» Astrology, 8th, Houses, Self-disclosure » Part One: An Introduction to the 8th House, Eighth House Astrology Series
Part One: An Introduction to the 8th House, Eighth House Astrology Series
April 10, 2011 | Filled under Astrology, 8th, Houses, Self-disclosure |
The eighth house is the House that many fear. It is the house of taboos and sensitive subjects — what isn’t talked about in polite company.
Facts about the 8th House.
- Ruled by Pluto (Scorpio).
- House Axis: 2 /8 Polarity
- Aspect / Planet – Sign: (Taurus) Venus Opposition Pluto (Scorpio) The JMAD Swap: Venus Scorpio / Pluto Taurus. Scorpio is also ruled by Mars. Scorpio is in Sextile with Virgo (the 6th house) and Capricorn (10th house); therefore, these houses stimulate and piggy-back off of each other.
- Everyone has 8th house themes. This is the house of Other People’s Stuff or when house ownership is taken, it can be viewed as Your Stuff Through Others.
- Eighth House: To Me from You. 2nd House: From Me.
- House Themes: Money, Inheritance, Business, Control, Sex, Secrets, Transformation, Mysteries, Psychology
8th House Themes
- House of Other People’s Money: While this is the house of “other people’s” money, you may very well feel *entitled* for better or worse. This can be your money through others. Earning money from or through others such as owning a business where employees / people make money for you (they hopefully get PAID too), a spouse, parent, etc. off the backs of others. Taxes Withheld and Paid. Banking. Investments. Money received from inheritance, business, sex, mysteries, etc. Finances of partners. 2nd Bankruptcy.
- House of Inheritance: Gifts and talents inherited through ancestry, roots, a mentor, powerful relationship, past lives, etc. Money received from people passed.
- House of Business: Indicates type of industry. How one administers, accounts, markets, pays, etc. others. Self-employment. The type of people you employ, that are employed for your business unit. That type of people that is best to be employed for your business.
- House of Control: Ownership. Mentorship. Obsessions. Addictions. Domination. Management,. Power struggles. Jealousy. Habits. Bullying. Intimidation.
- House of Sex: Reproduction. Pro-creation. Fornication. Gender. Delivery of baby / death of baby. Sexual diseases. Sexual problems. Attracting others through sex. Who or what attracts you in a primal way. Sexual activity. Sexual Fantasies.
- House of Secrets: Hidden agendas. Crime. Confidentiality. Embarrassing information kept under lock and key. Family secrets.
- House of Transformation: Out with the old, in with the new. Starting over. Re-invention. Re-incarnation. Birth. Early childhood. Physical and Metaphorical death. Re-birth. Throwing out the trash. Healing. Surgery. What we abort. Spring cleanings. Purification. Fasting.
- House of Mysteries: Unexplained miracles, developments, and structures / buildings. Research of psychic stuff, the occult, tarot, astrology, mediumship, etc. Unknown or non-diagnosable illnesses.
- House of Psychology: Investigation. Fears. Phobias. Trauma. Our inner workings. Nature vs. nurture. Our upbringing and how it affected us psychologically. Mental illness. Handling the self-esteem and intense emotions of others and self.
Planned articles for the Eight:
- Elaboration of 8th house themes.
- Manifestation of 8th house themes within each sign, planet.
- Misunderstandings from self and other within the 8th house.
- How-to overcome 8th house challenges.
What others say about this house
Carmen Turner-Schott | Dane Rudhyar
What’s in your first and 8th house? If nothing is in it, what is in your 2nd and 8th house cusp? What have you experienced as 8th house themes? Anything else you want to share about the 8th house?
Self-disclosure: I have a Virgo stellium in the 8th house. A cluster of 3 planets (two personal planets) in Virgo 2 degrees apart from each other. Another planet in Libra is within 8 degrees of this cluster and is in the 8th house with Placidus; however, this planet is in the 9th with Koch. Mercury Virgo conjuncts South Node in the 8th house with a distance of 15 degrees from the nearest planet in the stellium cluster. So Ruler of the 8th is in the 8th.
My 8th house is strong and when looking at vocation, the 8th house is a great place to visit to see if there are any strengths in business, research, finances, detection, etc.. and what type of industry the native might enjoy working within.
I have been self-employed for quite some time now, took business in school, and offer psychological, health, and wellness services as well as hire people to become Psychic Event Entertainers…
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