Aries in Chiron, 3rd house
October 26, 2011 | Filled under Astrology, Points, 3rd, Aspects, Chiron, Current News, Houses, Mind, Self-disclosure |
Between 1952 and 1989 Chiron was in exact opposition to Uranus forty-one times, and in orb of opposition in the charts of most people born during that period. -Â Zane Stein
Current Chiron World Transits
Chiron is currently in Pisces 0°, is trining Sun & Moon Scorpio both at 3°, is sextile Jupiter Taurus and Pluto Capricorn at 5°, semi-sextile Uranus at 1° Aries and Neptune Aquarius 28° — that’s a lot of Chiron action going on in the cosmos…
- Chiron Trine Sun
- Chiron Trine Moon
- Chiron Sextile Jupiter
- Chiron Sextile Pluto
- Chiron Semi-sextile Uranus
- Chiron Semi-sextile Neptune
About this Article
I have been curious about Chiron for some time but it felt like too heavy an asteroid to write about and I’m not exactly writing about it here either….
A draft article was written on Nov 26, 2010 @ 6:18 — 12 months ago, on this day!! I’m finding it now because I’m ready to work on the 3rd house article and wanted to see if I wrote up any notes. I found this one about me. I don’t usually make a post all about me but I figure that someone out there probably has Chiron Aries in the third house so this post might benefit you or one of your clients, friends, or loved ones.
Anyway, I have expanded my original draft and… oddly I’m posting this on Wednesday, Wodan’s Day, Mercury — since this post relates to communication.
And another Oddly, I had only bought The Twelve Houses by Howard Sasportas a couple of weeks ago and I was all excited about a revelation I read about my placement. Sasportas said this about Chiron in the 3rd: “Some with this placement may have difficulty fitting into the early schooling situation or have learning or speech difficulties.” But I ALREADY knew that since that’s what I wrote down in this blog post back in November 2010 and what I thought may have been my Chiron problems in the house of communication. Aha!
This is one reason why writing and reviewing a personal and professional diary is so very helpful to one’s progress as well as remind us where we came from, where we are, and where we can go.
Chiron: Your wounds, how you feel wounded, how you can wound others, how you can heal other’s wounds. It’s suggested Chiron is ruled by Virgo, Pisces, and/or Sagittarius
Aries: In mythology, Ares is the God of War. Aggression, boldness, immaturity, courage, self-oriented, fearlessness, temper tantrums, adventurous, frustrated, leader-oriented, angered, a child — like a newborn.
3rd House: Communication, siblings, neighbours, short distance travel, short duration education, the lower mind, church, lower truths
…and it’s also important to look to the opposite house too.  Opposite signs, houses, and planets are magnetic and connected.
9th House: Philosophy, in-laws, distant relatives and foreigners, long distance travel, long duration education, the higher mind, religion, higher truths
Speech Wounds in Childhood and Today
- Speech problems, lisp
- What I say can hurt; it can hurt me and others.
- Called scatterbrained in grade 6 because my thought faster than speech
- Have dyslexia. This is considered a learning disability but can become a gift, once accepted (healed). Known for extremely good spelling and word knowledge, because I had a photographic memory (not as strong as childhood); however, sentences and letters were backwards. I thought in a backwards way (still do) so it was hard for teachers to understand what I was saying and writing sometimes. And sometimes I misunderstood what was being asked of me. I was advised I wouldn’t make it in university because of my reading comprehension yet my IQ is above average. Grades in school fluctuated on whether a teacher taught in a particular way. I like being taught in a style that’s animated, moves, and that tells a verbal story in a visual way so I can draw a mental picture.
- Had mouth covered by siblings because I talked too much
- I was much younger than my siblings, at the time
- Got all tongue tied around figures of authority (better written as, ‘authority figures’…)
- Not feeling heard. Others can say the same thing but people pay attention to them. I can ask for something directly and it be thoroughly ignored.
Aspects in orb with Chiron as it relates to Mars & Mercury
- Chiron Aries (3rd house, Mars Ruler) is in opposition of Uranus Libra (9th house Venus Ruler) — Libra and the 9th house can relate to languages. And I have a natural affinity and fair ease in learning languages; however, when it’s in opposition to Chiron — it can mean I am wounded by my native language (English). English, to me, has severely lacked. There were not enough precise words readily known, to explain and express what I was feeling or sensing. It just seemed, lacking. Uranus Libra, as it pertains to learning, represents a highly different or innovative way of learning and with a small class, where partnership, intimacy, and co-operation amongst students, is one of the best ways to learn advanced concepts. With Chiron Aries in the third, I felt alone in my learning process but I imagine I learned to make that work for me since I’m an autodidact now.
- This placement can also mean that because of my communication wounds in childhood and my young adulthood, it didn’t set me up with clear confidence and direction for higher education. Yet, I’m an eternal student. And here goes the opposition of “but’s”… very Libra… A vacillation to and from…. On one hand, this – but on the other hand, that. But the great thing about oppositions, is that they are conjunctions — in disguise. A mirror. An opposition means: Differences projected or displaced, a separation, a blind-spot, a wall between, two sides to the story, attraction vs. repulsion, push vs. pull, back vs. forth, same goals but different ways of expressing it. A conjunction means: Power, an overpowering urge to merge, inseparable, and no distinction.
- Chiron Trine Sun & Mars Leo (7th house) — Without the contact type in mind, this connection can mean: Self-healing, Personal Healing, or Self-wounds, Personal Wounds (Sun), and Aggressive, Sexual, or Creative Healing / Wounding / Wounds (Mars). What heals, can hurt. What hurts, can heal. My wounds and what I can teach others, are in harmony with my Sun and Mars in the house of partnership. In other words, my partners, associates, clients, and best friends benefit from my wounds, how I have healed, and what I have learned about healing – because I accept and understand the small voice within and I encourage others to get their needs met, and to vocalize feelings and thoughts, etc.. I encourage and facilitate healing.
- Chiron Inconjunct / Quincunx Mercury Virgo (8th house, Mercury Ruler) – Without the contact type in mind, this connection can mean Healing Communication / Analysis or Communication / Analysis that Heals.
- This contact can be found in the charts of mental healers, psychic surgeons, psychologists, psychics, astrologers, and other metaphysicians and philosophers especially if Chiron or Mercury is found in the 8th or 9th house.
- For me, there’s an adjustment to be made in how I communicate deep truths that are meant to heal, especially around psychology and how others operate. I ask others to adjust their perspective on what people say and what they see. To analyze the truth of what is being said and how it heals or wounds. Therefore, I help others heal not only themselves but others because healing oneself, heals others.
- When I was younger, I didn’t realize I helped people heal and that my words meant anything — until many years later.  People surprisingly told me (long after the fact) that I healed them in some way. Today, I get to hear about my impact much more quickly, often on-the-spot and that’s what I prefer to know. I prefer to know how I’m affecting someone (for good or bad) TODAY! It’s the Aries way. 🙂
My other Chiron aspects are: Chiron-Moon, Chiron-Jupiter, Chiron-Neptune, Chiron-Ascendant, Chiron-North Node and all making higher (spiritual and self-development) harmonic connections. Chiron is currently transiting in my 2nd house making a conjunction to my North Node, and Opposition to Mercury. Get ready for me world…
Aries on the 3rd House Cusp
With Aries on the 3rd house cups, it’s like having a Mercury-Mars aspect, which I don’t have natally.
Aries on the 3rd can signal: One-sided conversations. Aggressive, loud, or assertive way of speaking. Speaking over another person. Not being afraid to say what one wants. Passionate thinking process. passionate way of expressing one’s thoughts. Flirtatious. Confident speech. Child-like or immature way of communicating. Not knowing right from wrong as it pertains to what is communicated.
But it also means, I have Libra on the 9th. Co-operative, harmonious, flowing language of the higher mind. Small talk is not a feature. Philosophical thought, using big and expressive words is more often utilized. I seek education where the teacher is the student and vice versa — this is inline with my fortified teaching method. And I prefer small class learning experiences where the one with the talking stick (i.e. the Teacher or Facilitator) connects deeply and values each individual and their contribution within the group.
My ruler of the 3rd is in my 7th so that just adds to the challenge. And Mercury, the natural house ruler of the 3rd, is in my 8th. The 8th is naturally ruled by Pluto and co-ruled by Mars. So there’s a lot of strength, intensity, and power in how I communicate. I leave a lasting impression and hit immediately / deeply, yet I imagine some may have and do find me too much and therefore push away from associating what they learned with me because of how I deliver/ed my message. And I have been working on that. My Venus is fully activated so I have been channeling as much of that into my communication style with others. Left to my own devices, I wouldn’t pay attention to the effect (too busy talking and trying to get my point across) I have on the other person’s feelings while talking to them and even today, I don’t always know what effect I’ll have on another. But if the person speaks up, they’ll get their needs met and I’ll cool down if that’s desired.
Fixing Chiron in the 3rd Problems
This is what I have done or I am doing to fix my Chiron in the 3rd problems:
- Be discerning about when to use force, with speech.
- Pay attention to whether others, in environment, can handle what I’m saying (too much, too soon).
- Took early speech therapy to remove my lisp
- Slowed down my thoughts like a martial artist slowing down their physical movements
- Read everything I could on how to communicate better, with an emphasis on oral communication (my weakest way to communicate anything of value, or anything of the higher mind).
- With Gemini on my 5th and 6th, I’m writing and communicating a lot. Fancy how I could have dyslexia & Chiron in my 3rd — making communicating and writing more challenging but something I love and feel, need to do. Double check what I have wrote before sending and then read again after sending or after some time passes. Unfortunately, for casual or urgent communication, that’s not always something I can do. Have someone edit important written documents. Make my own mental pictures. Don’t wait for anyone else to do it for me.
- If someone doesn’t want to listen or care for what I say, don’t talk to them. What I’m having to get over is the shock of someone else truly listening. There’s a quiet in their voice, I can hear a complete shut-down in what they want to say next, because they are deeply listening to what I have to say. That is still unnerving to me because it doesn’t happen enough to be normal.
- Authority, celebrity, or anyone considered better or bigger than me, isn’t really that afterall. It’s a perception of illusion. They have similar challenges, emotions, feelings, and physical make-up as myself. They are no better or bigger but a star in their own right as I am a star in my own right.
- Learn to communicate in a way that is palatable, acceptable, and easy-for-others to understand. Strip the eccentricities and abstractness out of my speech, at least when it’s for mass market. And perhaps channel the eccentricities into art, where it’s generally most appreciated.
- Ask for what I need directly. If my needs are not being met, demand or take them for myself (as long as the rights of others are not violated and I’m not being criminal!). Ask to be heard. If I’m not, move away from those who obviously don’t want to hear me. No loss on either side, yes?!
How can my Chiron in the 3rd, Teach and Heal Pain in Other People?
Consciousness heals.
- I’m here to help people better communicate. It’s part of my mission: To help people communicate with themselves and in turn with others. If you can’t have a good conversation with yourself, surely you won’t be able to have one with anyone else.
- I help people to: Slow it down, use their words, get heard, be respected, use their language — whether that be visual, tactical, verbal, etc.
Where is your Chiron? What house? How can you or have you healed your pain? How can you or have you taught or healed that pain in others?
About Chiron in the 3rd:
A person with Chiron in Aries here may well feel as though they are not heard, or that their opinions do not matter because they are not considered or well formed enough. The gift of Chiron awakened here is the realisation of great power to speak, to rouse to action and to energize through the words. – Jeremy Neal of Chirotic Journal
I would agree that while I have felt and to some extent, still feel unheard, I know that my words and what I say ARE received and people are energized to act even if they don’t attribute that to what I said. So it’s in knowing this, that I recognize the power of my behind-the-scenes effect on others and can therefore design my communications with that in mind. This then alleviates my frustrations of not being heard, when I know full-well that I am but just not accepted, applauded, or recognized by a majority for a reason I haven’t fully resolved yet.
The work Jeremy did on Chiron in Aries is amazing. As it relates to Chiron Aries in the third, most people would think I completed university (I haven’t). I have read through dictionaries and encyclopedias for pure joy (remember that Gemini is likely on the 5th for anyone who has Aries on the third) because we like to know a lot of little facts — it’s interesting. I’m what one would call an autodidact, a self-learner and I do so with great vigor.
Having Mars rule my third and then be in my 7th, of open enemies — there is a suggestion that whatever I say can evoke strong feelings of competition and aggression from others (as well as that coming from me). What I say tends to be pointed, sure and unwavering statements. I have been working on bringing in Venus more often to soothe the force of Mars.
Notable People with Chiron Aries in the Third
- Paul Newman – Actor, Humanitarian, Entrepreneur, Race Car Driver, Film Director
- A.E. Thierens – Occultist (tarot, astrology, etc). Many, still today, dispute his theories.
- Nat King Cole – Singer, Musician, Jazz Pianist, First African-American TV Host
- Catherine Zeta Jones – Actress, Singer, Dancer
- Carmen Electra – Actress, Singer, Dancer
- Malcolm X – Activist, Politician
- Karla Homolka – Convicted Serial Killer
- Rebecca Romijin – Actress, Singer, Studied Music
- Telly Savalas – Actor, Singer
- Ulysses S. Grant– President, Politician
- Georges Lefebvre – French Historian, worked on the Revolution and peasant life
- Bâton-Rouge (Louisiane) City in United States
- Amsterdam (Netherlands) – Country in Europe
- Piero the Unfortunate – was the Gran maestro of Florence
- Madame Fraya also known as Valentine Dencausse – Psychic, French cartomancer (palm reading, handwriting analyst by instinct, intuition). She has lots of powerful Pluto (in the 4th, past lives… ancestral connection) contacts including one that is trine with Mars in the 8th house.
- Hélène Grimaud – French Pianist
It’s interesting to note a lot of singers. I have said that I want to be a ‘one hit wonder’. I love singing, and playing musical instruments. Most of these noted celebrities also had / have talents in many fields.
What Others Say
- Astronuts on Tribe about Chiron-Uranus
- Chirotic Journal Chiron in Aries, thorugh the houses
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