The Fixed Star Capulus: Off with their Heads, and the Male Temperament and Sexual Energy of Capulus Women!
November 25, 2012 | Filled under Astrology, Capulus, Fixed Stars, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury |
Fixed Star Capulus 23° or 24° Taurus
Last month I wrote an article titled, Fixed star Algol, Taurus: The Sexual, Emotional, & Psychological Drives of Heterosexual Men with Algol
After I wrote it, I realized my question about my own involvement with Algol men had not been fully answered. That’s when I started to take a closer look at Capulus. I don’t have Algol in aspect, or paran to any of my planets or angles but I do have Capulus Conjunct Saturn in the 4th house, but not in paran to anything.
My first draft was wrote on November 17 2012, and the world transits related to Capulus at the time were: Capulus in Opposition to Sun & Mercury Rx in Scorpio and Capulus is Conjunct SN Taurus within 2°.
Publishing this on November 24, 2012, Capulus is Conjunct the SN, as is Algol.
The Perseus Myth
Fixed star energy is deeper, and stronger in my opinion, and basically sets the stage for our life.
The fixed star material I’m bringing up in this article is not easily accessed in talk therapy because it resides as a hidden layer under our regular natal chart (an undercurrent). When I say, “regular”, I mean the standard planets and signs that we readily find in a chart.
And while I find the planets of our natal chart describe who we are, the fixed stars seem to be the myths we play out, often with our soul mates (SN stuff). Fixed star energy is deeper, and stronger in my opinion, and basically sets the stage for our life. Therefore, it’s very important to know what river flows beneath the sand, and work towards applause, rather than boos.
And that’s what I hope to accomplish in this article. I hope that you’ll be able to uncover compulsive (covered and deep 8th house material) behavior so that you or the ones you care about may begin healing and putting an end to destructive myths being played out. But not only that, I want you and those you care about to achieve greatness — to take the next evolutionary step of self-awareness and self-development.
Many say that myths are untrue. If that is the case, take advantage of that — see what you do, Â for what it really is — false action.
In my article, Fixed star Algol, Taurus: The Sexual, Emotional, & Psychological Drives of Heterosexual Men with Algol, I highlighted the Medusa Myth that is the counterpart to the Perseus Myth.
View images of Perseus (sexual, brave, ego, courage, victory, youth, dare, daring, vitality, strength, virility, potent , fearless, getting the job done)
Legend has it that “Zeus visited Danae in the form of a shower of gold and got her pregnant with Perseus. As a young man Perseus undertook a mission to kill the Medusa. He was furnished with the sword, cap and wings of Mercury and the shield of Minerva (Athena). He killed the Medusa by cutting off her head and afterwards killed the sea monster Cetus and then rescued and married Andromeda. [Robson*, p.56.]”
About the Perseus Myth:Â Greek Mythology site
To sum it up, for the purpose of exploring the effects of Capulus on a native, an oracle of Apollo told Danae’s father that her son would one day kill him.
So when Acrisius found Danae (his daughter) had a baby, he cast them out to sea in a large chest. Â They were saved by the brother (Dictys) of the king, and the king, Polydectes, wanted to marry Danae but she rejected him.
Polydectes set up a rouse to egg on the ego of Perseus. He challenged Perseus to bring him the head of Medusa!
In his journey to slay the head off of Medusa, he received help from Hermes, and Athena (Minerva) — giving Perseus the sickle of Cronos (Saturn) that was used to overpower Uranus and that Zeus used against Typhoeus. Athena also gave him a shield to protect him from the image of Medusa. Hermes gave him winged sandals. He also received from the Nymphs of the North, the cap of darkness (invisibility), and a “magic wallet” to put the head inside.
In the end, Perseus successfully slayed Medusa. He also accidentally hit Acrisisus with a discus in a game on the way back to King Polydectes, and that’s what killed him.
The main players in this story
- Acrisius, father of Danae
- Danae, mother of Perseus
- Perseus, immaculately conceived and is the son of Danae & Zeus (Pisces transformed into Aries or Scorpio?)
- Zeus, father of Perseus (Jupiter, Sagittarius and yet connected to Taurus as he at one point turns himself into a white bull)
- Polydectes, the savior (through his brother) of Dane and Perseus
- Adromeda, whom Perseus got released her from the rock, and married. Poseidon had punished her for her mother’s misstep by chaining her to rock to be sacrificed to a sea monster.
- Hercules, son of Zeus and also a descendant of Perseus and Adromeda
Supporting players
- Mercury (Gemini, Virgo)
- Minerva (Athena, Mars, Scorpio, Aries)
- Pegasus
What the Myth Tells Us About the Fixed Star Capulus
After reading about the myth at the Greek mythology site, I came up with the following:
- Not having any money but receiving and using one’s natural resources to get a job done.
- An underdog.
- Fighting for honor.
- A treacherous birth, childhood.
- An unknown yet noble birth or heritage.
- Help when you need it most.
- Receiving resources, gifts, and tools to do a very hard job.
- Being given direction.
- Cutting, and critical remarks.
- A fascination with the head.
- Finding those that one needs to communicate with.
- Feeling and being invisible.
- Reflecting another person’s nastiness.
- Determination. Fortitude. Endurance.
- The “Magic Wallet” — playing tricks that amuse some, and hurt others.
- Adventurous.
- Helpful.
- I have what you need, or want, but you may not get it.
- A saint, of sorts.
- Using one’s gifts to help ‘other’ underdogs.
- On a quest.
- I’ve got the answer to everyone’s problems!
- Generating good karma.
- Protecting those who are weaker.
- Stopping evil
- Fulfilling a prophecy, one’s destiny.
- A destiny that is painful to oneself and others.
- An athletic and competitive yet noble nature.
- A traveler.
- Soulmates.
- Longevity.
- Retaliating against injustices (see Adromeda, for example)
- A kind act, that generates other unrelated kind acts, that ends up unwittingly benefiting oneself. Rewarded for being a kind spirit.
- Taking care of one’s friends, while having no mercy on those who are not.
- Intense strength and bravery.
- Leaving a legacy.
- Making a great impact.
- Saturn (bone and sinew… tearing through the head with the sickle).
- Chronos (Saturn) overpowered Uranus with the sickle!
Planetary Connections
While I connect Algol to Mercury or Venus (in aspect to Pluto especially as a square or opposition), I connect Capulus to Mars / Mercury (in aspect to Jupiter, especially as a Trine or Sextile). Truly these stars are partners: Deep, and penetrating. Alive, you’ll feel. So Algol is like Venus, and Capulus like Mars. Venus Conjunct or Opposition Mars! With the potential of being Venus Trine or Sextile Mars. They can make a good team / pair or be totally at odds with each other!
I connect Jupiter to Capulus because he traveled far distances, and had a righteous attitude at times. And Mars for the fighting, and brave spirit. Capulus is not hidden. It is in your face.
“He was furnished with the sword, cap and wings of Mercury and the shield of Minerva. ” This is one reason why I say Mercury and Pluto are connected to Capulus. Athena is connected to Mars (Aries) but Pluto (Scorpio) is the female version.
A New & Modern Interpretation: Capulus
Traditional and not-so traditional meanings of Capulus include:
It causes blindness or defective eyesight (all clusters of stars or nebula have this effect). [Robson*, p.154.]
Al Biruni refers to it as one of the four most nebulous stars but dismisses the suggestion (frequently attached to nebulous clusters) that it causes blindness, arguing that vision is represented by the luminaries and this cluster is too high in latitude to fall on their path. [2] , Skyscript
“Primitive male sexual energy; penetrating; ruthless; adventurous; dishonesty; mass effects, esp. meteorological; blindness (spiritual or emotional if not physical)” Rob Tillet
When prominent in a natal chart it is said to denote adventurous individuals, but also those who are less than honest in their dealings with others. [Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.14.]
Lets find more meaning in Capulus:
“Capulus, in Latin, means: coffin, handle (as in gavel), hilt of a sword, tomb, scacophagus; halter for catching / fastening cattle, lasso. God’s acre, cemetery, churchyard, graveyard” Source
“Capulus: Beauty and the Beast.” Abella Arthur
“Capulus energy is clear. decisive, focused, and possibly even ruthless: an “If it can be touched, weighted, or seen, then it has existence” mentality. Perseus’ sword is the male kundalini energy, the partner to Algol”, Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars, Bernadette Brady, Page 193
“Capulus natives have zero tolerance for the monster within others. Any beast shall be slayed, firmly and swiftly. Algol natives, who also have Capulus, are demons and slayers.” Abella Arthur
“Capulus imparts power of thought, a quick mind, and realization of ideas and plans. There are also indications that you are ambitious, or competitive, which at times can cause rashness, indecision, and changeable views. A love of conversation and debate is also indicated by this star and endows you with impressive speaking abilities and quick repartee. Capulus warns against using talents in a destructive manner, sarcasm, and becoming involved in controversies.
Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star bestows persistence, endurance, determination, and an ability to focus your energy. Caplus’ influence enables you to achieve a prominent position in your field and may also encourage you to study philosophy, astrology, or metaphysics. Alternatively, this star may indicate success in dealing with the public at large.
Positive: Ambitious, good sense of humour / Negative: Sarcastic, too competitive, destructive” - The Powers of Birthdays, Stars, and Numbers: The Complete Persononlogy Reference Guide by Geraldine Sullivan, Saffi Crawford — The authors also connect Capulus to the quality of Mars / Mercury but I add Jupiter.
“… our hero is not able to look directly at the opponent that confronts him. Instead, the willingness to go on the offensive as suggested by the sword, (Mars), must be tempered by cunning or intellect, (Mercury); otherwise Capulus will suggest a passionate energy which dissipates or turns inwards through a lack of focus.” , Skyscript
“These people feel split and are on a quest to find themselves. This unease makes them very driven. They want to play the hero and see themselves as the “good guyâ€. Some have a love/hate relationship with their own power and may even be afraid to use it. However when they do finally, it is NOT subtle.” Darkstar Astrology
“The overarching theme of Algol is improper conduct, and Capulus natives persecute (as in, Perseus) that conduct. Some natives, that have both Algol and Capulus, persecute their own improper conduct and this impropriety often generates shame. Capulus (with or without Algol) natives also persecute Algol or Algol type behavior in others.” Abella Arthur
The Myths
Don’t stare the monster in the face, or it will be the death of you. Perseus was able to avoid death by avoiding Medusa’s gaze through using his shield to monitor her reflection.
I’ve found that Algol natives can become narcissistic adults, due to the the smothering and over attention given to them by their mothers — the exact opposite that Capulus natives usually experience (Algol / Capulus natives may experience both extremes).
Capulus, Algol, and the Medusa myth ties into the myth of Narcissus. There are common threads between the myths such as Narcissus being the product of a rape, and being a descendant of Oceanus.
In the Narcissus myth, 1. a sword was involved wherein an admirer of Narcissus (like Algol) was indirectly told to prove how much he loved Narcissus, by killing himself. 2. Artemis (like Capulus) made Narcissus fall in love with himself as punishment for planting the seed for another to destroy themselves. and 3. Narcissus is not in love with himself, but a reflection of himself — the reflection the Algol native tries to project onto a Capulus native or inflicts upon himself if he also has Capulus. In either case Capulus will attempt to cut the damaged parts out, by turning the mirror around.
Oddly, I have had a reproduction painting of Narcissus and Echo on my bathroom door for years that was given to me by one of my Algol exes parents.
Information on narcissism:
- Rokelle Lerner – Narcissus Meets Buddha: Transforming Narcissistic Relationships, Part 1
- Sam Vaknin, Narcissism Expert. His channel is here.
- Egomania: Mania — a full length documentary about NPD
- Narcissism and Relationships — a very good interview on the impact of narcissism within a relationship.
- Two Narcissists in a Relationship, by Sam Vaknin
Etymology & Definitions
I’ve decided to take a look at the etymology and definition of Capulus and Perseus to see if I could find long lost meaning.
Capulus, in Latin, means: coffin, handle (as in gavel), hilt of a sword, tomb, sarcophagus; halter for catching / fastening cattle, lasso. God’s acre, cemetery, churchyard, graveyard
The word gavel brings to mind the word judge. Capulus natives lay down the law. They are no nonsense ball-breakers! An interesting thing is that I liken Capulus with Mars, and Algol with Venus, whereas the keyword “judge” is most aligned with Libra (Venus) so it’s a dance between these two fixed stars, for sure.
God’s Acre
Comes from “German Gottesacker, from Gott (God) + Acker (field). The allusion is that the bodies of the dead are sown in the field in hope of resurrection.” Source
This reminds me of how the Chinese viewed Algol influence — a Pile of Corpses. Perhaps Capulus takes the bad, and tries to turn it into good. Or Capulus challenges Algol to move to a higher ground, a higher place — to end their misery. Capulus resurrects Algol.
Perseus might come from the “ancient Greek verb, “Ï€ÎÏθειν” (perthein), “to waste, ravage, sack, destroyâ€, some form of which appears in Homeric epithets.” Source
This reminds me of the word persecute: ” to pursue with harassing or oppressive treatment, especially because of religion, race, or beliefs; harass persistently or to annoy or trouble persistently. worry, badger, vex, bother, pester. ” Source
I won’t let something go easily. I won’t let someone hide, pretend, and to blame the outside, or shun responsibility for their actions. I pester persistently. Yup, I’ve done that. And generally for the health of both myself and the other as the motivating reason. In other words: if I don’t care, I won’t pester. But I don’t want to do it anymore. It seems to hurt me more, and not help the other — so working on it through this article to solve the problem!
Off with his head!
Stop right there!
Capulus cuts off heads through bravery, masochism, lack of patience, self-defense, or ego.
The overarching theme of Algol is improper conduct, and Capulus natives persecute (as in, Perseus) that conduct. Some natives, that have both Algol and Capulus, persecute their own improper conduct and this impropriety often generates shame. Capulus (with or without Algol) natives also persecute Algol or Algol themes in others!
Alice in Wonderland’s Queen of Hearts.
From the cradle to the grave!
Ab cuna ad capulum means from the cradle to the grave. Source So from Algol to Capulus!
While the basic meaning of this say refers to ‘a lifetime’ — from birth to death, I also I interpret this as: We made you, and we can break you.
Capulus is the masculine myth connected to the father (Capricorn), and Algol is the feminine myth connected to the mother (Cancer). Capulus and Algol represent the story of how mother and father makes and breaks their children.
The idiom, From the cradle to the grave, further indicates how Capulus is the last stop. ie. The buck stops here, and Put a cap on it — other Capulus related sayings.
Cutting off the Nose to Spite the Face
Natives with Algol and/or Capulus tend to self-enact the idiom, Cut your nose of to spite your face.
It was not uncommon in the Middle Ages for a person to cut the nose off of another for various reasons, including punishment from the state, or as an act of revenge.[4] Cognitive scientist Steven Pinker notes that the phrase may have originated from this practice, as at this time “cutting off someone’s nose was the prototypical act of spite.”[5]
The expression has since become a blanket term for (often unwise) self-destructive actions motivated purely by anger or desire for revenge. For example, if a man was angered by his wife, he might burn down their house to punish her; however, burning down her house would also mean burning down his, along with all their combustible personal possessions.
In the 1796 edition of Grose’s Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, “He cut off his nose to be revenged of his face.” is defined as “one who, to be revenged on his neighbour, has materially injured himself.” The word “spite” is used in the sense of revenge and “face” is used in the sense of honor. Wikipedia
“A ball-breaker is a demanding woman who destroys men’s confidence or it’s a job or situation that is demanding, arduous, and punishing.” Source
I believe I’m a bit of a “ball breaker”. One of my exes said he was “emotionally constipated” until he met me. He has Mars Conjunct Algol. I imagine, I am and have been the counterpart of Algol men. I’m known for not taking crap. Capulus is connected to Mercury, and that means that natives with Capulus in their charts tend to be mental slicers and dicers — that, I am. If it smells like crap, it is crap, and the Capulus native isn’t afraid to communicate that.
Capulus often sounds to me like Cap you-r ass. To me, that means attempting to put an end to a**hole behaviour.
I believe there might be a strong indication that Algol natives have narcissistic tendencies if not having full blown NPD. Sam Vaknin, writer of Malignant Self-Love: Narcissism Revisited (and also a self-disclosed narcissist) stated that narcissism is caused by “overweening, smothering, spoiling, overvaluing, and idolizing the child”, and are “all forms of parental abuse.” Capulus natives rarely entertain any of this even if they might fall in love with an Algol native (or be an Algol native who is in love with himself, not really). However, they can be seen as invasive and end up spending too much attention on the Algol partner. As I wrote in Fixed star Algol, Taurus: The Sexual, Emotional, & Psychological Drives of Heterosexual Men with Algol, their mate (often a Capuuls one) takes on the role that mother did — at least, the native attempts to create that dynamic as much s they’ll reject it later.
Capulus natives have strong BS detectors, and will shut down anything that appears as abusive or improper. Unfortunately beating another up, or oneself (if the native has Algol too) can be destructive and not helpful. Having said that, Algol natives are highly attracted to Capulus natives and vice versa as they try to play out their myth to completion.
Venus in Furs
“Everything is suggestive of coldness: marble body, women of stone, Venus of ice, are favorite expressions of Masoch; his characters often serve their amorous apprenticeship with a cold statue, by the light of the moon.”, Giles Deleuze Source
Venus in Furs
Written by Lou Reed
Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather
Whiplash girlchild in the dark
Comes in bells, your servant, don’t forsake him
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart
Downy sins of streetlight fancies
Chase the costumes she shall wear
Ermine furs adorn the imperious
Severin, Severin awaits you there
I am tired, I am weary
I could sleep for a thousand years
A thousand dreams that would awake me
Different colors made of tears
Kiss the boot of shiny, shiny leather
Shiny leather in the dark
Tongue of thongs, the belt that does await you
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart
Severin, Severin, speak so slightly
Severin, down on your bended knee
Taste the whip, in love not given lightly
Taste the whip, now plead for me
I am tired, I am weary
I could sleep for a thousand years
A thousand dreams that would awake me
Different colors made of tears
Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather
Whiplash girlchild in the dark
Severin, your servant comes in bells, please don’t forsake him
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart
Venus In Furs lyrics © EMI Music Publishing
Capulus Women: Role Reversal, Relationships, and Male Sexual Energy
Capulus women are CAPtivating (to seize, to capture).
If you’re a Capulus woman, partnered with an Algol man or woman — you’re often working with role reversal. Capulus women tend to have a masculine edge (sexual too), ultra strong, and no nonsense disposition with a tough exterior yet a softness that is clearly seen lurking behind. There also seems, at times, a sadness.
Algol men tend to have a feminine edge (sexual too), weakened, and victimized disposition with a sensitive exterior yet a hardness is clearly seen lurking behind. There also seems, at times, an indifference.
Both are intense creatures, and can become vicious when feeling attacked. They also have a crafty / strategic nature.
Capulus is the masculine myth connected to the father (Capricorn), and Algol is the feminine myth connected to the mother (Cancer). Capulus and Algol represent the story of how mother and father makes and breaks their children.
Capulus women most likely identified more strongly with their father, while growing up, rather than their mother — yet their father were often unavailable to them or they may have sought their approval. The reverse is true for the Algol male. The mother of these men provided too much availability, and approval.
A Capulus woman is the counterpart of the Algol male. Algol men need and appreciate that, even if they fight it. It’s the much needed reality check.
The Capulus native acts as judge and jury, and self-punishes in an honorable way. Unlike their Algol counterparts, many Capulus women did not receive the nurturing they needed. This caused them to become extremely self-reliant. They can not only take care of themselves, but take care of others — others, who by all rights, ought to be taking care of themselves. The Algol native, often can only take care of themselves (if that), and when they self-punish it is more like self-berating. It is not honorable, or of a higher mind.
The unfortunate situation is that in a relationship, the Capulus native will berate the Algol native without being aware of their self-berating since they do not operate in the same manner. When the Capulus native punishes themselves, they accept the punishment for any crime (mistake) done. They rarely feel bad about redressing the situation, and take full responsibility for their actions. Naturally, they will believe the Algol native will do the same and trouble brews when they don’t.
The key is to make the punishment fit the crime. Sometimes Capulus overdoes it with Algol. Again, because Algol already does self-berating, it doesn’t need any more from Capulus. And it’s especially problematic when the native has both Algol and Capulus in their chart.
While browsing the natal chart section of this article, I hope you’ll notice that all the pictures of Capulus women show an intense and unabashed sexuality which is often considered typically male. Capulus women ooze sex appeal, without trying. There is a message in their appearance and physical energy that says to the viewer: I’m confident about my sexuality, and you may get to experience it (in some way) if you’re worthy.
To Algol natives, this is like sniffing candy. What the Capulus woman has, they want. It’s what they are unfortunately missing, as an adult, because of Mommy Dearest. There are mixed up sexual / control themes that he tries to live out with his lover — hoping to turn the tables. This is another reason why he is enamored with the female’s male sexual energy. He hopes to turn her back to her natural state, so-to-speak — one he does not fear. So the Capulus woman is to any man, one that is feared yet revered.
To say the least, both Capulus and Algol natives are intense sexual creatures of mythical proportions.
Capulus natives have zero tolerance for the monster within others. Any beast shall be slayed — firmly and swiftly. Algol natives, who also have Capulus, are demons and slayers. They can demonize their prey, and slay them when they fight back. It’s quite the dance. The demon slayers would do well, slaying their own demons while leaving their romantic partners alone. That, or using their demon slaying powers in their jobs — where it would be appreciated.
Sample Careers
Having Capulus (with or without Algol) is a great placement for a lawyer, judge, criminal investigations, police work, or someone working in advocacy, interventions, or activism. It is also great for anyone who needs to cut through diamonds to find the gems. Business people do well because it requires a certain constitution and ruthlessness to make it to the top. Ruthlessness, as it relates to finding and seizing opportunities quickly and without mercy. Actors with Capulus do well in movies and shows that have themes of destruction, against all odds, or persecution of criminals. Vocalists and song writers do well with writing about heavy duty (and often, taboo) social material in powerful ways. Michael & Janet Jackson, and Barbara Streisand come to mind.
Barbara Streisand, Yentl
Highlighting a Capulus Trait in Famous People
Taurus is related to art, beauty, money, stability, security, home, values, self-worth, sensuality, etc. Many people who have Capulus (and/or Algol) are also artists, and people who commit crimes of passion (often related to the aforementioned themes).
The following Capulus natives were fascinated and became famous for their fascination of the heads of themselves or others. Some natives manifest this fascination in constructive ways, while others manifest it in destructive ways.
Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera
Frida had been long since one of my favorite artists so I’ll be sure to write up a blog about her, and the AGO – Art Gallery of Ontario exhibit I recently visited, when I get the time.
I’m no longer surprised that I had such a connection. When I had discovered her, I had been at the tail end of a very difficult break-up with a Mars Conjunct Algol native. And her and I also share Capulus.
“I am the woman of myth and bullshit. They thought I was a surrealist, but I wasn’t. I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality.” Frida Kahlo
Yes, she most certainly was playing out a myth, primarily Algol & Capulus and the myth of Medusa and Perseus.
Not oddly Frida Kahlo (Midheaven Conjunct Capulus &Â Algol and possibly Moon Conjunct Algol) and Diego Rivera (Neptune Conjunct Algol) have Algol .
At the gallery, I was listening to a pre-recorded message by Dr. Salomon Grimberg, Kahlo expert and author of Frida Kahlo: Song of Herself. In it he said, “Diego enjoyed being cruel and mean to her” but Frida “didn’t want to be abandoned” so she “went along with it” and didn’t leave. Algol natives have issues with abandonment. Dr. Grimberg said that Frida abused alcohol and pain killers, and was a “cutter”, letting people cut her, “through her operations”. He stated that Deigo was “as mean as the devil”.
Frida said of Diego, “I would always like to hold him like a newly born child”. This is Capulus energy of the Algol infantile wounds, that Algol natives are so keen on expressing.
“Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair†was the first self-portrait iconic Mexican painter Frida Kahlo created after her divorce from artist Diego Rivera. Renouncing the feminine image depicted in her other self-portraits, Kahlo (1907 – 1954) has just cut off the long hair Rivera admired, and is wearing a suit that was most likely his. Conveying the deep sorrow of her loss, the image appears to express Kahlo’s yearning for the freedom and independence of a man. The large empty space around Kahlo suggests the depth of her loneliness and misery, and the song verse above her reads, “See, if I loved you, it was for your hair, Now you’re bald, I don’t love you anymore.†Source
Vidal Sassoon
After watching a documentary about Vidal Sassoon, I decided to look at his chart and noticed he had shown a number of Capulus aspects. So I did some research on other hair cutters, and found Capulus to be prominent. Unfortunately I had forgotten that I put in a time of birth for Vidal that wasn’t correct. I still imagine that he has Capulus in paran to at least one of his planets. At any rate, I include him here because his signature very short (male sexuality ie Capulus) angular hair cuts and personality are very much Capulus inspired.
Raymond Bessone
Raymond Bessone (who inspired Vidal Sasson) was born on May 11, 1911 and has his Sun at 20° which creates a Capulus Conjunction to his Sun. At the time of his birth, Capulus was at 22° 57. While Algol has one getting their head cut off (by Capulus, no doubt), Capulus cuts people’s heads off (metaphorically or literally) as is the case with hair cutters, cutting the hairs off our heads.
Besson’s video of Hair fashion:
God Control & Domination
Every myth, I have read to-date (less than two handfuls) seem to contain destructive interference by a God. The reason, thus far, seems to be related to gaining control and power over another God through other Gods, demi-Gods, or other earthly creatures. And the outcomes are often vicious, and without mercy.
Finding Strength and the Lessons in Capulus
I’ll probably come back to this section. I’m still thinking it all through. I know what to do for myself; however, I want to be sure the message I convey to readers is a pure one. As in, whatever I say is as purely related to Capulus as possible. Because I’m so close to the subject (having Saturn Conjunct Capulus), it has been a little harder to gain the objectivity needed. So refer back to the section: What the Myth Tells Us About the Fixed Star Capulus to gain a better understanding of the strengths, gifts, and lessons that Capulus can bestow.
For now, I can tell you that Capulus natives are strong of character and often, body. There is great potential for lifting oneself out of dumps, and achieving great success.
If you or your loved one has Capulus in their chart, these natives are often compelled to take charge of your life or situation because you or the situation has indicated, in one way or another, that there’s inability to self-manage. Often people reject this intrusive behavior (as they should) but unfortunately they don’t take control so the Capulus native is put in an odd situation of doing nothing when the raw energy of Capulus is to do. So where does that leave the Capulus native?
Their Algol counterparts need to, without a doubt, affirm and demonstrate they can self-manage and have proper conduct, and when they don’t — they take care of redressing the situation. Because if they don’t there are three things that could happen:Â 1. The healthy Capulus native cuts you out of their life, and you lose great support, 2. The Capulus native keeps cutting you because they care about you, but you continue to feel wounded, 3. They stop harassing you, but they also start ignoring you too, and are possibly ever-ready to move on. And frankly, they don’t care much about you in this scenario.
Capulus & You
Do you or your loved one have Capulus? Yes, you do. Fixed stars usually have a 1-3° orb. Capulus is currently at 24° and moves very slowly. Go see where on your chart 21-27° (depending on when you were born) Taurus resides. You may not have any planets, or celestial items connected to it; however, the house the degree resides will tell you about how and where Capulus can manifest in your life. Do note that Zauruk, and Algol are the next closest stars and are currently at 24, 26° so you may have one of those as well.
Finding other fixed stars: If you know the degrees of your signs, you can find your sign and degree at Rob Tillett’s or Astrology Notes website for fixed star conjunctions and oppositions.
Aspect Delineation Sample:
Saturn Conjunct Capulus:  When you don’t know what to do, this native will. There is karma, testing, captivity, and hardship with this aspect but also wisdom, and valor to cut through and do what most won’t or can’t. Follow through, and carrying out of tasks and responsibilities are of utmost importance. It can cause depression if one is failing at their attempt to successfully cut out the crap. And there will be many blocks, and obstacles. Eventually, the native gains the maturity and wisdom in how to use their natural parental slicing and dicing skills to help those around them stand on their own feet. This aspect describes a native who believes in rules of conduct, and has a stoic temperament as well as a strong constitution. If people that get close to this self-controlled yet fierce native, don’t have strong morals or rules, the native will enforce their own, upon them, and with great tenacity. They will punish those that won’t or can’t punish themselves. Natives with this aspect can be ambitious, and find great success but only after the feeling that it took so long and so much work to get there. Given that Saturn relates to the world, the native often makes a strong impact on the world’s consciousness, especially for what they say. Valient action, relieves Saturnian boredom, and inspires a feeling of being alive. This native believes in being fair, and truly cares about the well-being of all but tends to be quite the stern ball-breaker and task master — often enacting tough love.
If you want me to delineate an aspect or angle that is made with Capulus or Algol, please book a session. I know a lot more about Capulus than I’ve written here.
Eye Color of Capulus & Algol natives. I wasn’t sure where to put this as it’s a small but notable characteristic of Algol and Capulus natives that popped out at me while doing research on these fixed stars. While the ascendant, and Sun often describe how a person will look or appear, I have found that Capulus natives tend to have very dark brown (appearing as almost black) eyes and Algol natives have light eyes in this order of frequency: Blue, Green, and Hazel (least likely, light brown) with odd flecks and coloring near the iris. It doesn’t matter their ethnic background either. If the native has both Capulus and Algol, eye color depends on which star is closer in orb that will determine their eye color. Often Algol is the stronger influence so if this is the case, the Capulus (with Algol) native will often have dark blue eyes if not still dark brown. I have no idea why this seems to be the case! If you have a theory, please share it in the comments section.
This article was inspired and received enlightenment through Sexy Beast — you know who you are and my own desire to fully understand what’s going on! Please take some time, as I have, to share your experiences, insights, and knowledge of Capulus. It’s the best thank you I could receive in thinking of and writing this article. And it will hopefully give you more insight when other readers see your comment and decide to post their own for all of us to benefit from.
What Others Say
Constellation of Words | Marina – Darkstar Astrology |Â Wikipedia – Persueus |Â Deborah Houlding (has Capulus & Algol) at Skyscript | Astrology Notes: List of Fixed Stars | Various thoughts on Algol | Fixed stars, why bother? by Bernadette Brady
Famous People with Capulus
I focused my Algol post on hetero men with Algol and the women they love and lose; however, I decided to make this one more open ended. A lot of Algol men will ALSO have Capulus, and men with Algol have the feminine Venusian influence while women with Capulus have the male Martian influence. In any case, in this section I focus on the women and highlight the men.
Business women, Hair Cutters, Artists (musicians, vocalists, actors, writers, etc), Pornographic themes, Astrologers, and Royalty, have shown to have Capulus feature prominently in their chart.
Quick jump to natal charts: Sun Conjunct Capulus, Moon Conjunct Capulus, Mercury Conjunct Capulus, VenusConjunct Capulus, Mars Conjunct Capulus, Jupiter Conjunct Capulus, Saturn Conjunct Capulus, Pluto Conjunct Capulus, Uranus Conjunct Capulus
Sun Conjunct Capulus
Countries and cities shining with Capulus influences: Kiev (Ukraine), Thessaloniki (Greece), Las Vegas (Nevada), Israeli Declaration of Independence (Country), Cambridge (City in United Kingdom), La Paz (City in Mexico). & First Miracle at Fatima (1917) Note: Don’t mess with these cities, and countries unless you want to be frustrated out of your yin-yang. They will slice and dice mentally and otherwise as the Sun Conjunct Capulus is the fierest of all aspects.
- Cate Blanchett
“Polaire! The agitating and agitated Polaire! The tiny slip of a woman that you know, with the waist slender to the point of pain, of screaming out loud, of breaking in two, in a spasmically tight bodice, the prettiest slimness … And, under the aureole of an extravagant masher’s hat, orange and plumed with iris leaves, the great voracious mouth, the immense black eyes, ringed, bruised, discoloured, the incandescence of her pupils, the bewildered nocturnal hair, the phosphorus, the sulphur, the red pepper of that ghoulish, Salome-like face, the agitating and agitated Polaire!†— Jean Lorrain
- Katharine Hepburn
- Florence Nightingale
- Miranda Cosgrove
- Sofia Coppola
- Ann Boleyn
- Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet
- Madeleine McCann
- Samantha Morton
- Apple Martin
- Alison Goldfrapp
- Zara Phillips
- Emily Vancamp
- Myriam Abel
- Janette Tough
- Amber Tamblyn
- Jamie-Lynn Sigler
- Madeleine Albright
- Bea Arthur
- Astrid Fallon
- Deborah Kara Unger
- Ursula Thiess
- Daphne du Maurier
- Elsbeth Ebertin
- Samantha Mathis
- Deborah Kara Unger
- Jessica Sutta
- Maria Theresa
- Ira Einhorn
- Deborah Houlding (Astrologer)
- Sasha Spielberg
- Catherine Tate
- Melleny Melody
- Aglaé (singer)
- Polaire (actress)
- Mary Walsh
- Miriam Stoppard
- Doris Dowling
- Juliette Hurel
- Debby Ryan
- Che Guevara
- Robert Pattinson
- Raymond Bessone
- Pierce Brosnan
- Patrick Bruel
- Otto Klemperer
- Mark Zuckerberg
- Mireille Darc
- Christine Bravo
- Stevie Wonder
- Madhuri Dixit
- Swami Muktananda
- George Lucas
- George Carlin
- Dennis Rodman
- Jim Jones (cult)
- Tim Roth
- Emilio Estevez
- Niccolò Machiavelli
- Gabriel Byrne
- Harvey Keitel
- Stephen Colbert
- Ritchie Valens
- Gérard Mulliez
- Christian Lacroix
- Brian Eno
- Maurice Carême
- Pierre Curie
- David Byrne
- Burt Bacharach
- Steve Winwood
- Stephen Baldwin
- Valeria Marini
- Billy Joe Crawford
- Bruce Boxleitner
- Luciano Benetton
- John Frawley
- Jason Biggs
- RaÃ
- Jasper Johns
- Robert Zemeckis
- Pascal Gentil
- Tony Hawk
- Jeff Jawer (Astrologer)
- Kim Fields
- John VI of Portugal
- Yogi Berra
- Pope Pius IX
- Ahmet Zappa
- Thomas Gainsborough
- Jean Leclerc (singer)
- Jean-Albert Cartier
- Pope Inocent X
- Gabriel Mann (actor)
- Jean Thibaud (physicist)
- Jacques Aubert (percussionnist)
- Pope Innocent XIII
- Magic Dick
- Raphaël VI
- Anthony Wong (Australian actor)
- Eddy Arnold (singer)
- Paraguay (Country)
- Hamburg (Germany)
- André Stibio
- Karl Schulze (boxer)
- Dan Post (actor)
- Donald Bragg
- Pope Marcellus II
- Nicolas Buffet (musician)
- William Emerson (mathematician)
- Prince Carl Philip, Duke of Värmland
- Afonso III of Portugal
- Steve Dr. Death (wrestler)
- Pierre Fournier (journalist)J
- George Brett (baseball)
- Chris Pontius (soccer)
- James Wilder (football)
- Big Van Vader
- Sunny (singer)
- Kim Tae-woo (singer)
- Ed Walsch (pitcher)
- Carl Nicks (American football)
- Louis Philippe I, Duke of Orléans
Moon Conjunct Capulus
Countries, cities, and events shining with Capulus influences: Australia, Guinea, San Antonio (Texas), Nairobi (Kenya), Malawi, Solidarity (Polish trade union)
- Cameron Diaz
- Laeticia Hallyday
- Linda Lovelace
- Sheryl Crow
- Florence Nightingale
- Ana Ivanovic
- Kristin Scott Thomas
- Madame de Pompadour
- Lisa Bonet
- Sarah Brightman
- Ann-Margret
- Suzanne Prou
- Angie Dickinson
- Felicity Huffman
- Marie-Laure Augry
- Carol Burnett
- Véronika Loubry
- Samantha Ronson
Interview with Samantha Ronson
- Anita Noyes-Smith
- Alice Braga
- Nadine Coyle
- Jonne Aaron
- Natalie Raitano
- Corinne Cléry
- Catherine Krafft
- Anne-Marie Beretta
- Mélina Robert-Michon
- Véronique Nichanian
- Catherine Wilkening
- Selma Lagerlof
- Abigail van Buren
- Katharina Abt
- Anne-Sophie Barthet
- Giorgia (singer)
- Alice Munro
- Marie-Thérèse Boisseau
- Ann Landers
- Kristen Dalton (Miss USA)
- Tristan Clé
- Sarah Brown (actress)
- Yvonne Zima
- Indigo (actress)
- Jayne Middlemiss
- Sandra Zidani
- Jacqueline du Bief
- Victoria Tennant
- Mick Jagger
- Bob Dylan
- Prince Harry of Wales
- Taylor Lautner
- Otto Klemperer
- Slash (Guns N’ Roses)
- Kelly Rowland
- Tommy Lee Jones
- Dharmendra
- Jean Marais
- Françoise Dorléac
- Gregory Peck
- Marcel Marceau
- Ian Anderson (musician)
- Shivaji
- Peter Sellers
- Steve Reich
- Yasser Arafat
- Howard Sasportas (Astrologer)
- Jayden James Federline
- Leopold von Sacher-Masoch (author of masochistic material. The Marquis de Sade, has Algol, and wrote sadistic material)
- Diego Luna
- George Bernard Shaw
- Isaac Asimov
- Louis XI of France
- Chris Costner Sizemore
- Xavier Garbajosa
- Jesse Jackson
- Albert I of Belgium
- Maxim Gorky
- Marshall Applewhite
- Don Diamond
- Chris Marker
- Jean-Roch
- Irving Berlin
- Ian Tough
- Pascal Nègre
- Ernst Hanfstaengl
- Franz von Stuck
- Walter Matthau
- Arnaud Giovaninetti
- Vladimir Voronin
- Jean Leclerc (singer)
- Jacques Santini
- John Connally
- François Perigot
- Philippe Khorsand
- Henry VI of England
- Rudolf Otto
- Toyah Willcox
- Tony Banks (American football)
- Fatboy Slim
- Jim Lovell
- Monty Hall
- Tom Park (swimmer)
- John, King of England
- Mike White (football)
- Louis Bertrand (novelist)
- James L. Conway
- Mardy Fish
- Casimir III the Great
- Bill Terry (baseball)
- David Wayne (musician)
- Jim Younger
- Leo Bill
- Iva Straková
- Louis Philippe I, Duke of Orléans
Mercury Conjunct Capulus
Countries, cities, and events shining with Capulus influences:Â Gothenburg (Sweden), Fort Worth (Texas), Vaduz (Liechtenstein), Minnesota, Kentucky
- Uma Thurman
- Renée Zellweger
- Élise Lucet
- Miranda Cosgrove
- Joan Collins
- Donatella Versace
- Lisa Edelstein
- Melania Knauss-Trump
- Sonia Braga
- Karla Homolka
- Madame de Staël
- Janette Tough
- Princess Élisabeth of France
Maggie Q
- Paulette Coquatrix
- Kathy Baker (Actress)
- Andrea Giani
- Alektra Blue (pornographic artist)
- Lylah (singer)
- Catherine-Dominique de Pérignon
- Suze Orman
- Iggy Azalea (controversial rapper)
- Lina So
- Shyann McClure
- Gabourey Sidibe (movie actress, Precious)
- Gabrielle Giffords (politician)
- Stefania Bivone (Miss Italy, 2011)
- Jack Nicholson
- Clint Eastwood
- Salvador DalÃ
- Colin Farrell
- Saddam Hussein
- Stevie Wonder
- Andre Agassi
- Miles Davis
- François Chazal Poivre d’Arvor
- Dean Martin
- Tony Curtis
- Henry Cavill
- Zizi Jeanmaire
- Mike Myers
- Gabriel Byrne
- Sasha Alexander
- Robert Oppenheimer
- Sergei Prokofiev (Composer)
- Peter Frampton
- Willem de Kooning
- Bruce Boxleitner
- Jason Wiles
- Cornelius Vanderbilt
- Bill Ward (musician)
- Raymond Burr
- Nicole Vaidišová
- Irving Berlin
- Hubert Falco
- Johnny Galecki
- Gaston, Duke of Orléans
- Marc Reymann
- Hans Pfitzner
- Cafú (footballer)
- Steve Baskerville
- Tony Giglio
- Dexter Boney
- Anthony Steel (actor)
- Jon Kabat-Zinn
- Constantine III (Byzantine emperor)
- Dick Dale (guitarist)
- Ivan Wilhelm (physicist)
- John Gregory (footballer)
- Annie Villeneuve
Venus Conjunct Capulus
Many royal men have Venus Conjunct Capulus.
Countries, cities, and events shining with Capulus influences: Ottoman Empire, Fort Worth (Texas), Manaus (Brazil), Bonn (Germany), Kentucky
- Diana, Princess of Wales
- Liv Tyler
- Debbie Harry
- Ann Wilson
- Sandra Bernhard
- Annabella Sciorra
- Dianne Wiest
- Patti Labelle
- Dominique Lavanant
- Marie-George Buffet
- Imelda Marcos
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Oksana Kazakova
Danielle Fishel
- Kimberlin Brown
- Solenne Figuès
- Peggy LeeSarah Vaughan
- Leslie Mann
- Rosemary Clooney
- Valérie Mairesse
- Rita Lafontaine
- Elisabeth Platel
- Catherine of Siena
- Ellen Glasgow
- Maritha Pottenger (Astrologer)
- Maybelle Carter
- Celeste Longacre
- Brenda Song
- Deborah Adair
- Zoé Oldenbourg
- Jean-Marie Wampers
Lara Bingle
- Mollie King
- June Wilkinson
- Marija Vujović
- Zizi Possi
- Jessiqa Pace
- Yelena Yemchuk
- Kim Noorda
Eleanor Tomlinson
- Penelope Horner
- Emy Coligado
- Candace Parker
- Leslie Hope
- Maggie Siff
- Aimé Maeght
- Bianca Maria Visconti
- Cate Campbell
- Susan Lynch
- Marianne E. Payton
- Chris Brown
- Michael Phelps
- Jeffrey Dahmer
- Mark Wahlberg
Michael Moore
- Steven Tyler
- Joseph Fritzl
- Ludovic Chancel
- Billy Joel
- Mohanlal
- Zach Braff
- Gottfried von Leibniz
- Jessie J
- Louis XVII of France
- Brian Wilson
- Oriana Fallaci
- Edward VIII of the United Kingdom
- Mr. T
- Jukka Nevalainen
Joan Quigley
- Theo van Gogh (art dealer)
- Edward II of England
- Robert Englund
- Vincent Clerc
- Cole Porter
- Carl Lewis
- Bruce Campbell
- Russell Banks
- Les Paul
- Sharifah Aini
- Alexis Carrel
- Jean-Honoré Fragonard
- Bradley Stryker
- David Cameron (artist)
- John Waters
Thomas H. Burgoyne
- Captain Sensible
- William Forsythe
- Bud CortPrince Henry, Duke of Gloucester
- Frank Grillo
- Joachim von Vietinghoff
- Yasunari Kawabata
- Zuleikha Robinson
- Joseph Bottoms
- Stanisława Walasiewicz
- Paul Frankeur
- Charles Proteus Steinmetz
- Robert Maxwell
- Zadkiel (astrologer)
- Tim Berners-Lee (inventor of world wide web)
- Auguste-Hyacinthe Debay
- Oliver Lodge
- Gabrielle Fontan
Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor
- Prince Chichibu
- Konrad Zuse
- Stig Erlander
- Richard Zsigmondy
- Théodore Ballu
- Jean Thibaud (physicist)
- John Evan
- Nagisa Oshima
- Richard James Morrison
- Louis Durey
- John Fred
- Harold Budd
- Fred McLeod
- Ari Zagaris
- Joseph Anthony (director)
- Jess StearnÂ
- F.T. Brookes
- Will Kemp (actor)
- Randy Brown (basketball)
- Vital Brazil
- Reuben Davis (American football)
- Ted Heath (bandleader)
- Fabien Lefèvre
- Rockets Redglare
- Richard Bucher
- Henry Baker (naturalist)
- Charlie Haas
- Prince Hamzah bin Al Hussein
- M. Scott Peck
- James Morrison (actor)
- Benjamin Thompson
- Suvi KoponenÂ
- Daniel Logan (New Zealand actor)
- Alexander John Cuza
- Kevin Loughery
- Tim Connolly
- Élodie de Sélys
- Brian Vander Ark
- Googoosh
- John McGraw (baseball)
- Big Sean
- Example (musician)
- Infante Philip of Spain
Mars Conjunct Capulus
There were not as many notable women or men, but especially women with Mars Conjunct Capulus
Countries, cities, and events shining with Capulus influences: 2004 Madrid train bombings, Bilbao (Spain), Rwanda, San Cristobal (Mexico)
Janet Jackson (her brother Michael, has the same aspect)
- Marg Helgenberger
- Madame Soleil
- Louise Bourgeois
- Catherine Destivelle
- Linda Blair
- Reba McEntire
- Meredith Baxter
- Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
- Elizabeth Banks
- Carnie Wilson
- Joan Bennett
- Muriel Gray
- Anna Politkovskaia
- Janet Blair
- Raquel Zimmermann
Connie Cato
- Omarosa
- Annie Villeneuve
- Mindy CohnMaria Valverde
- Cynda Williams
- Gladys Monroe
- Michael Jackson
- Robbie Williams
- Stanley Kubrick
- Kajol
- Franz Kafka
- George Sand
- Gustave Eiffel
- Salman Rushdie
- Jamie Lee Curtis
- Jennifer Lawrence
Leon Trotsky
- Engelbert Humperdinck (singer)
- Tomi Mr. Lordi
- Tom Berenger
- Antonio Salazar
- Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
- Sean Preston Federline
- Douglas MacArthur
- Jerry O’Connell
- W. C. Fields
- George Steinbrenner
- Liberace
- Dane Cook
- Don Meredith (football)
- Pope Paul III
- John Locke (musician)
- Charles d’Orléans de Rothelin
- Charlie Kaufman
Georges Oudot
- Francisco de Miranda
- Christophe Honoré
- Gwendolyn Brooks
- Valérie Lagrange
- Shelby Lyons
- Elias Howe
- François Huwart
- Giorgio De Lullo
- Brendan Gleeson
- Louise Josephine Weber
- Ronnie Spector
- Red Skelton
- Clair (humorist)
- Bernard Jensen
- Stephen Lynch
- Kas (artist)
- Pasha Grishuk
Stuart Henry (DJ)
- Burundi
- Rick Mast
- François Blondel (bishop)
- R. A. Salvatore
- Frederick III of Denmark
- Don Maloney (ice hockey)
- Chris Neil
- John II Casimir Vasa
- Alex McLeish
- Rolf Lassgård
Jupiter Conjunct Capulus
Countries, cities, and events shining with Capulus influences: Norway, Munich (Germany)
- Sandra Bullock
- Vivica A. Fox
- Yasmin Le Bon
- Mary-Louise Parker
- Sarah Jessica Parker
- Calista Flockhart
- Diane Kruger
- Nathalie Simon
- Ann-Margret
- Sabrina Sabrok
- Anna Faris
- Melinda Gates
- Shannon Whirry
Muna Al-HusseinMae Whitman
- Melody (Belgian singer)
- Vanessa Lorenzo
- Lisa LaFlammeMay Robson
- Hélène Grémillon
- John Fitzgerald Kennedy
- Orlando Bloom
- Pablo Picasso
- Chris Martin
- Jean-Paul Sartre
- Booba (rapper)
- Aamir Khan
- Rama Yade
Mao Zedong
- Tuomas Holopainen
- Ryan O’Neal
- Adrian Grenier
- Norman Rockwell
- David Spade
- Fred Savage
- Michael Cera
- Koyuki Kato
- Richard Grieco
- Jean-Pierre Nicola
- Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen
- Raymond Burr
- Jack Benny
- Kirk Kerkorian
- Dean Winters
- Boris III of Bulgaria
- Edward III of England
- P. T. Barnum
- Cecil B. de Mille
Blaise Patrix
- Pierre Boileau (scientist)
- John Russell, 13th Duke of Bedford
- Giovanna ZacarÃas
- Takuma Sato
- Dan Estrin
- Jean-Max (actor)
- J.W. Bulmer
- Frédéric Sauvage
- Indus Arthur
- Hippolyte Blot
- Tim Thomas (basketball)
- Yandel (singer)
- Geronimo Berroa
Kevin Brown (right-handed pitcher)
- William C. Gribble, Jr.
- Danny McBride (actor)
- Jamie Noble
- Gage (singer)
- Koxie (singer)
- Otho (roman emperor)
- Cartouche (humorist)
- Kenny Rogers (baseball)
- Gene Moore (basketball)
- Dan Boyle (ice hockey)
- EdmÃlson (footballer born 1976)
- Jason Aldean
- J. J. Putz
Saturn Conjunct Capulus
Countries, cities, and events shining with Capulus influences: Kiev (Ukraine),Tampa (Florida)
Claudia Schiffer
- Shannen Doherty
- Queen Rania of Jordan
- Aretha Franklin
- Wendy Whoppers
- Sofia Coppola
- Stacy Valentine
- Kelly Ripa
- Kushboo (actress)
- Savannah (pornographic actress)
- Laura Antonelli
- Bridget Moynahan
Carole King
- Erica Jong
- Nathalie Renoux
- Tammy Faye Messner
- Soon-Yi Previn (her husband, Woody Allen, has Algol Conjunct MC)
- Selena (singer)
- Lisa Dergan
- Aisha Tyler
- Catherine Tasca
- Stacy Keach
- Ling Bai
- Twyla Tharp
- Sarah Miles
- Carol Hemingway
- Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine
- Giorgia (singer)
- Sarah Brady
- Emile Noirot
- J
oan Hammond
- Ann Lee
- Louis Martin (blessed)
- Liam Lynch (musician)
- Sheri Moon
- Padma Lakshmi (Modeled nude)
- Melissa McCarthy
- Matt Damon
River Phoenix
- Muhammad Ali
- John Wayne Gacy
- Stephen Hawking
- Brian Jones
- David Tennant
- Milton Black (astrologer)
- Lou Reed
- Charlie Watts
- René Angélil (also has Uranus Conjunct Algol, and his wife — Celine Dion has Lilith Conjunct Algol & Capulus)
- John Thaw
- Fred Durst
- M. Night Shyamalan
- Umberto Boccioni
Malcolm-Jamal Warner
- Mike Bloomberg
- Charisma Carpenter
- Christopher Nolan
- Peter Tork
- Ness (TV host)
- Bela Lugosi
- Kirk Cameron
- Cornelius Vanderbilt
- Michael Crawford
- Graham Nash
- Beau Bridges
- Mac Davis
- Liamine Zéroual
- Ben Chaplin
- Eusébio
- Clarence Weatherspoon
- Neko Case
Michael Eisner
- Piero the Unfortunate
- Steve Wojciechowski
- Jim Jackson
- Dino Zoff
- Jacques Abeille
- Charles VIII of France
- Edward V of England
- Chick Corea
- James Robinson (basketball)
- Bernardine Dohrn
- François Bertrand
- Wali Jones
- Václav Klaus
- Eduardo Suplicy
- Bo Outlaw
- Mark Brunell
- Joseph Anthony (director)
Marcel Thielemans
- Slava Dosedel
- Manolo Valdes
- Albert Hunt
- Michael Lerner (actor)
- Michael R. Deland
- Michael Elphick (producer-director)
- James Gunn (filmmaker)
- Mike Heron
- Frédéric Mariotti
- Ludwig Pastor
- Stuart Henry (DJ)
- Jacques de Bourbon Busset
- Jim Lewis (astrologer)
- Brian Wells
- Magnus Linklater
- Edwin Starr
- Jean Simon (general)
- Paul Tall (DJ)
- Laszlo Hargittai
Walter Hill (filmmaker)
- Kimiko Date
- John Carmack
- Misa Shimizu
- Jim Davis (basketball)
- Steve Wynn (entrepreneur)
- AMG (rapper)
- Sterling Hitchcock
- Treach (rapper)
- Slimkid3
- Jimmy Wynn
- Rhys Fulber
- John Wesley Hardin
- Harold Miner
- Darren Pettie
- Russell Peters
- Joe Borowski (baseball)
- Rob Benedict
- Ferdinand II, Archduke of Austria
- Leopoldo de’ Medici
- Louise Bénédicte de Bourbon
- Neil Halstead
- Alejandro Fernández
Uranus Conjunct Capulus
Patricia Sun, Uranus Conjunct Capulus “When women are frightened, they get more verbal, more linear, more rigid, or controlling, and when they are fearful of their security. So that’s why women have the thing of being the nag, or the bitch, or the not nice female energy . It isn’t because she has the courage to complain, or the insights that the man doesn’t agree with. It has everything to do with the fear in the delivery, and the rigidity of the linearness of the delivery…. When women are under stress, they beat up men with their tongues, with their words.”
Book, Conscious Relationships … “They do [humanity] have to reach conscious experience which is part of the chaos… and simultaneous to this psychological awakening — although it’s very messy at the moment — is the technological leaps where we can be connected. It’s part of our evolutionary leap…”, Patricia Sun
To put her message within these videos into perspective, Ms Patricia Sun is Pisces Sun 0° Mercury (hence the soft spokenness, intuition, etc.), and Neptune Virgo (linear thinking with an intuitive twist) in the 2nd. Each of us has our own natal chart (containing gifts of difference), and Patricia is asserting her wisdom. Patricia is naturally a linear / logical thinking because she has an Aquarius Moon and Venus.
I have a Moon and Venus in Virgo so I’m quite left brained oriented too. What’s your Moon, Venus, Mercury and if it’s in a water or earth sign are you more feeling or thinking?
Countries, cities, and events shining with Capulus influences: World War II, Invasion of Poland,
- Joan Baez
- Julie Christie
- Faye Dunaway
- Nancy Sinatra
- Molly Bruce
- Christine Marie of France
- Patricia Sun
- Jan Berry (singer)
- Eva Ras
- Réjane (actress)
- Dionne Warwick
- Lily Tomlin
- Amarande (actress)
- Vivienne Westwood
- Al Pacino
- Bruce Lee
- Nikola Tesla
- Celso Charuri
- Ringo Starr
- Frank Zappa
- Genghis Khan
- Ryan O’Neal
- Paul Hogan
- Neil Diamond
- Tom Jones
- Placido Domingo
- Nick Nolte
- Dick Cheney
- John Gotti
- Richard Pryor
- Stuart Sutcliffe
- George Bernard Shaw
- Theo van Gogh (art dealer)
- Wes CravenÂ
- Kim Jong-il
- Ira Einhorn
- Princess Irene of the Netherlands
- Constantine II of Greece
- Michael Moriarty
- Clarence Wiiliams III
- Michael Fish (fashion designer)
- Wayne Dyer
- Pope Urban VII
- Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester
- Charles Harvey
- Alexei Petrovich, Tsarevich of Russia
- John Thomas (athlete)
- Bernard Shaw (journalist)
- Bobby Moore (football)
- Frederick Leigh Gardner
- Jan Janssen
- Tom Clarke (politician)
- Ron Brown (Scottish politician)
- King Tubby
- Wolfgang Zimmerer
- Kenneth Clarke
- Édika
- Willem (cartoonist)
- Pat Stapleton (ice hockey)
Neptune Conjunct Capulus
Countries, cities, and events shining with Capulus influences:Â Brussels (Belgium), Charlottetown (Canada)
- Coco Chanel
- Madame de Pompadour
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Maria de Naglowska (Occultist, and Mystic — founded spiritual group and translated book Magia Sexualis (Sex Magic))
- Otto Klemperer
- George Patton
- Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
- Proclus
- Ezra Pound
- Yram (theosopher)
- Juno Jordan
- Carlos Salzedo
- Hedda Hopper
- Paul Foster Case
- François Arnaud
- Jimmy Gold
- Marcel Dupré
- Georges Mandel
- Will Durant
- Frank Lloyd
- Albert Kesselring
- Georges Duhamel
- Louise Bryant
- Antoine de Levis Mirepoix
- György Lukács
- Edmond van Daële
- Maximilienne (actress)
- Gottfried Benn
- Paul Pauley
- Guillaume-Chrétien de Lamoignon de Malesherbes
- Louis B. Mayer
- Love Lovaura Schmidt
- Wilhelm Brückner
Pluto Conjunct Capulus
Countries, cities, and events shining with Capulus influences: Invention of the telephone, Geneva (Switzerland), Portugal, Boston (Massachusetts), Jersey City (New Jersey), Calgary (Canada), Wichita Falls (Texas), Hartford (Connecticut)
- Mata Hari
(24° Pluto, also conjunct Algol. Also lost her head, literally)
- Isadora Duncan
- Madeleine Vionnet
- Jeanne Weber (serial killer)
- Elisabeth of Bavaria (1876–1965)
- Marie of Romania
- Isabelle Eberhardt
- Elsa Einstein
- Elizabeth Arden
- Pamela Colman Smith
- Emily Post
- Alfred, Hered
- Marguerite Sylva
- Maria Ouspenskaya
- Katherine Ramsey
- Ka’Iulani, Princess of Hawaii
- Albert Einstein
- Carl Jung
- Edgar Cayce
- Joseph Stalin
- Winston Churchill
- Aleister Crowley
- Bô Yin Râ
- Baruch Spinoza
- Gustav Holst
- Rainer Maria Rilke
- Jack London
- Jean Baptiste Lully
- Herbert Hoover
- Gaston Dominici
- Cléo de Mérode
- Louis Renault (industrialist)
- Thomas Mann
- John Locke
- Arnold Schoenberg
- Mistinguett
- Christopher Wren
- Albert I of Belgium
- Alfred Jarry
- William Lyon Mackenzie King
- Guillaume Seznec
- Proclus
- Vauban (Marshal of France)
- Alexis Carrel
- P. D. Ouspensky
- Pope Pius XII
- Charles F. Kettering
- Otto Hahn
- Karl Abraham
- Lionel Barrymore
- Max Jacob
- Aga Khan III
- Charles II of England
- Giovanni Gentile
- Henry V of England
- Llewellyn George
- Warwick Deeping
- Teixeira de Pascoaes
- Flagstaff (Arizona)
- Alfred Lowenstein
- Paul Ollivier
- Edmond Papin
- Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari
- Paul Faure (politician)
- A.E. Thierens
- Paul Hazard
- Carl Bosch
- Andrew Lewis (industrialist)
- Massimo Bontempelli
- Joe Mack (actor)
- Emperor Zhongzong of Tang
- Balthasar Charles, Prince of Asturias
- Armand de Bourbon, prince de Conti
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