Category: 1st

Mars Retrograde Rx VIRGO January 24th, 2012 until April 14, 2012

I still want to publish a 2012 blog post but I haven’t had the interest to complete it yet. And I wanted to publish it before publishing anything else but due to how many (in my mind) negative thoughts about Mars Rx (such as inactivity, lethargy, lack of motivation, accidents, standstills, etc..) that’s been said,…

Part One: An Introduction to the 1st House & the Ascendant, First House Astrology Series

The first house is the house of self. It’s the house of Me, myself, and I Inc. What I want, what I can do on my own, what I might not see about myself (blind-spot) but others see.  This house is attached to the angle called the Ascendant, ASC, or AC. This angle is our…

Life Skills: Who do you know that’s controlling, critical, bitchy, flaky, fat?

When you notice that someone is too picky, critical, controlling, argumentative, defensive, dominant, aggressive, [insert non-social behaviour here] do you take a moment to recognize… Now to blend in astrology. My theory is that a projection is a conjunction that looks like an opposition…

When Opposites Attract… Fireworks Happen!


We have heard the phrase: Opposites attract; however, what exactly does that mean? Well, it can mean that the behaviour and attitude differences in others compels you to get closer to that which is foreign to you. It can also mean balancing an extreme trait or action such as having an introspective and quiet disposition…