Posts Tagged by friendship
Part One: An Introduction to the 11th House, Eleventh House Astrology Series
September 26, 2011 | Filled under Astrology, 11th, Houses |
What kind of friend are you? What type of friends do you like? Do your friends help you? Are you into politics and activism? What are your hopes and dreams? You’ll find it in the 11th house. Sounds interesting but don’t know what this article is all about? Book a session: 🙂 ‘The…
The Professional Friend: Challenge #1
January 16, 2011 | Filled under Life, Readings & Analysis, Services, Self-disclosure |
What is a Professional Friend? A Professional Friend is someone who offers Intimate Services for a fee. A Professional Friend connects with the client in a deeply personal way. A Professional Friend can be a doctor, therapist, consultant, personal assistant, coach, GFE, etc. A Professional Friend has something to offer you that a traditional friend…