Mars Retrograde Rx VIRGO January 24th, 2012 until April 14, 2012
January 27, 2012 | Filled under Life, Astrology, 1st, Body, Current News, Houses, Mars, Personal Transits, Planets, Transits |
I still want to publish a 2012 blog post but I haven’t had the interest to complete it yet. And I wanted to publish it before publishing anything else but due to how many (in my mind) negative thoughts about Mars Rx (such as inactivity, lethargy, lack of motivation, accidents, standstills, etc..) that’s been said, I felt it important to write my thoughts about the subject.
Here’s a Yay for Retrogrades, especially this Mars Retrograde
There’s been a lot of negative thoughts and warnings about this Mars Rx and I have been trying to push them out because many forceful thoughts coming from the same place, can weave into our brains and manifest themselves. Yes, negative things can likely happen (that’s life) BUT I would like to see some balanced thought on the celestial event so I’m going to focus this article on the positive manifestations of this Rx and update this post and/or my Twitter as I experience this celestial event — providing real-life examples of what one individual can experience.
World & Personal Transits
There’s a difference between ‘world transits’ — what’s happening in the sky all over the world and ‘personal transits’ — how that stuff actually affects you personally. That’s where an astrologer can help you connect the dots and help you make the best use of this important transit.
For example, if Virgo 23° is in your 9th house, you may find yourself: thinking about going back to school to study something new, getting legal advice about an accident you had in the past, or re-planning a trip overseas that you never got around doing, etc. Other things to think about are: Where’s your own Mars and what sign is it in? How does that connect with this Mars? What planets and points, if any, connect to Virgo 23° in your chart + or – 5° (at the start of the transit). Do note that the degrees change during the transit so there is a range of ° and it doesn’t stay at 23°. In fact, the transit ends with Mars turning direct at Virgo 3°. With Mars Rx going through 20° the majority of us, if not all will feel the effects of this retrograde.
And while everyone who does experience it, will experience the Mars Rx differently — the same themes (as listed further down in this article) will occur. Some natives will experience a lot of negative manifestations due to their natural natal (birth) chart and how the transiting planets affect their natal planets. Yet other people will experience an incredible amount of energy, drive, and a welcomed increase in sexual appetite. It all depends on what was happening with Mars before the retrograde because the retrograde makes Mars related themes go in the opposite direction to what you normally experience, martian-wise.
A little About the Planets & Signs in this Rx
Mars (God of War and guardian of agriculture) is a masculine and active planet. He naturally rules Aries and co-rules Scorpio. Mars was named after the month of March and late March begins sign of Aries and the Persian New Year. The start of Aries is the start of spring in North America. It can also be seen as a good time to give birth to anything as this time sets the tone for new beginnings. Festivals were also held in March and October (late October begins Scorpio) to honor Mars.
Mars (rules Aries) was the son of Juno alone (co-rules Libra and is the opposite of Aries). Jupiter (her husband and ruler of Sagittarius) gave birth to Minerva (mentioned by Hickey as the non-destructive side of the planet Pluto who is connected to the sign Scorpio.
Associated Mars animals: Woodpecker and the Wolf.
Mars (
) is the ruling planet of Aries and is exalted in Capricorn. Mars is the Roman god of war and bloodshed, whose symbol is a spear and shield. Both the soil of Mars and the hemoglobin of human blood are rich in iron, and because of this they share its distinct deep red color.[17] Mars orbits the Sun in 687 days, spending about 57.25 days in each sign of the zodiac. It is also the first planet that orbits outside of Earth’s orbit, making it the first planet that does not set along with the Sun.
Astrologically, Mars is associated with confidence and self assertion, aggression, sexuality, energy, strength, ambition, and impulsiveness. Mars governs sports, competitions and physical activities in general. The 1st-century poet Manilius, described the planet as ardent, and as the lesser malefic. In medicine, Mars presides over the genitals, the muscular system, the gonads, and adrenal glands. It was traditionally held to be hot and excessively dry, and ruled the choleric humor. It was associated with fever, accidents, trauma, pain, and surgery. In modern astrology, Mars is said to rule the first and eighth houses; traditionally, however, Mars ruled the third and tenth houses. While Venus tends to the overall relationship atmosphere, Mars is the passionate impulse and action, the masculine aspect, discipline, will-power, and stamina.
The planet MarsBefore the discovery of Pluto, it was universally considered the ruler of Scorpio. Most modern astrologers consider Pluto the ruler of Scorpio, but many regard Mars as a co-ruler, while all traditional astrologers still regard Mars as the only ruler of Scorpio.
Mars is associated with Tuesday, and in Romance languages the word for Tuesday often resembles Mars (in Romanian, marÅ£i , in Spanish, martes, in French, mardi and in Italian “martedì”). Dante Alighieri associated Mars with the liberal art of arithmetic. In Chinese astrology, Mars is ruled by the element fire, which is passionate, energetic, and adventurous. In Indian astrology, Mars is called Mangala and represents energy, confidence, and ego.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Vesta. When I think of Mars Rx Virgo, I think of Mars being connected to Mercury and Vesta and the types of plans the planets have for us. Plans around planning, duty, ritual, health, wellness, analysis, thought, sacred sex, communication, analysis, etc. Interestingly the last planetary Rx was in Mercury back in November /December of 2011.
With the sign Scorpio (co-ruled by Mars), the stingy tail is sticking out. The tail on the symbol of Scorpio not only represents the Scorpion but also sexuality, and the arrow that’s part of the symbol for Mars. With Virgo, the tail is tucked inside the ‘m’. Virgo (amongst other things) tends to be sexually chaste, modest, shy, inhibited, submissive, and virginal (until a pure and spiritual being opens her up and gets her to ‘forget’). The feminine sign of Virgo can have a naughty side and Mars is very good at bringing that out of her as he doesn’t take no for an answer — he keeps hitting on her until she succumbs to his efforts.
Mars entered Virgo and became retrograde on January 24th at 23° and turns direct on April 14, 2012 at 3° Virgo.
Sensitive people will feel the Rx during the shadow period which happens before and after a retrograde. So if you find yourself suddenly and naturally thinking about or doing something related to an Rx theme before it actually goes Rx or after it goes direct, you’re probably quite sensitive.
Note: Recently I’m learning about the RX shadow beginning and ending as it relates to the degrees that the RX begins and when it turns direct. This time period, as can be seen by what Cafestrology says can be lengthy. This is not my strong point in astrology (as it relates to astronomy, I think!!) and so I’ll do some investigating about this in the coming weeks. I’m thinking it has to do with how ‘fast’ a planet moves. I’ve only written about Mercury Rx before which usually is a couple of weeks before the Rx and after turning direct sooo… that might be it. Also, there are some who say the RX started on the 23rd and it may have for their timezone; however, it was listed as January 24th UTC time in the Swiss ephemeris.
What’s an Rx Good for and What is it?
An Rx is great for going back and seeing what plans that planet wanted you to carry-out but that you didn’t quite complete / figure out in the past.
When it’s in retrograde (appearing to move backwards from its normal forward direction in the cosmos), it goes over all these things.
The prefix re is Latin and it relates to repetition. It means going over things again or again and again. It also means going back or a backwards motion and this is related to withdrawal.
Any word that starts or contains the re such as renew, restart, revert, rejuvenate, review, retrace, reorganize, refurbish indicates the type of action you can experience during a retrograde. And as much as Mars Rx is about reflection and taking time-out, it’s about doing things and taking action in regards to something from the past, even if it’s done internally. Yes, themes can manifest themselves internally — like an introvert.
While the abbreviation Rx means retrograde, it reminds me of the word prescription (which also has re in it). A prescription is meant to fix a problem — something that is not functioning at its best. And during a Mars Rx, things that are not working are brought to our attention so we can fix them before an even more serious problem occurs.
So what does it all mean and how does it affect you?
When Mars or any planetary Rx is talked about, it’s often referring to what is going on in the cosmos; however, it’s important to see how what’s going on in the sky affects you personally and for that — we take a look at your natal chart.
By checking your personal and world transits and seeing what sign and house Mars is in and what other planets, asteroids, stars, and points it may contact — we’ll be able to gain a better idea as to how, why, and what will manifest during this period. Do know that I offer “learn and know” astrology lessons and consultations by phone. I reside in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Themes of this Mars Rx
READY, SET, GO (or no-go) — ACTION (or non-action)!
Reviewing, revisiting, renewing, restarting, reverting, rejuvenating, reviewing, retracing, reorganizing, refurbishing, reflecting, etc.
- Health & Wellness
- Exercise & Nutrition
- Sexual health
- Surgery & accidents
- Burns, cuts, inflammation
- The body, specifically the head
- Action & activity
- Mental & physical growth
- War, fighting, arguments for peace
- Power & stamina, competition
- The natural world, wild animals
- Self-reliance, management, direction
Examples of Potentially beneficial things to do during a Mars Rx
So for this Rx, if you haven’t had a successful health routine (exercise, eating, etc) now is the time to review, revise, and DO. Also, sex is on the table or bed (wherever you like it… haha) so have you been getting too much or too little sex? How’s your sex life been? This is actually a good time to see a sex therapist, get some sexual education, analyze, and fine-tune your love-making abilities. Muah! Go get ’em tigers and tigresses.
Finally, anger issues — resentments, upsets — get over them. Say goodbye to that which inflames, incites, and ignites in unhealthy ways. Mars also rules surgery. So this might be a good time to go back and redo a surgery that didn’t repair an injury from the past. Do know that some astrologers say to stay away from surgery altogether during a Mars Rx.
It may also be a good time to aggressively heal a dis-ease, fungal infections, metals, blood disorders, etc. (Use health information at your own risk!! I highly suggest not replacing licensed medical advice with alternative therapies and occult knowledge).
And if you experience constipation or intestinal problems (Virgo rules that) ensure you work-out and get your innards moving (Mars!!). Don’t let the Rx back-up your system. Focus on active health & wellness — things you haven’t done before or didn’t do successfully before.
Holding back the juice is also indicated during this transit. So you may want to use protection, for various reasons, when having sex during this Mars Rx. Or there could be other reasons for the retraction of martian fluid (including sweat! ;). This is where Mars Rx can get a little negative — it all depends on how you slant things, what you want, and how it’s viewed. Perhaps this is a time where you want to conserve your energy (holding back the juice) for a specific event where you’re the athlete, such as being a marathon runner or hockey player and need to amass Martian reserves for the big day. Or it could mean abstaining from sex so that you have more juice for to impregnate. Or it could mean reducing a large amount of blah sex in favour for less WOW sex. There are so many ways to read this transit and a professional astrologer (like myself) can help you make sense of how this transit applies to you personally.
So please, please, please… don’t think this Mars Rx is all bad stuff. In fact, you might not perceive ANY bad thing happening. Time will tell. Know the future possibilities, but live in the reality of the present. Work with and not against the planets in the style (sign) they want it done.
Current Mars World Transits
I use a 10° orb with most aspects
- Mars Rx Trine Mercury
- Mars Rx Semi-sextile Saturn
- Mars Rx Inconjunct Neptune
- Mars Rx Square North Node
Current Pluto World Transits
- Pluto Sextile Venus
- Later in the Rx Pluto with Square, Trine, Quincunx Venus
Looking at the world transits, one stands out right away — Mars Rx Trine Mercury in Capricorn . To me, that means this is a very good time to go over serious conversations about sex, health, and education that will make you money in the end or help you reach long-overdue goals. And Pluto Sextile Venus also stands out. It says to me that powerful love is at play during at least part of this Mars Rx.
This world transit is great for thinking about how we compete with other businesses or others in the workplace. Here, the suggestion is that talking it out rather than getting physical will work. Because we are at the tail-end of Saturn in Libra 29° I feel this Mars Rx has a lot to do with relationships — relationships with yourself AND others. And that’s the other thing, as an astrologer we look at the whole chart — not just parts. Mars Rx Virgo is a part.
Transit Delineation for Mars Rx Virgo
Mars in Virgo
- Plans and organizes activities
- Has specific sexual tastes and potentially ‘fetishes’
- A methodical and analytical lover — will learn what turns you on
- Likes to have clean sex or wash up after sex
- Thinks about how they will compete but slow to act
- Interested in health regimes and actively seeks to improve
- May enjoy working with or using hands.
- Most likely enjoys eating and cooking
- A hard-worker, productive, and precise
- Will get technical and use cool actions in an argument (a bit stealthy?! the spy)
- Sherlock Holmes (which I discovered after writing what I did below… hehe) or Spock character
With Mars Rx Virgo, give the above statements a ‘re’ twist. For example, it’s a good time to re-plan outdated activities, re-evaluate your sexual health, renovate your work space, re-consider quitting your job for one that will appreciate your efforts more, or close an old argument that has been lingering in the back-ground, etc. Heck, it could even mean check-mate! Recently, I watched the Sherlock Holmes 2: A Game of Shadows movie (which includes a long bit on a fortune teller and tarot card reading) and Mars Virgo makes for a good games-man — the type that’s quite cerebral and cunning!
haha… just checked Robert Downey’s natal chart and guess what? he has Mars in Virgo!! 😉 If this actor sexually appeals to you, you’ll get a sense of what a Mars Virgo male is like. By the way, Robert has a stellium in Virgo (Mars, Uranus, and Pluto) in the 2nd house (sensuality, self-esteem, self-finances, beauty, etc.)
At any rate, Check your personal transits or have me check them for you!!
Personal Experiences (so far) with this Mars Rx
At the start of the Rx (first week)
- On day one I had to re-write my Wii profile and wipe my fitness results to-date. No biggie.
- Okay, I’m going to say it — sex is good! That could be sex with myself or sex with another (maybe both 😉 but I’m not kissing and telling. Well, I guess I’m kissing or is that telling? — I’m not sure. 😛 — My Virgo Venus is not liking me right now! “Sshhh. privacy” she says!!
- I have a ton of physical energy and I’m doing more than I usually do. I have drive and ambition.
- I have increased responsibility in the work I do. It’s affirming but mentally challenging.
- I have lost 12 pounds since starting a new exercise & food regime since December 25th. As the days got closer to the Rx, I was even more determined to exercise and eat right! And I noticed I don’t have the same kind of appetite that I did before. That could have to do with the exercise but I’m usually still interested in eating. Don’t worry folks, I’m still eating — not starving myself but the appetite is in the normal or slightly less than normal but healthy range!
- I lost a whole bunch of my ‘social numbers’ on my blog posts so it looks like ‘less’ people actually liked or shared an article. (now fixed and back to normal numbers!!)
- I’m so busy — so much to do, and time is flying! Time is flying by at a much faster rate than ever before. What gives?
- Keep thinking about getting a small pet… not sure if I want a cat or a dog. Either would be fine but dogs require more care. Thought about this a lot but still not taking any action… probably next year, after do a lot of traveling.
- I have had outbursts of anger but then analyzed for what they were: Delayed knowledge. What I mean by that is that something happened in the past that I choose to ignore and then when I re-discovered it (archeology dig?!), I blew up in disbelief that I had fooled myself into not connecting to what was really going on.
- I keep coming back to this blog post and correcting small mistakes. Tweaking, and tweaking…
Update: February 21, 2012
- For days have had intense tiredness but then suddenly getting break-through’s where I get stuff done that I haven’t done in years. A lot of organizing and cleaning going on. 🙂
My Personal Transits
At the start of this Rx
- Mars Rx Conjunct Venus
- Mars Rx Trine Saturn
- Mars Rx Sextile Neptune
- Mars Rx Conjunct Pluto
- Mars Rx Semi-square Midheaven
- Pluto Trine Mercury
If you know how to read aspects, then you’ll probably gain a good understanding why my personal experiences with this Rx (so far) are not picked up by me as negative. For me, they are incredibly positive and in some ways — unusual. 😀 If you don’t know how to read astrology charts and you want to know how to make the best of this celestial event, please request an appointment.
Cafestrology has put together a nice horoscope with the starting point being your ascendant. I’m a Capricorn rising but I have an intercepted Aquarius so I generally consider myself a Capricorn AND an Aquarius rising with Capricorn being more powerful.
Capricorn and Capricorn Ascendant:All Mars retrograde cycles affect you in the areas of home, family, security, and domestic activities because Mars rules these areas in your solar chart. This can play out in a variety of ways. For example, household projects may slow down or stall. You might be feeling more defensive during this period, or your might get worked up about old angers or regarding emotional issues from the past that are resurfacing now. It’s a good time for examining how you have been expressing anger or asserting yourself with your family. Occurring in your solar ninth house this time, enthusiasm for higher education, travel, your personal philosophy, or adventure in general may wane, perhaps due to some problems or setbacks in these areas of life. Some projects may stall, or you could find that you are less confident about expressing yourself in adventurous ways. Your outlook on life in terms of the “bigger picture” could be more cautious, and you might find that you temporarily have less faith, or you are questioning the faith that has carried you to date. Refocus, backtracking, and review become necessary and recommended now. Your outlook and lust for life, for the time being, might not be as natural or spontaneous as it has been.
Aquarius and Aquarius Ascendant: All Mars retrograde cycles affect you in the areas of communication, siblings, neighbors, acquaintances, and transportation. Communication or transportation might take a hit somehow, making it harder to get from point A to point B, for example, or involving missed meetings, delays and red tape, challenges with studies, or mechanical breakdowns. Occurring in your solar eighth house this time, enthusiasm for intimate and sharing matters in general may wane, perhaps due to some problems or setbacks in these areas of life. Intimate matters may become more intense and complicated. Joint financial projects or initiatives may stall, or you could find that you are less confident about expressing yourself in personal ways. A lover or yourself may especially intense or obsessive. Ambiguity with finances, particularly debts and shared money or resources, could dominate now. Refocus, backtracking, and review become necessary and recommended. You could be exploring anger and assertion over deeply buried matters, and learning to better manage your life on an emotional level.
Visit Cafestrology to get your horoscope! They also have great ‘reports’ you can purchase that I don’t currently offer.
What’s up Next in Rx Land?
Reflections on beauty and the beast.
Shortly following this Mars Rx, Venus decides to take a look back at the mirror to make sure she’s pretty for the demands of Mars.
Venus Rx / Retrograde May 5, 2012 enters 23 ° Gemini until June 26, 2012 7° Gemini
We also have Saturn Rx on February 7th.
What Others Say
Skimmed over some of these links (didn’t read anything before I wrote my article) but I will over time and they look juicy and original! 🙂
Jacobs | Koiner | Koiner 2 | Surtees | Nadia | Tillett | Guy | Aliza | Aliza2 | Dipali | The Strange House | Cafestrology | Marina | Cosmic Potential |Cafestrology |Â And a video! (kind of Martian, not sure if I’ll like it in the end! I’m very Venus!! 🙂
Please feel free to leave Mercury Rx article in the comments section whether you’re an astrologer or fan of another astrologer. And if you disagree with what I have to say, as always — say so in the comments.
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