention that too.
The following Mundane charts can be used to connect world transits to what may happen in your own country. I’m from Canada and most of my blog visitors are from the United States so I’m including these charts.
The World Mundane Chart
November 11, 2011 11:11am UTC
[chart date=”November 11, 2011 11:11am UTC” size=”400″ asc=”150″ name=”Astrologer, Abella Arthur”]
 United States Mundane Chart
July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia, PA
Canadian Mundane Chart
Jul 1, 1867 at, 12:00 am LMT, in Ottawa, ON
A note by Liz Greene, about the National Chart of Canada Â
One day in Toronto, Canada
Chart for 12 am Canada EST
Transits on this day!
If the following looks like a foreign language or unexplainable shorthand to you, just ignore it. This section is for astrologers who know how to read the short hand. Also note that I work with harmonics so the aspects are listed as such! Harmonics are also very much connected to numerology. The number 11 is connected with the Undecile so I’ll be looking for that aspect and the Septile (the 7th / 14th harmonic) is also considered a highly divine / spiritual number. I’ll also take a look at the Octile (8th / 16th harmonic) which is close to the ‘square”.
Aspects of Sun
Sun   Opp    Mon   3°58′ S      Sun   BNv    Mar   1°34′ A      Sun   QiUn   Jup   1°27′ A      Sun   A   Sat   1°39′ A Sun   QaUn   Ura   1°38′ A      Sun   TrUn   Nep   1°30′ A      Sun   SSq    Plu   2°12′ A      Sun   BSpt   Chi   0°39′ S Sun   A   Nod   0°38′ S      Sun   Opp    MC   0°22′ A      Sun   Cpl    MC   0°06′ A
Aspects of Mon
Mon   Opp    Sun   3°58′ S      Mon   TrUn   Mar   0°35′ S      Mon   Qnx    Sat   1°08′ A      Mon   Spt    Ura   0°00′ S Mon   Sqr    Nep   5°42′ A      Mon   Sqq    Plu   1°46′ S      Mon   Cpl    Plu   0°59′ S      Mon   QNv    Nod   1°54′ A Mon   Sqr    Asc   3°31′ S      Mon   Cnj    MC   4°21′ A
Aspects of Mer
Mer   Cnj    Ven   0°11′ S      Mer   BQnl   Jup   1°15′ S      Mer   A   Plu   1°39′ S      Mer   BNv    Chi   0°09′ S Mer   Cnj    Nod   3°32′ A      Mer   BSpt   Asc   1°59′ A
Aspects of Ven
Ven   Cnj    Mer   0°11′ S      Ven   BSpt   Mar   1°53′ A      Ven   BQnl   Jup   1°26′ S      Ven   A   Plu   1°50′ S Ven   BNv    Chi   0°20′ S      Ven   Cnj    Nod   3°20′ A      Ven   Pll    Nod   0°15′ S
Aspects of Mar
Mar   TrUn   Mon   0°35′ S      Mar   BNv    Sun   1°34′ A      Mar   BSpt   Ven   1°53′ A      Mar   Tri    Jup   3°31′ A Mar   Qnx    Ura   0°58′ A      Mar   Opp    Nep   1°52′ S      Mar   Cpl    Nep   0°30′ A      Mar   Tri    Plu   5°38′ A Mar   Opp    Chi   0°37′ A      Mar   BSpt   Nod   1°27′ A      Mar   Cnj    Asc   4°03′ A      Mar   Pll    Asc   0°16′ S Mar   BSpt   MC   0°54′ S
Aspects of Jup
Jup   QiUn   Sun   1°27′ A      Jup   BQnl   Mer   1°15′ S      Jup   BQnl   Ven   1°26′ S      Jup   Tri    Mar   3°31′ A Jup   SSx    Ura   2°33′ A      Jup   BiUn   Nep   0°02′ S      Jup   Tri    Plu   2°06′ S      Jup   Sxt    Chi   2°54′ A
Aspects of Sat
Sat   Qnx    Mon   1°08′ A      Sat   A   Sun   1°39′ A      Sat   Tri    Nep   4°33′ A      Sat   Qnt    Plu   0°05′ A Sat   Spt    Nod   0°40′ S      Sat   Sxt    Asc   2°22′ S      Sat   TSpt   MC   1°12′ A
Aspects of Ura
Ura   Spt    Mon   0°00′ S      Ura   QaUn   Sun   1°38′ A      Ura   Qnx    Mar   0°58′ A      Ura   SSx    Jup   2°33′ A Ura   SSx    Nep   2°51′ A      Ura   Sqr    Plu   4°40′ S      Ura   SSx    Chi   0°20′ A      Ura   SqQn   Nod   1°20′ A Ura   BQnl   Asc   0°57′ S
Aspects of Nep
Nep   Sqr    Mon   5°42′ A      Nep   TrUn   Sun   1°30′ A      Nep   Opp    Mar   1°52′ S      Nep   Cpl    Mar   0°30′ A Nep   BiUn   Jup   0°02′ S      Nep   Tri    Sat   4°33′ A      Nep   SSx    Ura   2°51′ A      Nep   Spt   Plu   1°02′ A Nep   Cnj    Chi   2°30′ A      Nep   Qnt    Nod   1°48′ S      Nep   Opp    Asc   2°11′ A      Nep   Cpl    Asc   0°13′ A Nep   BNv    MC   0°03′ A
Aspects of Plu
Plu   Sqq    Mon   1°46′ S      Plu   Cpl    Mon   0°59′ S      Plu   SSq    Sun   2°12′ A      Plu   A   Mer   1°39′ S Plu   A   Ven   1°50′ S      Plu   Tri    Mar   5°38′ A      Plu   Tri    Jup   2°06′ S      Plu   Qnt    Sat   0°05′ A Plu   Sqr    Ura   4°40′ S      Plu   Spt    Nep   1°02′ A      Plu   Sqq    MC   2°35′ A
Aspects of Chi
Chi   BSpt   Sun   0°39′ S      Chi   BNv    Mer   0°09′ S      Chi   BNv    Ven   0°20′ S      Chi   Opp    Mar   0°37′ A Chi   Sxt    Jup   2°54′ A      Chi   SSx    Ura   0°20′ A      Chi   Cnj    Nep   2°30′ A      Chi   Opp    Asc   4°41′ A
Aspects of Nod
Nod   QNv    Mon   1°54′ A      Nod   A   Sun   0°38′ S      Nod   Cnj    Mer   3°32′ A      Nod   Cnj    Ven   3°20′ A Nod   Pll    Ven   0°15′ S      Nod   BSpt   Mar   1°27′ A      Nod   Spt    Sat   0°40′ S      Nod   SqQn   Ura   1°20′ A Nod   Qnt    Nep   1°48′ S      Nod   SqQn   Asc   0°22′ A      Nod   TSpt   MC   0°32′ A
Aspects of Asc
Asc   Sqr    Mon   3°31′ S  Asc   BSpt   Mer   1°59′ A      Asc   Cnj    Mar   4°03′ A      Asc   Pll    Mar   0°16′ S Asc   Sxt    Sat   2°22′ S      Asc   BQnl   Ura   0°57′ S      Asc   Opp    Nep   2°11′ A      Asc   Cpl    Nep   0°13′ A Asc   Opp    Chi   4°41′ A      Asc   SqQn   Nod   0°22′ A      Asc   TrUn   MC   0°18′ S
Aspects of MC
MC   Cnj    Mon   4°21′ A      MC   Opp    Sun   0°22′ A      MC   Cpl    Sun   0°06′ A      MC   BSpt   Mar   0°54′ S MC   TSpt   Sat   1°12′ A      MC   BNv    Nep   0°03′ A      MC   Sqq    Plu   2°35′ A      MC   TSpt   Nod   0°32′ A MC   TrUn   Asc   0°18’ S
Closest Transits
Sorted by Orb – Maximum Aspect Orb 1°00′
Mon   Spt    Ura   0°00′ S      Mer   Cnj    Ven   0°11′ S      Nod   SqQn   Asc   0°22′ A      Sun   BSpt   Chi   0°39′ S
Jup   BiUn   Nep   0°02′ S      Asc   TrUn   MC   0°18′ S      Nod   TSpt   MC   0°32′ A      Sat   Spt    Nod   0°40′ S
Nep   BNv    MC   0°03′ A      Ven   BNv    Chi   0°20′ S      Mon   TrUn   Mar   0°35′ S      Mar   BSpt   MC   0°54′ S
Sat   Qnt    Plu   0°05′ A      Ura   SSx    Chi   0°20′ A      Mar   Opp    Chi   0°37′ A      Ura   BQnl   Asc   0°57′ S
Mer   BNv    Chi   0°09′ S      Sun   Opp    MC
Set for 11:11am Toronto, Canada
Sat   Qnt    Plu   0°02′ A      Chi   Spt    Asc   0°14′ A      Ven   Dec    MC   0°34′ S      Ura   BQnl   MC   0°50′ A
Mon   QiUn   Nod   0°03′ S      Ura   SSx    Chi   0°20′ A      Mer   BNv    Chi   0°41′ S      Ven   BNv    Chi   0°55′ S
Jup   BiUn   Nep   0°06′ S      Mar   Opp    Chi   0°23′ A      Mar   Qnx    Ura   0°43′ A      Sun   QiUn   Jup   0°55′ A
Mon   Sqr    Nep   0°07′ A      Mar   BiUn   MC   0°26′ S      Sat   Spt    Nod   0°44′ S
Mer   Cnj    Ven   0°13′ S      Plu   Sxt    MC
Fixed Stars
Set for 12 am Toronto, Canada EST
Aspects to Mer         10°Sg47      -24°42′
Cnj    09°Sg55      ANTARES *** Success which can be obsessive
Aspects to Mar         00°Vi00      +13°08′
Cnj    29°Le59      REGULUS*** Success if revenge is avoided.
Aspects to Sat         23°Li34      -07°02′
Cnj    24°Li23      ARCTURUS A different approach
Cnj    24°Li00      SPICA*** The potential for brilliance.
Set for 11:11 am Canada EST
Aspects to Sun         18°Sc54      -17°26′
Cnj    19°Sc32      ZUBEN ELSCHEMALI– Negative social reform
Aspects to Mar         00°Vi15      +13°04′
Cnj    29°Le59      REGULUS*** Success if revenge is avoided.
Aspects to Sat         23°Li37      -07°03′
Cnj    24°Li23      ARCTURUS A different approach
Cnj    24°Li00      SPICA*** The potential for brilliance.
Aspects to Asc         08°Cp58      -23°08′
Cnj    08°Cp28      FACIES — Ruthlessness or the victim.
What do you see in the charts for this day?
(TarotSeek) What will happen on 11-11-11 ~ November 11, 2011 ~ 11.11.11. ~ Eleven, Eleven, Eleven?
November 10, 2011 | Filled under Tarot, Readings & Analysis, Current News |
Here, I’m doing a TarotSeek session to see what will happen as it relates to World Events. This area is often a challenge for me because I have stronger interests in helping individuals live better and self-informed lives rather than looking at mundane world events; however, it’s an auspicious day to look at so here it goes… 🙂
Overall significance for November 11, 2011 (The World card) is the blending of the spiritual and material worlds. A spiritual portal opens up to the material world, to the world (signified by Saturn).
Question 1 of 4
Ace of Cups / Controlling Restraint
Question: I asked what will happen to the Dow Jones on Friday?
Response: [Worked with the Bright Ideas Tarot for this session, card picture not included] First thing I saw was a lot of angry people. Then I saw security trying to calm people down. Some people look depressed, others dissatisfied yet contemplative on what to do next, yet mostly people were angry. I see a mob walking out on the street.
Analysis: The suggestion here is that the Dow Jones is likely to plummet though I said in my numerology and astrology article that it was likely to rise. In this case, it could be that people are angry because they thought it would take a nose dive and it didn’t. It will be interesting to see how things go. 🙂 Either way, I’m right or wrong!? lol
Advice, Action, or Suggestion: Will take a look at the Dow tomorrow. Maybe it takes a hard hit and then gets artificially saved — reminiscent of the Depression era. Update: The Dow Jones went UP! 2.5% globally, 2.9% US, 2.06% Europe!
I really like asking specific and direct questions. General questions get general responses and then I got to figure out what is what… (as per below).
Question 2 of 4
6 of Coins, Co-operation
Question: I asked what world news would be released on November 11, 2011
Response: [Worked with the Bright Ideas Tarot for this session, card picture not included] Taurus! Money! The Earth! Working together to build something that is made out of non-lasting substance. Working diligently to use resources of the earth to make something more fantastic.
Analysis: This card is ruled by Taurus. Taurus is about financial stability, growth, the finer things in life, security. The suggestion of this card is that natural resources will be discussed in the news. There is likely talk about money and how the world will work together to grow it; however, it might be artificially grown as mentioned above.
Advice, Action, or Suggestion: Check the news out tomorrow. Update:Â Could this be part of it? News about meeting regarding oil sands (natural resources of Alberta) between Canada and the United States.
The major discussion points for the meeting include North American competitiveness (including job creation, efficient borders and energy integration), as well as citizen security (addressing organized crime and cyber security) and sewing stronger ties throughout the Americas.
“Many of today’s global challenges require a strong and united North American response,” Harper said in a statement. “I look forward to working with presidents Obama and Calderon on strengthening our collective economic competitiveness and security for the greater good of citizens in all three countries.”
Question 3 of 4
3 of Cups / Celebration
Question: What will the financial situation be on November 11, 2011?
Response: [Worked with the Bright Ideas Tarot for this session, card picture not included] Mercury Cancer. Speaking about celebrating, family, getting gifts, togetherness, tribe.
Analysis: I get a sense that Canada and the United States will be working together — that many countries will work together to use each other’s assets to strengthen the world economy. Togetherness is a big theme for this day — communicating working together. So there’s a bit of a celebratory nature to the day. Â
Advice, Action, or Suggestion: Check the news out tomorrow. Update:Â Same as above?!
Question 4 of 4
5 Hierophant / Guidance & Passage / Death
Question: Tell me what will happen on November 11, 2011 in the world…
Response: [Worked with the Bright Ideas Tarot for this session, card picture not included] Perhaps there will be a presidential / prime minister address about an economy which needs to transform. Taking one step at a time so the top can be reached. Carrying the weight of the world.
Analysis: Here again, the economy and money comes up. An old way, old tradition needs to end. A new economy, and world financial view is being ushered in.
Advice, Action, or Suggestion: Check the news out tomorrow. Update: Could this be it? Lucas Papademos sworn in as Greece’s prime minister
Greece has turned a historic page with a new unity government led by Lucas Papademos, a technocratic economist, being ushered into power…
“We must all assume out responsibilities to take the country forward,” the new prime minister said, addressing his first cabinet meeting. “We are living through critical and historic times and it is imperative that we co-operate.”
“This is the end of one-party governments, this is the end of traditional fiscal policies and this is the end of the clientelistic system,” said commentator Pashcos Mandravelis. “We have had to learn the hard way because of the economic crisis. Everything has or will change.”
The method used for this reading can be found in
Psychic Jucy’sTarotSeek™ Learn How to Read Tarot Cards for Yourself, Volume 1
Part One: An Introduction to the 3rd House, Third House Astrology Series
October 26, 2011 | Filled under Astrology, Learning, 3rd, Houses, Mind |
The third house is the house of everyday communication, siblings, close neighbours, co-workers, your immediate environment, short distance travel, short duration education, the lower mind, church, lower truths.
Mercury is related to how one thinks, speaks, communicates, what one likes to talk about, how one learns, short trips, letters, mail, the type of relationship one has with their siblings, co-workers, and how they might approach their career or skills within their career. Mercury naturally rules the 3rd house.
Stuff about the 3rd House.
- Ruled by Mercury (Gemini, co-ruling Virgo).
- House Axis: 3 /9
- Aspect / Planet – Sign: (Gemini / Virgo) Mercury Opposition Jupiter (Sagittarius) The JMAD Swap: Mercury Sagittarius / Jupiter Gemini. Virgo is also ruled by Mercury. Gemini is in Sextile with Leo (the 5th house) and Aries (1st house); therefore, these houses stimulate and piggy-back off of each other. The third house is also in harmony with the 11th (Aquarius) and 7th (Libra).
- Mercury Conjunct Jupiter is very powerful because they are the natural ruling planets of their respective opposite house…
- Everyone has 3rd house themes. This is the house of The Superficial or Lower Mind or when house ownership is taken, it can be viewed as The Mind of Thorough Knowledge & Deep Truths.
- Third House: Lower Mind. Close to self. 9th House: Higher Mind. At a distance.
- House Themes: Everyday communication, siblings, close neighbours, co-workers, your immediate environment, early development, short distance travel, short duration education, the lower mind, church, lower truths.
3rd House Themes
- House of Everyday Communication: The Lower Mind. Lower truths. How you speak, converse, dialogue. What you think about. What makes you curious. How you think. The type of words you use. The speed in which you process information. The type of mind games enjoyed. What you talk about with someone you just met. Current events and what’s in the news. Business memos and letters. Direct marketing. Email, snail mail, voice mail messages and the type you get and send. Secrets. Trade secrets. Rumours. The Post Office. The phone. The Radio. News on the telly. Newspapers. The Dailies. Chats with neighbours, the store clerk, etc. Light-weight conversation. Small talk. Text messaging. Deliver style. Twitter. Instant messaging. Unconscious / automatic / rote thought.
- House of Siblings: Neighbours residing in the same neighbourhood. Sisters and Brothers. Cousins, etc. Co-workers working for the same parent company. How it was to be raised or live with your siblings. How your siblings communicated to or about you.
- House of Travelling Short Distances and Connections: Going to work. Weekend getaways. Short term affairs and connections. The subway. Biking.
- House of Short Term Study and Mind Games: Continuing education. Kindergarten. Daycare. Weekend workshops. Reading books. The type of books you like to read. Recess. The type of mind games you may play. Certifications. Learning facts. Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. How-to’s. Instruction booklets. Repair manuals. Learning how to do simple tasks. Comedy. Bathroom humour.
- House of Church: Sunday School. The bible. Bible study. Door-to-door Mormons and Jehovah’s Witness recruiting.
The outer planets in the third may indicate early contact with transpersonal thought, ideas and messages. This may have been confusing for the child, but may eventually lead to an ability to communicate archetypal concepts through writing, speaking and acting as well as through the arts. Both Al Gore and George W. Bush have Neptune in the third.Neptune can equate to a tendency to inflate and glamorize ones ideas and ideals – a polite was of saying: a prevaricator. ~ Eleanor Buckwalter
Many astrologers have Pluto in the third house.
Notable People with Third House energy
I succeeded by saying what everyone
else is thinking. -Joan Rivers
I’m being honest, I say what I think.
– Boy George
Stevie Nicks
Talk To Me
Sun, Mercury Conjunct Uranus Gemini in the 3rd house
Planned articles for the Third:
- Elaboration of 3rd house themes.
- Manifestation of 3rd house themes within each sign, planet.
- Misunderstandings from self and other within the 3rd house.
- How-to overcome 3rd house challenges.
Britney Spears
Sun, Mercury, Uranus, Neptune, Black Moon Lilith in Sagittarius 3rd house
Neil Armstrong
Pluto in Cancer in the 3rd house
“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
What others say about this house
Dana Gerdhardt | | Bob Marks | | Astrologically Speaking | Terry Nazon | Astrology In-Depth | Vedic | Astrology Club
What’s in your 3rd house? If nothing is in it, what is in your 3rd house cusp? What have you experienced as 3rd house themes? Anything else you want to share about the 3rd house?
I have Aries on the 3rd house cusp. Mars is the ruler of the house. I’m an autodidact (self-learner). I learn quickly. I speed-read. Maybe I miss the details sometimes when I’m reading. I tend to be an aggressive communicator; however, I’m working on Venus soothing up my communications with others. I take the lead. If there’s an uncomfortable pause, I’ll fill in the space. I like to write quickly. One reason why I like Twitter dumps…
Note to self: First began this series on Apr 11, 2011 @ 0:37
Aries in Chiron, 3rd house
October 26, 2011 | Filled under Astrology, Points, 3rd, Aspects, Chiron, Current News, Houses, Mind, Self-disclosure |
Between 1952 and 1989 Chiron was in exact opposition to Uranus forty-one times, and in orb of opposition in the charts of most people born during that period. -Â Zane Stein
Current Chiron World Transits
Chiron is currently in Pisces 0°, is trining Sun & Moon Scorpio both at 3°, is sextile Jupiter Taurus and Pluto Capricorn at 5°, semi-sextile Uranus at 1° Aries and Neptune Aquarius 28° — that’s a lot of Chiron action going on in the cosmos…
- Chiron Trine Sun
- Chiron Trine Moon
- Chiron Sextile Jupiter
- Chiron Sextile Pluto
- Chiron Semi-sextile Uranus
- Chiron Semi-sextile Neptune
About this Article
I have been curious about Chiron for some time but it felt like too heavy an asteroid to write about and I’m not exactly writing about it here either….
A draft article was written on Nov 26, 2010 @ 6:18 — 12 months ago, on this day!! I’m finding it now because I’m ready to work on the 3rd house article and wanted to see if I wrote up any notes. I found this one about me. I don’t usually make a post all about me but I figure that someone out there probably has Chiron Aries in the third house so this post might benefit you or one of your clients, friends, or loved ones.
Anyway, I have expanded my original draft and… oddly I’m posting this on Wednesday, Wodan’s Day, Mercury — since this post relates to communication.
And another Oddly, I had only bought The Twelve Houses by Howard Sasportas a couple of weeks ago and I was all excited about a revelation I read about my placement. Sasportas said this about Chiron in the 3rd: “Some with this placement may have difficulty fitting into the early schooling situation or have learning or speech difficulties.” But I ALREADY knew that since that’s what I wrote down in this blog post back in November 2010 and what I thought may have been my Chiron problems in the house of communication. Aha!
This is one reason why writing and reviewing a personal and professional diary is so very helpful to one’s progress as well as remind us where we came from, where we are, and where we can go.
Chiron: Your wounds, how you feel wounded, how you can wound others, how you can heal other’s wounds. It’s suggested Chiron is ruled by Virgo, Pisces, and/or Sagittarius
Aries: In mythology, Ares is the God of War. Aggression, boldness, immaturity, courage, self-oriented, fearlessness, temper tantrums, adventurous, frustrated, leader-oriented, angered, a child — like a newborn.
3rd House: Communication, siblings, neighbours, short distance travel, short duration education, the lower mind, church, lower truths
…and it’s also important to look to the opposite house too.  Opposite signs, houses, and planets are magnetic and connected.
9th House: Philosophy, in-laws, distant relatives and foreigners, long distance travel, long duration education, the higher mind, religion, higher truths
Speech Wounds in Childhood and Today
- Speech problems, lisp
- What I say can hurt; it can hurt me and others.
- Called scatterbrained in grade 6 because my thought faster than speech
- Have dyslexia. This is considered a learning disability but can become a gift, once accepted (healed). Known for extremely good spelling and word knowledge, because I had a photographic memory (not as strong as childhood); however, sentences and letters were backwards. I thought in a backwards way (still do) so it was hard for teachers to understand what I was saying and writing sometimes. And sometimes I misunderstood what was being asked of me. I was advised I wouldn’t make it in university because of my reading comprehension yet my IQ is above average. Grades in school fluctuated on whether a teacher taught in a particular way. I like being taught in a style that’s animated, moves, and that tells a verbal story in a visual way so I can draw a mental picture.
- Had mouth covered by siblings because I talked too much
- I was much younger than my siblings, at the time
- Got all tongue tied around figures of authority (better written as, ‘authority figures’…)
- Not feeling heard. Others can say the same thing but people pay attention to them. I can ask for something directly and it be thoroughly ignored.
Aspects in orb with Chiron as it relates to Mars & Mercury
- Chiron Aries (3rd house, Mars Ruler) is in opposition of Uranus Libra (9th house Venus Ruler) — Libra and the 9th house can relate to languages. And I have a natural affinity and fair ease in learning languages; however, when it’s in opposition to Chiron — it can mean I am wounded by my native language (English). English, to me, has severely lacked. There were not enough precise words readily known, to explain and express what I was feeling or sensing. It just seemed, lacking. Uranus Libra, as it pertains to learning, represents a highly different or innovative way of learning and with a small class, where partnership, intimacy, and co-operation amongst students, is one of the best ways to learn advanced concepts. With Chiron Aries in the third, I felt alone in my learning process but I imagine I learned to make that work for me since I’m an autodidact now.
- This placement can also mean that because of my communication wounds in childhood and my young adulthood, it didn’t set me up with clear confidence and direction for higher education. Yet, I’m an eternal student. And here goes the opposition of “but’s”… very Libra… A vacillation to and from…. On one hand, this – but on the other hand, that. But the great thing about oppositions, is that they are conjunctions — in disguise. A mirror. An opposition means: Differences projected or displaced, a separation, a blind-spot, a wall between, two sides to the story, attraction vs. repulsion, push vs. pull, back vs. forth, same goals but different ways of expressing it. A conjunction means: Power, an overpowering urge to merge, inseparable, and no distinction.
- Chiron Trine Sun & Mars Leo (7th house) — Without the contact type in mind, this connection can mean: Self-healing, Personal Healing, or Self-wounds, Personal Wounds (Sun), and Aggressive, Sexual, or Creative Healing / Wounding / Wounds (Mars). What heals, can hurt. What hurts, can heal. My wounds and what I can teach others, are in harmony with my Sun and Mars in the house of partnership. In other words, my partners, associates, clients, and best friends benefit from my wounds, how I have healed, and what I have learned about healing – because I accept and understand the small voice within and I encourage others to get their needs met, and to vocalize feelings and thoughts, etc.. I encourage and facilitate healing.
- Chiron Inconjunct / Quincunx Mercury Virgo (8th house, Mercury Ruler) – Without the contact type in mind, this connection can mean Healing Communication / Analysis or Communication / Analysis that Heals.
- This contact can be found in the charts of mental healers, psychic surgeons, psychologists, psychics, astrologers, and other metaphysicians and philosophers especially if Chiron or Mercury is found in the 8th or 9th house.
- For me, there’s an adjustment to be made in how I communicate deep truths that are meant to heal, especially around psychology and how others operate. I ask others to adjust their perspective on what people say and what they see. To analyze the truth of what is being said and how it heals or wounds. Therefore, I help others heal not only themselves but others because healing oneself, heals others.
- When I was younger, I didn’t realize I helped people heal and that my words meant anything — until many years later.  People surprisingly told me (long after the fact) that I healed them in some way. Today, I get to hear about my impact much more quickly, often on-the-spot and that’s what I prefer to know. I prefer to know how I’m affecting someone (for good or bad) TODAY! It’s the Aries way. 🙂
My other Chiron aspects are: Chiron-Moon, Chiron-Jupiter, Chiron-Neptune, Chiron-Ascendant, Chiron-North Node and all making higher (spiritual and self-development) harmonic connections. Chiron is currently transiting in my 2nd house making a conjunction to my North Node, and Opposition to Mercury. Get ready for me world…
Aries on the 3rd House Cusp
With Aries on the 3rd house cups, it’s like having a Mercury-Mars aspect, which I don’t have natally.
Aries on the 3rd can signal: One-sided conversations. Aggressive, loud, or assertive way of speaking. Speaking over another person. Not being afraid to say what one wants. Passionate thinking process. passionate way of expressing one’s thoughts. Flirtatious. Confident speech. Child-like or immature way of communicating. Not knowing right from wrong as it pertains to what is communicated.
But it also means, I have Libra on the 9th. Co-operative, harmonious, flowing language of the higher mind. Small talk is not a feature. Philosophical thought, using big and expressive words is more often utilized. I seek education where the teacher is the student and vice versa — this is inline with my fortified teaching method. And I prefer small class learning experiences where the one with the talking stick (i.e. the Teacher or Facilitator) connects deeply and values each individual and their contribution within the group.
My ruler of the 3rd is in my 7th so that just adds to the challenge. And Mercury, the natural house ruler of the 3rd, is in my 8th. The 8th is naturally ruled by Pluto and co-ruled by Mars. So there’s a lot of strength, intensity, and power in how I communicate. I leave a lasting impression and hit immediately / deeply, yet I imagine some may have and do find me too much and therefore push away from associating what they learned with me because of how I deliver/ed my message. And I have been working on that. My Venus is fully activated so I have been channeling as much of that into my communication style with others. Left to my own devices, I wouldn’t pay attention to the effect (too busy talking and trying to get my point across) I have on the other person’s feelings while talking to them and even today, I don’t always know what effect I’ll have on another. But if the person speaks up, they’ll get their needs met and I’ll cool down if that’s desired.
Fixing Chiron in the 3rd Problems
This is what I have done or I am doing to fix my Chiron in the 3rd problems:
- Be discerning about when to use force, with speech.
- Pay attention to whether others, in environment, can handle what I’m saying (too much, too soon).
- Took early speech therapy to remove my lisp
- Slowed down my thoughts like a martial artist slowing down their physical movements
- Read everything I could on how to communicate better, with an emphasis on oral communication (my weakest way to communicate anything of value, or anything of the higher mind).
- With Gemini on my 5th and 6th, I’m writing and communicating a lot. Fancy how I could have dyslexia & Chiron in my 3rd — making communicating and writing more challenging but something I love and feel, need to do. Double check what I have wrote before sending and then read again after sending or after some time passes. Unfortunately, for casual or urgent communication, that’s not always something I can do. Have someone edit important written documents. Make my own mental pictures. Don’t wait for anyone else to do it for me.
- If someone doesn’t want to listen or care for what I say, don’t talk to them. What I’m having to get over is the shock of someone else truly listening. There’s a quiet in their voice, I can hear a complete shut-down in what they want to say next, because they are deeply listening to what I have to say. That is still unnerving to me because it doesn’t happen enough to be normal.
- Authority, celebrity, or anyone considered better or bigger than me, isn’t really that afterall. It’s a perception of illusion. They have similar challenges, emotions, feelings, and physical make-up as myself. They are no better or bigger but a star in their own right as I am a star in my own right.
- Learn to communicate in a way that is palatable, acceptable, and easy-for-others to understand. Strip the eccentricities and abstractness out of my speech, at least when it’s for mass market. And perhaps channel the eccentricities into art, where it’s generally most appreciated.
- Ask for what I need directly. If my needs are not being met, demand or take them for myself (as long as the rights of others are not violated and I’m not being criminal!). Ask to be heard. If I’m not, move away from those who obviously don’t want to hear me. No loss on either side, yes?!
How can my Chiron in the 3rd, Teach and Heal Pain in Other People?
Consciousness heals.
- I’m here to help people better communicate. It’s part of my mission: To help people communicate with themselves and in turn with others. If you can’t have a good conversation with yourself, surely you won’t be able to have one with anyone else.
- I help people to: Slow it down, use their words, get heard, be respected, use their language — whether that be visual, tactical, verbal, etc.
Where is your Chiron? What house? How can you or have you healed your pain? How can you or have you taught or healed that pain in others?
About Chiron in the 3rd:
A person with Chiron in Aries here may well feel as though they are not heard, or that their opinions do not matter because they are not considered or well formed enough. The gift of Chiron awakened here is the realisation of great power to speak, to rouse to action and to energize through the words. – Jeremy Neal of Chirotic Journal
I would agree that while I have felt and to some extent, still feel unheard, I know that my words and what I say ARE received and people are energized to act even if they don’t attribute that to what I said. So it’s in knowing this, that I recognize the power of my behind-the-scenes effect on others and can therefore design my communications with that in mind. This then alleviates my frustrations of not being heard, when I know full-well that I am but just not accepted, applauded, or recognized by a majority for a reason I haven’t fully resolved yet.
The work Jeremy did on Chiron in Aries is amazing. As it relates to Chiron Aries in the third, most people would think I completed university (I haven’t). I have read through dictionaries and encyclopedias for pure joy (remember that Gemini is likely on the 5th for anyone who has Aries on the third) because we like to know a lot of little facts — it’s interesting. I’m what one would call an autodidact, a self-learner and I do so with great vigor.
Having Mars rule my third and then be in my 7th, of open enemies — there is a suggestion that whatever I say can evoke strong feelings of competition and aggression from others (as well as that coming from me). What I say tends to be pointed, sure and unwavering statements. I have been working on bringing in Venus more often to soothe the force of Mars.
Notable People with Chiron Aries in the Third
- Paul Newman – Actor, Humanitarian, Entrepreneur, Race Car Driver, Film Director
- A.E. Thierens – Occultist (tarot, astrology, etc). Many, still today, dispute his theories.
- Nat King Cole – Singer, Musician, Jazz Pianist, First African-American TV Host
- Catherine Zeta Jones – Actress, Singer, Dancer
- Carmen Electra – Actress, Singer, Dancer
- Malcolm X – Activist, Politician
- Karla Homolka – Convicted Serial Killer
- Rebecca Romijin – Actress, Singer, Studied Music
- Telly Savalas – Actor, Singer
- Ulysses S. Grant– President, Politician
- Georges Lefebvre – French Historian, worked on the Revolution and peasant life
- Bâton-Rouge (Louisiane) City in United States
- Amsterdam (Netherlands) – Country in Europe
- Piero the Unfortunate – was the Gran maestro of Florence
- Madame Fraya also known as Valentine Dencausse – Psychic, French cartomancer (palm reading, handwriting analyst by instinct, intuition). She has lots of powerful Pluto (in the 4th, past lives… ancestral connection) contacts including one that is trine with Mars in the 8th house.
- Hélène Grimaud – French Pianist
It’s interesting to note a lot of singers. I have said that I want to be a ‘one hit wonder’. I love singing, and playing musical instruments. Most of these noted celebrities also had / have talents in many fields.
What Others Say
- Astronuts on Tribe about Chiron-Uranus
- Chirotic Journal Chiron in Aries, thorugh the houses
Synastry & Natal: The Romeo & Juliet Aspect – Venus Square Saturn in LOVE – Part One
February 12, 2011 | Filled under Astrology, Aspects, Natal, Synastry |
♀ â˜Â ♄ I can’t have the love that I want. The love I don’t want, I want. I want to love. I don’t want the love I can have. I don’t want to love. This love isn’t for me. Eventually, I might give my love. Love comes with hoops and hurdles. I feel unloved. An itch you can’t scratch.
Venus Square Saturn is an astrological aspect that can show in a natal birth chart or it can be a combined energy that occurs between the native and another or others.
This aspect gives a cold chill, when faced with love, to the native or relationship and any harmonious compatibility that may be present just adds to the chill factor. Because if there are other aspects in the chart that cause hot chemistry, the native or natives are more likely to not want to get involved and open up to what is perceived as a Pandora’s Box. In fact, sabotage becomes almost a sure thing. A dampening after a quickening of love feelings is what often happens. Excuses will be made, and delays will almost seem as if on purpose. This aspect pushes more than it pulls. Love doesn’t seem to be on the radar of the native or the individual(s) and more than anything it’s because of fear. This aspect feels like winter or ice, Venus Capricorn or Aquarius, and Saturn Libra.
Natal Venus Square Saturn
- Not feeling that love is for you to have.
- Not getting physical and enjoying the pleasures of the body.
- Feeling too old, serious, full of responsibilities, or fear to be in-love
- A late bloomer in love, romance, and relationships.
- Not ready for the responsibility of loving another or love is taken very seriously
- Doesn’t enter into a relationship lightly or leave relationships easily
- Denying self of love. Self-love denial.
- Wants to make sure one’s love is for REAL! Not trusting love. And the tendency not to want to explore it.
- When someone is interested in you, you turn them away. They can’t possibly love you!
- Being unfriendly and hard on yourself or those that you want to love.
- Not allowing art and beauty into your life. Restricting buying “frivolous” things that beautify, if it’s not practical.
- Not being “attractive”. Not because you are not, but because there’s not a genuine focus on a vibrant approach.
- Stalking or watching persons of interest from afar but not letting them know you are doing it or are interested.
- Loving from afar…. bittersweet and silent romance.
- Not wanting to limit yourself to just one romance or love relationship, especially in case it’s not the right one or won’t be the one to bring a sense of complete love for the long haul.
Synastry Venus Square Saturn
- Something keeps you away from being with each other or allowing love to develop.
- Marriage, divorce, separation, children, relationship, busy career, unaccepted different culture or ethnic group, unaccepted different religion or sexual preference, greatly differing values, going to different schools or living a great distance (different countries) from each other are some reasons why the relationship will not thrive.
- Untouchable…. she or he is so high “above” or “below” me.
- Wanting the one who plays in the relationship, to work.
- Wanting the one who works in the relationship, to play.
- Feeling like a parent or a child.
- Having your love bubble burst or alternatively, feeling a love burden.
- Thinking one of you is not seeing the reality of the relationship.
- Thinking one of you is not open to love in the relationship.
- Getting the feeling that you could almost be together in-love but something always stops one or both of you.
- Longevity of love:Â Over a long period of time, somehow running back into each other but not taking it all the way to something of substance.
- Continuing to maintain the look and feel of a connection when no serious attempt will be made to make it physical.
- Having a long distance relationship. Being always away from each other.
- Having a sizable age difference i.e. 7-14 years — if not by chronology than by maturity or experience.
- Testing each others patience in love.
- One or both of you not wanting to limit the love given to others therefore creating a possible ‘adulterous’ affair.
Mini Brainstorm
Fear of love. Restricting love causes obstacles in having a relationship get off the ground. Being hard in love. Hard on your love. Disciplined love creates conflicts. Detaching affection when stressed. Inhibited from loving another co-cooperatively. Testing lovers, delays a relationship. Adjustments in serious love are important to make. Fear of a relationship creates a block. Frustration over a love that can’t be had due to formal obligations or financial restrictions.
(Taurus, Libra) Love, affection, art, balance, sensuality, beauty, softness, receptivity, femininity, passivity, happiness, feminine, peace, contentment, nature, earthly pleasures, money, possessions, idealizing, brown & pink, tradition, co-operation, indulgence, service, devoted, the muse, kindness, compassion
(Saturn) = Challenged, blocked, tension, discomfort, conflict, needed adjustments, stubborn, irregular, hang-up, restrain, restrict, shut-off, obstruct, thwart, pressure, stress, struggle, testing, delay; inhibitions, disruption, limitations, and inner conflict (Wikipedia); WizardsNet adds crisis, difficult to integrate. Astrology3D says struggle of two forces at cross-purposes. Obstacles which can bring growth through concentrated effort. Acts like Saturn
(Capricorn, Aquarius) = Fear, restriction, discipline, karma, tests, limitations, passive, withdrawn, introverted, more feminine than masculine.
–> Go to Part Two
Venus Square Saturn- The Solution but remember to share this post and reply before you do! 🙂 Thanks…
Abella, nicknamed Psychic Jucy, is available for consultations with a special focus on: love, relationships, career, work, finances, money, self-development, and manifestation of dreams and goals. Wait time: 1-2 weeks; make your request now.
- Astrology:
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- Learn how to read your own Tarot cards:
- Tarotseek™ Kit coming soon…
What Other People Say about Venus-Saturn Aspects
Sky View Zone | Astrofix | Tribe | AstrologyWeekly | Astrology & Love | Ask Julie | Moon Pluto Astrology
Florence + The Machine – Dog Days Are Over
Happiness hit her like a train on a track
Coming towards her stuck still no turning back
She hid around corners and she hid under beds
…She killed it with kisses and from it she fled
With every bubble she sank with her drink
And washed it away down the kitchen sink
The dog days are over
The dog days are done
The horses are coming
So you better run
Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father
Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers
Leave all your love and your longing behind
You cant carry it with you if you want to survive
The dog days are over
The dog days are done
Can you hear the horses?
Because here they come
And I never wanted anything from you
Except everything you had and what was left after that too, oh
Happiness hit her like a bullet in the head
Struck from a great height by someone who should know better than that
The dog days are over
The dog days are done
Can you hear the horses?
Because here they come
Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father
Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers
Leave all your loving, your loving behind
You cant carry it with you if you want to survive
The dog days are over
The dog days are done
Can you hear the horses?
Because here they come
The dog days are over
The dog days are done
The horses are coming
So you better run
Thomas Dybdahl – Love Story
honey i told you
that these things never last
and one of these days now
you`ll start dreaming of the past
when life was once too short for all the things we`d do and the shots we`d call
and endless summer without a fall
when promises were meant to keep
and nighttime wasn`t meant for sleep
a love story at it`s peak
doesn`t it feel good
to know that you`ve been loved
and doesn`t it make you
laugh when you think of
the day when we all got lost on the old mans farm
just trying to get across
it was only then i knew what love was
sunday mornings that never ended and hangovers that never mended
a love story at it`s peak
Thomas Dybdahl – It’s Always Been You
sometimes it`s hard to see the change from where you stand
you wake up in a pool of your own selfpity
you try hard to lose whatever dignity she`s left you with
but maybe it`s time to realise that you`re stained but not weak,
calm but not sleak, she`s out of your league
it`s always been you
speak out your name and try to hold a thought for one damn minute
you told me yourself you`d all appreciate a man of thought
cause this is hightrade out, but you would ever have me do for something new
cause in your own stream of thought betray is all you can, desperate man…
it`s always been you
Melody Gardot: Your Heart Is As Black As Night
post originally conceived Nov 6, 2010 @ 16:55
(Yahoo Answers) What can you say about ones with Virgo Moon?
August 11, 2011 | Filled under Astrology, Audio Recordings, Cancer, Moon, Planets, Sun, Yahoo Answers |
What can you say about ones with Virgo Moon?
Additional Details
Cancer: Sensitive, Moody, Emotionally-drivenI’m Cancer Sun with Virgo Moon.How does that work out? T.T
Best Answer – Chosen by Asker
Cancer Sun with Virgo Moon? It’s good. By sign, these two stimulate each other (sextile) and are feminine and receptive signs (Water & Earth). They understand each other, can grow with each other, and can help each other deal with emotions that suddenly surface. If your Sun & Moon is in ‘orb’ than it’s a really beneficial connection (aspect) between the two.
Some good career choices with this combination: Therapist, Human Resource Professional, Host, Baker, Hotel Management, Catering, Cashier.
- 1 Rating: Good Answer
- 0 Rating: Bad Answer
- Asker’s Rating:
- Asker’s Comment:
- Wow, thank you for inputting such rich, detailed information!
Natal & Synastry Astrology: The Magical Sex Aspect – Mars Square Neptune in Sex & Love – Part One
February 20, 2011 | Filled under Astrology, Aspects, Natal, Synastry |
♂ ☠♆ I want the spiritual sex I’m forbidden to have. My sexual power is held back and exists in my dreams. I am not telling others what I want. I attempt to act on my dreams but it ends up being a fantasy. Sexual fantasies are aggressive. I’m sexually confused and frustrated. I’m creating an illusion of what my intentions are.
Mars Square Neptune is an astrological aspect that can show in a natal birth chart or it can be a combined energy that occurs between the native and another or others (synastry or compatibility chart).
This aspect gives a hot tension and confusion vibe, when faced with sex and actions taken, to the native or relationship and any obstruction that keeps one away from one’s desires will add to the tension. Largely a lack of self-understanding, of how one’s actions and desires affects self and others negatively, causes frustration, tension, and delays in getting one’s needs met . Not taking responsibility for self or other even after the native / natives have been alerted to the problem, further causes problems. Denial of actions and sexual desires is common-place. The native or natives can lie to themselves or to each other — believing in what they want to believe – so they end up lying even if that’s not the intention. This aspect feels like fall, Mars Pisces and Neptune Aries /Scorpio.
Natal Mars Square Neptune
- Imagining sex that’s not likely to happen.
- Knowing that others don’t know what has hit them until it’s too late.
- Having aggressive or domination / submission sexual fantasies. Denying sexual interests.
- Imaging what you will do but then never getting around to doing it.
- Wanting to do something that is, in reality, impossible but doing it anyway. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Still the outcome is not exactly what was expected and disappointment and guilt can set. Making faulty decisions due to not thinking things through. i.e. unplanned or poorly choosen pregnancy
- Wanting to cheat on your partner but rarely (if ever) actually doing it.
- Sexual confusion. Uncertain of which sex attracts most.
- Feeling confused about psychic phenomena and how energetic connections with others work or if they are real.
- Knowing that a connection can be manipulated by self or other for unsaid or unknown purposes.
- Pretending or wanting to show interest where there is none.
- Invading or having your sexual privacy and rights invaded.
- Being afraid to ask for sex in a direct way. Passive-aggressive advances.
- Attractions to movie stars, celebrities, clergy, gurus, prostitutes, mysterious and dangerous people, and so-on.
Synastry Mars Square Neptune
- Sensing that something isn’t quite right in your relationship. That there are ulterior motives.
- Feeling as if spiritual sex is an illusion that can’t be realized.
- Trust issues: Not everything is said about what is wanted to be done. Hiding the truth.
- Sexual deception. Pretending to be sexually interested. Sexual flirting doesn’t go anywhere.
- Skeptical that the relationship is real. Feeling as if you may be deceived.
- Misreading the signals your person-of-interest gives you.
- Experience intense orgasm at a distance yet rarely in the presence of the lover.
- Doing a sexual activity that you didn’t want to have or agree to but not saying anything about it.
- A dangerous and unacceptable attraction with power imbalances.
- Using drugs to make your sex life into something it normally isn’t. (Viagra, Ecstasy, etc…)
- Dreaming your person of interest is the best sexual partner ever even though you have never had sex or intimate relations.
- Feeling jealous and possessive due to vagueness.
- Irresponsible impulses hurt those who do not know what’s happening. Not using protection, cheating, not advising of STD’s, etc.
Mini Brainstorm
Sexual dreams are blocked. Powerful actions are not taken responsibly. Sexual pictures cause discomfort. Psychic attacks disrupt. Magical action (magician) is delayed. Spiritual sex (guru) is restricted. Deceptive action (spy) challenged. Base desires thwart spiritual understanding.
(Aries, Scorpio) = Aggression, sexuality, power, action, assertiveness, strategist, me first, innovation, activity, movement, courage, fighter, war-like, extroverted, more masculine than feminine.
(Saturn) = Challenged, blocked, tension, discomfort, conflict, needed adjustments, stubborn, irregular, hang-up, restrain, restrict, shut-off, obstruct, thwart, pressure, stress, struggle, testing, delay; inhibitions, disruption, limitations, and inner conflict. Acts like Saturn. Others say: Wikipedia and WizardsNet adds crisis, difficult to integrate. Astrology3D says struggle of two forces at cross-purposes. Obstacles which can bring growth through concentrated effort.
(Pisces) –> Dreams, illusions, stupors, letting go, dissolution, disillusionment, disappointment, cheating, idealizing, metaphysical, drunken, magic, thirsty, salt water, spiritual, quietness, enchanting, retreat, spas, trance, chaos, craziness, smoke & mirrors, glamorizing, subconscious, intangible, temptation, sacrifice, martyr, suffering, confusion, emotions, delusions, insincerity, hypnotic, boundless, altered reality, photographic, filmography, subversion, devotion, psychic, fantasy, deception, ghosts, visions, visionary, abstraction, secrets, the hidden, invisible, anesthetics, sponging, abuse, the psyche, alcohol, drugs, running away, disorder, silence, intoxication, unemployment, giving, steamy, blue & green, indulgence, gas, fog, merging, mystery, veil, the divine, addictions, neuroses, drowning, betrayal, evasion, helpless, acceptance, higher states of consciousness, Kundalini, escapism, vulnerability, weakness, transcendence, inspiration, imagination, the muse, hallucination, sleepiness, mysticism, secret society, subtlety, mystical creatures, otherworldly, artistry, acting, make-believe, poison, fakery, colour
Part Two Coming…
Natal & Synastry Astrology: The Solution to Mars Square Neptune in Sex & Love – Part Two
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Songwriters: Elizondo, Mike; Fauntleroy Ii, James Edwa; Tadross, Robin Morris; Timberlake, Justin R.;
Featuring: Justin Timberlake Lyrics
Ciara has Mars Square Neptune natally. Justin and Ciara have Mars Square Neptune in synastry!
Abella, nicknamed Psychic Jucy, is available for consultations with a special focus on: love, relationships, career, work, finances, money, self-development, and manifestation of dreams and goals. Wait time: 1-2 weeks; make your request now.
- Astrology:
- The Kitchen Sink Readingsâ„¢ Tarot, Psychic, Astrology, & Numerology:
- Psychic Life Coaching:
- Learn how to read your own Tarot cards:
- Tarotseek™ Kit coming soon…
Too Sexy
Here we go
Your touch is so magic to me
The strangest things can happen
The way that you react to me
I wanna do something you can’t imagine
Imagine if there was a million me’s
Talking sexy to you like that
You think you can handle, boy
If I give you my squeeze
And I need you to push it right back
Baby, show me, show me
What’s your favorite trick that you wanna use on me
And I’ll volunteer
And I’ll be flowing and going
Till clothing disappears
Ain’t nothing but shoes on me
Oh, baby
(Ciara and Justin)
All night, show it, just you and the crowd
Doing tricks you never seen
And I bet that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic
So let me drive my body around you
I bet you know what I mean
Cause you know that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic
Everything ain’t what it seems
I wave my hands and I got you
And you feel so fly assisting me
But now it’s my turn to watch you
I ain’t gonna stop you if you wanna crowd my neck
Talk sexy to me like that
Just do what I taught you, girl
When I give you my heat
And I need you to push it right back
Baby, show me, show me
What’s your favorite trick that you wanna use on me
And I’ll volunteer
And I’ll be flowing and going
Till clothing disappears
Ain’t nothing but shoes on me
Oh, baby
(Ciara and Justin)
All night, show it, just you and the crowd
Doing tricks you never seen
And I bet that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic
So let me drive my body around you
I bet you know what I mean
Cause you know that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic
Oh, this is the part where we fall in love
Oh, let’s slow it down so we fall in love
But don’t stop what you’re doing to me
All night, show it, just you and the crowd
Doing tricks you never seen
And I bet that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic
So let me drive my body around you
I bet you know what I mean
Cause you know that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic
All night, show it, just you and the crowd
Doing tricks you never seen
And I bet that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic
So let me drive my body around you
I bet you know what I mean
Cause you know that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic.
What Other People Say about Mars Square Neptune Aspects
Astrology in Depth | | Cafe Astrology | Skyscript | The Strange House | Sky View Zone |
Natal & Synastry Astrology: The Solution to Venus Square Saturn in Love – Part Two
February 20, 2011 | Filled under Love & Relations, Astrology, Aspects, Natal, Synastry |
The Venus Square Saturn Solution, Part Two
Part One of Venus Square Saturn
As I wrote this, I realize I know a lot of people with Venus Square Saturn natally and a lot of my synastry (compatibility) with others causes one or both of us to have a hard Venus-Saturn aspect. I wasn’t happy to write this since I’m such a Venusian and I believe restricting oneself from love is harmful to self and other.  So I felt sad. 🙁 I have Venus Trine Saturn natally and I have a tendency to stay in and attract long-term connections even when no physical connection is present. Anyway, I”m going to tell you how I think you can help yourself or someone else get in touch with love. For now, this is what it looks like…
The Lesson
The lesson of Venus Square Saturn is to be responsible, discipline enthusiasm, yet care about the feelings of others and yourself. Let the love grow slowly and deeply yet nurture it all the same. Love, being in-love, and first love feelings can be delicious; however, if your or the other person’s heart is not open to love, it won’t happen or it will happen with a lot of tension.  Everything must come from a mature state! Avoid getting wrapped up in fears, restrictions, and responsibilities. Explore challenges and don’t give up on the love no matter how challenging it appears. Learn to adjust expectations and be prepared to love differently.
My solution for the natal manifestation of this aspect is for the native to be aware of the tendency to sabotage being in and finding love and to learn how to not withhold love from self or other, to balance the need for wanting to do the right thing with doing something that soothes and softens the spirit. To be sure to let others know your fears but to also be willing to do something about it. To not just lean on the other to solve the problem. Or perhaps just enjoy being single – it’s okay, really.
The native with Venus square Saturn is trustworthy and will not enter a relationship they don’t plan on staying in. This makes for a loyal and trusted companion. However, having Venus Square Saturn can keep a native from having a complete and happy love- life that glitters with gold because it wants the gold from the start and love takes time to develop and sometimes, yes, it does end and the investment in the person is lost but not in yourself and your development. You get to keep that! The Square aspects ask you to keep it real but it still wants you to explore.
Synastry-wise, if a couple is lucky or bold enough to get their relationship off the ground, ideally they will keep in mind the need for one or both parties to be responsible and remain true to their commitments and duties that society deems necessary, to not belittle their need and desire to get stuff done even in the face of a budding romance because life is full of tasks and duties irrespective of love feelings. To help your lover accomplish their tasks and responsibilities so a path of love can be created. This aspect works well with couples who are not in a hurry or rush to materialize a relationship or encounter as it could take some time to get it off the ground in the first place. Patience, my friends. Beautiful and enduring friendships are often the result of Venus Square Saturn when one or both natives do not have romantic chemistry or can not / do not want to leave or adjust their societal commitments.
Now lets take a step back… Venus is most at home with Taurus Trining Saturn’s Capricorn. Libra (Venus) squares off with Capricorn (Saturn). Both Venus and Saturn here want their own way and they don’t want to understand each other. Venus says: How can you NOT love me? I’m beautiful, sweet, a piece of heaven and Saturn just looks at Venus and says: You are vain, impractical, superficial, and don’t understand that money or love doesn’t grow on trees.  Yet when the sensual and practical Taurus Venus is channeled, a Venus Square Saturn contact can be rewarding if a) both parties or the native understand that practical things need to be taken care of first before love can bloom and to get on with it b) the couple /native ensures that the relationship or love life gets a dose of sugar too now and then.
Finally serious love are key working concepts when loving and being loved with the Venus Square Saturn energy. Therefore, ensuring there’s a feeling of commitment, before and during the inevitable fears, is essential for happiness and staving off the desire to parent, scold the partner for not wanting to focus on either the mundane or beautiful aspects of life is important too. Working and loving, together as a team, when one with the strength nurtures the other with the challenge and vice versa, surely will bring success in the connection.
Update:Â April 8, 2011
Recently, in an astrology group there was talk about Venus-Saturn in hard aspect and a comment was made about “High Expectations”.
I kept thinking about the comment about “high expectations” because I was talking about this theme in my own life for a week or so as it relates to my Neptune Opposition Saturn (synchronicity)… 🙂
Anyway, recently I took this “Narcissism” quiz that’s been going around. I scored 12. Anyway, I observed that I had high expectations (entitlement) and a non-existent taking (exploitativeness).
With the quiz results, I confirmed and further discovered that if I take more, my expectations will go down. Why? Because I would have already received my due through taking what I deserved at that time rather than *subconsciously* believe it would somehow come back to me at a later date.
What does this have to do with Venus in hard aspect to Saturn or High Expectations? Well, hubby and I were chatting (we have Mercury Sextile Uranus in synastry — yay!!) about an unrelated aspect and it got me thinking…
Possibly a reason why the native with Venus-Saturn in hard aspect has *high expectations* is that they either “give too much love” or “don’t take / receive any” and maybe vacillate between the two with an opposition.
So if the native would just start TAKING (if they are too Venus) love without thinking they deserve it, are worthy of it, or whatever AND / OR RELEASE (if they are too Saturn) what they give… their *expectations* will lower because they will get their needs for affection and esteem met “then and there” without feeling used or under-appreciated.
What I call “conscious giving and taking” rather than “unconditional love” that we are *told* to do but does not work for everyone because we all have different karma or stuff we are working out.
And that’s one more solution or *strategy* for Venus-Saturn in hard aspect.
Am I ever going to fall-in-love or be with the one I love if I/we have Venus Square Saturn?
While I’m calling the Venus Square Saturn The Romeo & Juliet Aspect for a reason, keep in mind or know that there are other aspects in a chart that can alleviate or neutralize its effect. Then again there are other aspects that can further weaken this challenging aspect too. Also there are reasons for this aspect existing in the first place and it’s just a test. You are meant to jump the hurdle successfully and reap the fruits of your labour. It’s just that you need to want it and to work for it. But if you have always sucked or exhausted with studying and failed tests because of that, this aspect isn’t going to be kind to you.
You may also be interested in reading Saturn’s Test: Astrological Squares in Aspect — How to Overcome Them and Get on With It and consider turning this Square into supercharged Trines. As well as Part One of Venus Square Saturn if it hasn’t already been reviewed.
Abella, nicknamed Psychic Jucy, is available for consultations with a special focus on: love, relationships, career, work, finances, money, self-development, and manifestation of dreams and goals. Wait time: 1-2 weeks; make your request now.
- Astrology:
- The Kitchen Sink Readingsâ„¢ Tarot, Psychic, Astrology, & Numerology:
- Psychic Life Coaching:Â
- Learn how to read your own Tarot cards:
- Tarotseek™ Kit coming soon…
Astrology: The Jucy Method of Aspect Delineation (JMAD) – Introduction to Interpreting Aspects – Step #1
February 21, 2011 | Filled under Astrology, Learning, Delineation |
When I told Astrology by Kingsley that I would be calling my method of delineating aspects:Â The Jucy Method of Aspect Delineation, he promptly retorted with “The JMAD“! <3
The JMAD is my way of interpreting the essence and influence of an astrological aspect whether that be related to a natal (birth), synastry (compatibility between two or more people), composite (the purpose of the relationship), solar return (month by month predictions for the upcoming year from your birthday on), etc..
Aspect delineation is one small step of many steps to synthesize and interpret a chart or horoscope — chart delineation. Chart delineation, reading your chart, is different from aspect delineation.
Step #1
To start delineating know what the planets, signs, houses, and aspects represent and their attributes.
- Know and understand astrological aspects. The aspects are the WHY or rather two or more planets getting together (for or against). This conversation, fight, or love-in, in the sky, is about us and what the big Dudes want us to do. Aspects also connect two or more planets and tell us a lot about the chemistry created in a person, people, event, and so-on.
- Basic delineation: As per reading on Michael Starr’s website, “the planets are WHAT energy needs to be expressed or understood, a psychological function or objective.” Also, to me, the planets make plans for us to carry out.
- Intermediate delineation: As Michael Starr says, “the signs are HOW it manifests as drives or personal style, its method or mode of operation, or strategy. “Also, to me, this is the style or way in which the plans are carried out. If a sign is in fall of a planet, they might not do a very good job at carrying out the plans of that planet. However, if the sign is in domicile (at home), it will carry out the plans with ease and great skill.
- Advanced delineation: Again, as Michael Starr says, “the houses are WHERE it manifests as situations or events. Its area of application, or its terrain.” Also, to me, the houses indicate what area the planet what’s its plans to be carried out. The houses represents activities and areas of interest.
Intermediate to Advanced Tip
One of the things I think is important, for any consultant or serious student of astrology to do, is to create their very own book on delineated aspects minus the house and sign as that would likely be too much to tackle in even one lifetime. Yes, it does take a lot of work and time to create your own list of basic delineated aspects, but it’s well worth it.  I also suggest this to students and professionals of tarot.
Go to Step 2 | 3 | 4
Abella, nicknamed Psychic Jucy, is available for consultations with a special focus on: love, relationships, career, work, finances, money, self-development, and manifestation of dreams and goals. Wait time: 1-2 weeks; make your request now.
- Astrology:
- The Kitchen Sink Readingsâ„¢ Tarot, Psychic, Astrology, & Numerology:
- Psychic Life Coaching:
- Learn how to read your own Tarot cards:
- Tarotseek™ Kit coming soon…
Astrology: The Jucy Method of Aspect Delineation (JMAD) – Story Telling & Brainstorming – Step #2
February 21, 2011 | Filled under Learning, Aspects, Delineation |
Intro & Step 1 | 3 | 4
The Jucy Method of Aspect Delineation (JMAD) is my way of interpreting the essence and influence of an astrological aspect whether that be related to a natal (birth), synastry (compatibility between two or more people), composite (the purpose of the relationship), solar return (month by month predictions for the upcoming year from your birthday on), etc..
Aspect delineation is one small step of many steps to synthesize and interpret a chart or horoscope — chart delineation. Chart delineation, reading your chart, is different from aspect delineation.
Step #2
Delineation of planets aspecting each other is like creating a real-life story or short hand message from an astrological term such as Venus Square Neptune which is the planet Venus in contact with Neptune by way of a square.
How to do it
The following is a simple way to delineate / read an aspect.
Start with the planet furthest away (from outer to inner planets); then determine the contact /aspect type (i.e. Square); followed by the activated planet (from inner to outer planets). It’s like reading Arabic right to left.
We will read the meaning behind the term: Venus Square Neptune.
Neptune is furthest away (outer planet) so we will look at that planet first.
Like every word, there is a longer meaning or other words that can be used in its place to get a stronger connection to the words meaning.
Keywords for Neptune –> Dreams, illusions, stupors, letting go, dissolution, disillusionment, disappointment, cheating, idealizing, metaphysical, drunken, magic, thirsty, salt water, spiritual, quietness, enchanting, retreat, spas, trance, chaos, craziness, smoke & mirrors, glamorizing, subconscious, intangible, temptation, sacrifice, martyr, suffering, confusion, emotions, delusions, insincerity, hypnotic, boundless, altered reality, photographic, filmography, subversions, devotion, psychic, fantasy, deception, ghosts, visions, visionary, abstraction, secrets, the hidden, invisible, anesthetics, sponging, abuse, the psyche, alcohol, drugs, running away, disorder, silence, intoxication, unemployment, giving, steamy, blue & green, indulgence, gas, fog, merging, mystery, veil, the divine, addictions, neuroses, drowning, betrayal, evasion, helpless, acceptance, higher states of consciousness, Kundalini, escapism, vulnerability, weakness, transcendence, inspiration, imagination, the muse, hallucination, sleepiness, mysticism, secret society, subtlety, mystical creatures, otherworldly, artistry, acting, make-believe, poison, fakery, colour
Then we look at the Contact Type which is a Square.
Keywords for Square –> Challenged, blocked, tension, discomfort, conflict, needed adjustments, stubborn, irregular, hang-up, restrain, restrict, shut-off, obstruct, thwart, pressure, stress, struggle
Then finally we take a look at Venus, the activated and inner planet.
Keywords for Venus –> Love, affection, art, balance, sensuality, beauty, softness, receptivity, femininity, passivity, happiness, peace, contentment, nature, earthly pleasures, idealizing, brown & pink, tradition, co-operation, indulgence, service, devoted, the muse, kindness, compassion
Connecting Everything
By choosing a keyword representing each planet and quality of connection (i.e. Square), for Venus Square Neptune we could say it can mean:
- Fog (Neptune) stresses (square) love (venus). i.e. Not being able to see clearly causes one to be stressed about their love.
- Dreams (Neptune) challenge (square) beauty (venus). i.e. The ideal beauty in one’s mind is not realized.
- Deception (Neptune) obstructs (square) happiness (venus). Â i.e. Saying things that are untrue does not cause genuine happiness.
Intermediate to Advanced
When you have the hang of it, it can also be read from left to right; however, the best and most natural way to synthesize is whichever order comes naturally. Eventually interpreting aspects becomes instantaneous via intuition.
- Created art (Venus) is not (Square) spiritual (Neptune) enough (Square).
- Hang-up’s (Square) cause discomfort (Square) and confusion (Neptune) when attempting to be affectionate (Venus).
- An addiction to drugs (Neptune) is a stubborn (Square) indulgence (Neptune) that causes distress (Square) in friendships and relationships (Venus).
Intuition is a combination of historical (empirical) data, deep and heightened observation and an ability to cut through the thickness of surface reality. Intuition is like a slow motion machine that captures data instantaneously and hits you like a ton of bricks. Intuition is a knowing, a sensing that is beyond the conscious understanding — a gut feeling. Intuition is not pseudo-science.
– Abella Arthur
Intro & Step 1 | 3 | 4
Abella, nicknamed Psychic Jucy, is available for consultations with a special focus on: love, relationships, career, work, finances, money, self-development, and manifestation of dreams and goals. Wait time: 1-2 weeks; make your request now.
- Astrology:
- The Kitchen Sink Readingsâ„¢ Tarot, Psychic, Astrology, & Numerology:
- Psychic Life Coaching:
- Learn how to read your own Tarot cards:
- Tarotseek™ Kit coming soon…
Astrology: The Jucy Method of Aspect Delineation (JMAD) – Dignities & Co-Rulers – Step #3
February 21, 2011 | Filled under Astrology, Learning, Delineation |
Intro & Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 4
The Jucy Method of Aspect Delineation (JMAD) is my way of interpreting the essence and influence of an astrological aspect whether that be related to a natal (birth), synastry (compatibility between two or more people), composite (the purpose of the relationship), solar return (month by month predictions for the upcoming year from your birthday on), etc..
Aspect delineation is one small step of many steps to synthesize and interpret a chart or horoscope — chart delineation. Chart delineation, reading your chart, is different from aspect delineation.
Step #3
Planets rule one or two signs and in the case of ruling two, one sign is more at home than the other. In fact, I would say one of the signs are a cherished guest. All signs have their own home except for two, Virgo and Libra.
If the guest tells the host what to do it’s GAME OVER. So when delineating decide whether the guest or host is calling the shots.
The JMAD uses the Home / Domicile sign for purposes of initial delineation.
Know and understand the Home signs in each planet.
Table of Home (H) and Guest (G) signs. Guest means that another planet is a better fit for the secondary sign, if shown. To me the protoplanet and asteroid, Vesta rules Virgo and Juno rules Libra.
Sun – Leo (H)
Moon – Cancer (H)
Mercury Gemini (H) Virgo (G)
Venus – Taurus (H) Libra (G)
Mars – Aries (H) Scorpio (G)
Jupiter – Sagittarius (H) Pisces (G)
Saturn – Capricorn (H) Aquarius (G)
Uranus – Aquarius (H)
Neptune – Pisces (H)
Pluto – Scorpio (H)
While you are at learning the rulerships and co-rulerships, learn what planet a sign is Exalted, Fall, or Detriment as you will need that later.
Intro & Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 4
Abella, nicknamed Psychic Jucy, is available for consultations with a special focus on: love, relationships, career, work, finances, money, self-development, and manifestation of dreams and goals. Wait time: 1-2 weeks; make your request now.
- Astrology:
- The Kitchen Sink Readingsâ„¢ Tarot, Psychic, Astrology, & Numerology:
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- Learn how to read your own Tarot cards:
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Astrology: The Jucy Method of Aspect Delineation (JMAD) – Planet / Sign Swap – How to Interpret Aspects – Step #4
February 21, 2011 | Filled under Audio Recordings, Video, Delineation |
Intro & Step 1 | 2 | 3 | Stay Tuned for Step #5…
The Jucy Method of Aspect Delineation (JMAD) is my way of interpreting the essence and influence of an astrological aspect whether that be related to a natal (birth), synastry (compatibility between two or more people), composite (the purpose of the relationship), solar return (month by month predictions for the upcoming year from your birthday on), etc..
Aspect delineation is one small step of many steps to synthesize and interpret a chart or horoscope — chart delineation. Chart delineation, reading your chart, is different from aspect delineation.
Step #4
The JMAD Swap.
First, we go back to Rule #3 to ensure we have an understanding of signs in domicile…
Table of Essential Dignities for signs in Domicile only
Sign | Domicile | |||
Aries | Mars | |||
Taurus | Venus | |||
Gemini | Mercury | |||
Cancer | Moon | |||
Leo | Sun | |||
Virgo | Mercury | |||
Libra | Venus | |||
Scorpio | Pluto, Mars | |||
Sagittarius | Jupiter | |||
Capricorn | Saturn | |||
Aquarius | Uranus, Saturn | |||
Pisces | Neptune, Jupiter |
The Premise
Second, we look at how The JMAD Swap works for these aspects, as examples:Â Moon-Pluto | Sun-Saturn | Mars-Saturn | Mars-Neptune | Moon-Saturn | Venus-Neptune | Mars-Pluto
Using Moon-Pluto aspecting each other, it basically goes like this: The domicile planet for Pluto is Scorpio and the domicile planet for Moon is Cancer. With The JMAD Swap, the aspect then reads as Moon Scorpio and Pluto Cancer. These two planet/sign combination can be read “alone” or “together” to get an IMMEDIATE feel for the aspect.
The question to ask yourself then becomes: What are the attributes of Moon Scorpio? What are the attributes of Pluto Cancer? Together or separately it will tell you the story of Moon-Pluto…
Moon Scorpio — Hidden emotions. Secret needs. Jealous feelings.
Pluto Cancer — Family power. Destructive family. Compulsive eating.
Together — Destructive family causes hiding of emotions and needs. Food is used as a way to deal with the intense feelings of others wanting to possess self. Food becomes a way to gain back control.
Add a square to Moon-Pluto, get this: Moon Square Pluto — Hidden emotions causes conflict. Add a trine to Moon-Pluto — Hidden emotions expand opportunity.
A Moon Trine Pluto person may gain employment as a therapist because they are able to uncover the emotional depth that clients have buried.
Breaking Down The Method Further
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Saturn also rules Aquarius. Leo is ruled by the Sun only.
Swapping or flipping the signs we get: Sun Capricorn or Aquarius and Saturn Leo
This is where traditional vs. modern rulerships enters.
In my opinion, the first sign is more at home than the second sign listed in the table of essential dignities. The FIRST sign listed in the table is the best fit. And planets for Virgo and Libra have not been found yet.
Since Capricorn is the first listed sign for Saturn, I’ll choose that.
Therefore a Sun-Saturn aspect would have the vibe of Sun Capricorn and Saturn Leo.
A standard remark about Sun-Saturn is depression. When we use The JMAD Swap method we can get an understanding that the Sun in Capricorn in its shadow side can get a bit gloomy and the joy and warmth of Leo can get restricted by Saturn.
Mars- Saturn
As discussed in Rule #2, more emphasis can be placed on how the outer planet (or furthest planet) affects the inner planet (or closer planet) when delineating.
Mars is ruled by Aries AND Scorpio, Saturn by Capricorn and Aquarius. Depending on what is sought: actions or sex, decide whether to use Aries or Scorpio or you could use both — whichever resonates more for you. So we could have, for example, Saturn Scorpio and Mars Aquarius or Saturn Aries and Mars Capricorn and both create a “square” vibe
Action & Sex Example #1: Mars Capricorn and Saturn Aries
As per above, Mars-Saturn can mean:
- Getting things done slowly.
- Dominating sexually over time.
Action & Sex Example #2: Mars Aquarius and Saturn Scorpio
- Joking about the lack of information to do one’s job thoroughly.
- Open minded, through conversation, about sexual tastes.
Mars is ruled by Aries AND Scorpio, Neptune by Pisces only. Depending on what is sought: actions or sex, decide whether to use Aries or Scorpio or you could use both — whichever resonates more for you.
Action & Sex Example #1: Mars Pisces and Neptune Aries
As per above, Mars-Neptune can mean:
- Getting things done quickly causes confusion.
- Confusing self or other in regards to sexual aggression.
Action & Sex Example #2: Mars Pisces and Neptune Scorpio
- Psychic feeling doesn’t need live action to be taken.
- Being sexually submissive in a mysterious and unknown environment.
If we add a square in, we might get this for example #2:
- Psychic feeling inhibits physical action.
- Being sexually submissive in a mysterious and unknown environment is frustrating.
If we add a trine in, we might get this:
- Letting psychic feelings get things done for you.
- Being sexually submissive in a mysterious and unknown environment offers opportunity.
Mars Square Neptune
This can become: Mars Pisces, Neptune Aries
A few examples of delineating this aspect: magical action (magician), spiritual sex (guru), and deceptive action (spy). There’s many other ways to look at that… just examples…
Add an aspect. Lets choose the square again.
Mars Square Neptune would be Magical action causes tension….
The key to The JMAD Flip is to use the understanding of what you know about a sign in a planet and then glean immediate insight about what an aspect might mean.
What’s Mars Pisces about? and What’s Neptune Aries about?
What do you get for Mars Conjunct Neptune? Lazy Magician, Sexual Magic , least marketed movie wins the award!
Quickly…Â Moon Opposition Saturn becomes Moon Capricorn and Saturn Cancer and means, in a nutshell, Suppressed feelings needs adjustment.
- Remember, we can meditate, contemplate, or sit with just “one” of the Planets and Signs. So for a Mars-Saturn aspect, we could look at Mars Capricorn OR Saturn Scorpio to get a feel for a basic Mars-Saturn influence.
- Regarding the “aspect contact type“: a Square, Opposition, Sesquiquadrate aspect would be a Shadow influence, while a Trine, Sextile could be a Light influence and Conjunct a Neutral influence.
- Use the shadow traits for disharmonious aspects and light traits for harmonious aspects to get an immediate sense of what the aspect might offer.
Intro & Step 1 | 2 | 3 | Stay Tuned for Step #5…
Abella, nicknamed Psychic Jucy, is available for consultations with a special focus on: love, relationships, career, work, finances, money, self-development, and manifestation of dreams and goals. Wait time: 1-2 weeks; make your request now.
- Astrology:
- The Kitchen Sink Readingsâ„¢ Tarot, Psychic, Astrology, & Numerology:
- Psychic Life Coaching:
- Learn how to read your own Tarot cards:
- Tarotseek™ Kit coming soon…
Astrology: Charlie Sheen, Mars Square Neptune, & Seeing the Gift
March 3, 2011 | Filled under Life Skills, Astrology, Readings & Analysis, Aspects, Celebrity, Self-disclosure |
I responded to a blog post about Charlie Sheen, Mars Square Neptune, and looking at traditionally considered “challenging” aspects as gifts…
(abridged response…)
Hi Brandi!!
Many people, including astrologers, are quick to point out the flaws but not focus on the gifts of challenging aspects, signs, traits.
With The JMAD Swap technique, let me look at your Mars-Neptune aspect.
Mars becomes Mars Pisces and Neptune becomes Neptune Aries.Magical action. Magical sex. Active imagination. Aggressive addictions. Drugged action. Dissolving self. Soft action. Healing innovations. Medicine man or woman: A healer.
When we add the square we are getting obstacles, tension, stress, etc.
Here’s one possible upside: I believe a Healer (Mars-Neptune) is an awesome profession/skill and when you have it in square, you understand people’s pain better. You know “how” to heal in a very primal and enlightened way. However, the square will delay opportunities for you to do it. It will test your knowledge of healing and maybe put you into situations that will help you “get” healing better so you can go out and heal others. :-) Our pain becomes healing.
On my blog, I talk about turning Squares into Trines. More than anything this helps the individual “ease into” whatever they want to do without trouble. :-) You may be already doing this without knowing it…
Projection (as maybe be known) often happens in the axis of the 1fst and 7th as well as the 6th and 12th houses: Do you have Mars or Neptune in any of those houses? My Mars is in the 7th *ugh*…
(After having read beyond your first two paragraphs…)
Thank you for explaining how Mars Square Neptune affects you. I was going to ask you that but you see, I wrote everything above after I read the second paragraph. So Yes! Your pain heals others. :-) I honour you for that. You are seen. You have been heard.
btw, I have Neptune Scorpio in the 10th but not in aspect to Mars. I am a practicing psychic (and astrologer) who is also hyper-sensitive.
Yes, people are envious of Charlie Sheen. He hasn’t “played nice” and if you don’t, society is going to push you down or attempt to do so! They feel he is pushing his success [and greatness] into their face. I’m personally unaffected by that. 🙂 Oddly, like you, I “get” him even if I do not agree with all his actions. I’m almost certain he also “worked crazy hard” for his blessings and he is naturally gifted in mental drama (look at his 5th house stellium in Virgo). He IS beyond most people who come into contact with him. He IS different. He IS misunderstood. And he needs to find his tribe. *grin*
Hope your day is wonderful!
Much love <3,
Abella aka Jucy
Sun Sign Zodiac: What does my friend, lover, family member, boss want me to notice about them?
March 4, 2011 | Filled under Astrology, Zodiac Star signs |
Our sun sign is what we want to illuminate and we want our friends, family, lovers, bosses, co-workers to take notice of our specialness. Want to get in good favour with any of these sun signs? Be sure to continuously (at least a few times a week) take notice of their gifts. While you are at it, appreciate yourself too!! 😀
- I am Aries. Notice my boldness, courage, innovations, strength, adventurousness…
- I am Taurus. Notice my sensuality, zest for living, tenacity, resourcefulness, stability…
- I am Gemini. Notice me being witty, factual, versatile, flexible, mentally playful…
- I am Cancer. Notice my caring, family spirit, home decorations, food and drink choices, tribal leadership…
- I am Leo. Notice me being creative, delightful, fierce, confident, warm, generous, protective…
- I am Virgo. Notice me helping you, being clear minded, health conscious, organized, progressing, bettering…
- I am Libra. Notice me being co-operative, fair, sweet, taking the high road, beautiful…
- I am Scorpio. Notice me penetrating, discovering, intensifying, enlightening, investigating you…
- I am Sagittarius. Notice my philosophy, travels, open mindedness, knowledge, generosity, need for freedom…
- I am Capricorn. Notice me making sure everything runs well, ambitiousness, social / career standing, dedication, dark humour, depth…
- I am Aquarius. Notice me being different, studying, friendly, comical, connected, thoughtful, free…
- I am Pisces. Notice me being uncertain, compassionate, magical, connecting, accepting, enlightened…
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Part One: An Introduction to the 7th House, Seventh House Astrology Series
March 9, 2011 | Filled under Love & Relations, Life Skills, Astrology, 7th, Houses |
About the 7th House.
- Ruled by Venus / Juno
- House Axis: 1 /7Â Polarity: Aries Mars Opposes Libra Venus. The JMAD Swap: Venus Aries / Mars Libra requires awareness, a walk in the other person’s shoes, and togetherness to feel / be whole.
- Everyone has 7th house themes. This is the house of Self through OTHER or when house ownership is taken, it can be viewed as house of Other through SELF .
- Seventh House: You, Other, us. First House: Me, Self, I. Not owning house themes: Self through other – Projected – e.g. I learn about me through you. You tell me what’s going on. My actions are seen through your actions. If I do this, you have done this. Owning house themes: Other through self – Reflective – e.g. I learn about you through me. I tell you what’s going on. If you do this, I have done this.
- House Themes: Giving & receiving, projection & ownership of self, self & other development, committed & withdrawn relationships, conflicts & co-operation, contracts & obligations, and finally attraction & retraction.
- 1/7 Axis Themes: Is it you or me? Mirror reflection. Me vs. We / Us ~ Independence vs. Co-dependence /Interdependence ~ Individual vs. Partner ~ Separate vs. Together ~
- When it’s inconvenient or doesn’t suit needs of self or other, the 7th house often makes attempts to deny house themes.
7th House Themes
- House of Committed & Withdrawn Relationships: Anyone you intently focus upon and who requires serious and committed attention. Examples:Â Romantic, husband-wife, girlfriend-boyfriend, family, parent-child, best friends, business, employer / employee, client-service provider, doctor-patient, co-workers, declared enemies, competitors, adversaries, and opponents.
- House of Contracts & Obligations: Agreements drawn up with those you have a committed relationship. Give & take. Just and fair resolutions.
- House of Projection & Ownership: Here’s where whatever you think other is doing or has done, you are also of similar action and temperament for better or worse. Recognizing we possess what we get is ownership of house themes. The shadow “projected” side is the “opposition” sign and #1 House of Self. We often project the stuff we don’t like about ourselves onto others. On the flip-side, we recognize what do we like and inspire others with
- House of Giving & Getting: Gifts. New gifts. Re-gifted gifts. Here you will get things from people and give things to people. Sometimes the gift is a stinker. Serious giving and taking that’s ultimately transformational and intense (the 8th).
- House of Attraction & Retraction: Marriage vs. Divorce. Whatever was given can be taken back, just as quickly. Example. Sun in the 7th gives confidence boosts; however, it can easily deflate other or stop the boosts altogether if the Sun is disrespected or goes unappreciated, reciprocated. One positive 7th house action is reciprocation. If you don’t get it, don’t give it. And if you give it, make sure you get it. Finding a balance between give & take.
- House of Conflict & Co-operation: Getting or obstructing needs being met. Negotiating vs. Fighting. Enemies developed through competitive or in-your-face action.
- House of Domination and Submission: Situated between the sextiled and opportunity filled connection of houses 6 (Virgo, submission) and 8 (Scorpio, domination), themes within the 7th can touch upon being used and using. In its ideal — equality.
- House of Self & Other Development:Â Growing of self and other through partnership. Your self-development and other paves the way to the 8th house “ends and starts”, new beginnings.
Planned articles for the Seventh:
- Elaboration of 7th house themes.
- Manifestation of 7th house themes within each sign, planet.
- Misunderstandings from self and other within the 7th house.
- How-to overcome 7th house challenges.
Being Erica, Season 4, Episode 1 – Dr. Who
About mirrors, projections, partnerships, and client-patient relationships
What Other People Say
What’s in your first and 7th house? If nothing is in it, what is your Ascendant and 7th house cusp? What have you experienced as 7th house themes? Anything else you want to share about the 7th house? 😀
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