(Astrology: Third & Ninth House, 3rd & 9th House) Vocational & Educational Planning, Teaching & Learning
February 1, 2012 | Filled under Life, Life Skills, Astrology, Learning, Readings & Analysis, 3rd, 9th, Aries, Aspects, Houses, Jupiter, Libra, Mercury, Mind, Natal, Natal, Planets, Self-disclosure, Type of Astrology |
Mercury-Jupiter, Gemini-Sagittarius, 3rd-9th axis. Mutable-Cadent. Air-Fire, Masculine
How Do You Learn? What Do You Want To Learn? What Type of Teachers Do Like Best? Do you enjoy long-term, higher mind studying or would you rather take a couple of weekend workshops and gain a certificate? The third and ninth houses tell us about our learning style, what we like to learn, how we learn it, and where we’ll learn it. It also tells us how and what we teach and communicate what we know to others.
A recent conversation got me thinking that it’s helpful for people to know this information. Why? Because it will help you connect to a teacher, course of material, etc. that fits in with your learning style, and interests. And it will give you more clues as to what you’ll end up doing for a living. Of course, a lot of people study at college or university and then don’t actually do that as a career. And one reason for that is that the 2nd, 6th, and 10th point more to how you’ll make your money and where people think you fit. If people don’t think you’re whatever you studied, they won’t support you publicly. And other houses, like the 4th might suggest that you either like working from home or would suffer working from home so if the course of study you took leads to a ‘home based’ career, you’re not likely to pursue it as a career. Problems like this have to do with vocational planning and you might not have thought your educational interests thoroughly, as it applies to actually doing it as a career.
The Ninth House / Jupiter
The Professor, Higher & Long-term Learning
About the 9th house in astrology
The professor is the specialist guru.
Whose your Guru? Are YOU you’re own Guru?
I would say you are and that’s why I’m ‘YOUR Wisdom’ Guide. But what kind of Guru are you? What knowledge of the higher mind do YOU possess? What can and do you share with others?
I have Libra on my 9th house cusp. I have Uranus and Jupiter in the 9th (house of higher knowledge, education, and other things). I tend to be a radical thinker (Uranus) and teacher (Jupiter).
Jupiter in the 9th makes me a natural teacher so even when I’m studying and learning, I’ll end up helping my co-learners. For example, in college I became a tutor in a Uranian subject!
I like innovating and I’m into the future. I guess one could say I’m a progressive learner / teacher. I’m not for everyone because I really am different and I encourage difference. I also like one-on-one learning best (Libra) and I like a balanced and harmonious environment that is beautiful to learn within. I’m also not wishy-washy (cardinal sign Libra) in how I teach others. While I believe in ‘many ways’, I’ll unabashedly promote ‘my way’ of learning.
I’m also heavily interested in relationships, justice, talking, design, business, money management, languages, getting needs met, beauty, and the arts and that’s what I love teaching and learning about in a ‘higher mind’ sort of way. So in astrology, I’m very keen about synastry and composite charts but also love reading natal charts because the you is just as important as the we (and that might be my Uranus in the 9th talking!).
As I said, I like to teach one-on-one (Libra) but also enjoy the group dynamic (Uranus in the 9th, rules Aquarius, groups) but there’s a stronger preference for one-on-one teaching that’s more focused on what the individual needs and how I can spark innate knowledge — more in a mentoring and personal kind of way. Check out my Fortified Teaching style (Teacherless teaching).
If you learn from me, know I won’t teach you from ‘the book’. Rather I’ll teach you from ‘your book’, the one inside. Radical, yes?!
If you have Capricorn on, or Saturn (squares Libra) in your 9th you’ll probably have some difficulty adjusting to my way of learning / teaching unless you are leaning on the Aquarian side of Saturn (and even then…).
I feel the following articles really get Uranus and Jupiter in the 9th as well as Venus (as that’s the planetary ruler of my 9th house).
- http://theastrologyplace.blogspot.com/2011/02/uranus-in-9th-house.html
http://www.horoscopes-love.eu/uranus-in-the-9th-house.html - http://www.horoscopes-love.eu/jupiter-in-the-9th-house.html
- http://theastrologyplace.blogspot.com/2011/01/venus-in-9th-house.html
The Third House / Mercury
The Teacher, Everyday and Short-term Learning
About the 3rd house in astrology
Because I have Libra on the 9th, that means I have Aries on the 3rd. I’m a bold, courageous, active, responsive, and assertive (even aggressive) communicator. Mercury will also tell you how you learn best. With Aries (naturally ruled by Mars) on the third (no planets within) I’m an autodidact — self-learner, and I’m quite assertive about it. I also like to call myself a ‘mental athlete’. I tend to be less interested in learning in groups and prefer individual study. In fact, in high school I ended up taking part in an Independent Study program. It’s amazing how things work themselves out, even without knowing astrology. But with knowing astrology, I think we can gain a fast-track and more pleasant life earlier on.
I also enjoy short term courses that get through material quickly. For example, I’ll be taking a short course soon and it’s connected to communication and how to communicate in a more Libran way — it’s about negotiating!! And I prefer learning where I can move, be challenged, compete, touch, and act-out. And I love and learn best, while moving, so when I work out I often like to listen to or watch an educational program as I absorb and process it better.
My Mercury (naturally ruling the 3rd house) is Septile Jupiter (the 9th house, where I have Jupiter Libra). So I have Mercury Septile Jupiter. My Mercury is in the 8th house so I’ll often communicate about occult subjects and be interested in finding the gems, and little known bits and pieces of insights.
A couple of links about Mars in the 3rd. I have Aries on the 3rd, so it’s ruled by Mars.
- http://www.myastrologybook.com/Mars-in-the-third-house-3rd-house.htm
- http://astrology.ygoy.com/2011/06/30/effects-of-mars-in-3rd-house/
How about you?
What’s on your 3rd and 9th house cusp? What houses are those planets in? What’s in your 3rd and 9th? And how does that colour your learning, teaching, and communication style? What aspects your Mercury and Jupiter? Do you have a Mercury-Jupiter contact? What does that say about how you share what you know? What type of 9th house studying have you done? What type of 3rd house studying have you done?
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