The Truth About Planet Mercury Rx (Retrograde) in Sagittarius: November to December 2011
November 29, 2011 | Filled under Astrology, Mercury, Planets, Transits |
Mercury (messenger of the gods and god of trade) is the planet of communication, thoughts, left brain function, quick-wit, words, business transactions, lower learning, interesting facts and figures, data, delivery, short distance travel (travel over land), messages, and speed. It rules the sign Gemini and co-rules the sign Virgo.
Mercury’s name “is related to the Latin word merx (“merchandise”; compare merchant, commerce, etc.), mercari (to trade), and merces (wages).”[2]
When it’s in retrograde (appearing to move backwards from its normal forward direction in the cosmos), it goes over all these things.
The prefix re is Latin and it relates to repetition. It means going over things again or again and again. It also means going back or a backwards motion and this is related to withdrawal.
Any word that starts or contains the re such as renew, restart, revert, rejuvenate, review, retrace, reorganize, refurbish indicates the type of action you can experience during a retrograde. And as much as Mercury Rx is about reflection and taking time-out, it’s about doing things and taking action in regards to something from the past, even if it’s done internally.
Breakout Thought: And this brings me to a thought about what type of aspect Mercury most emulates. Given there’s an internal or past element to it, I’m inclined to say that a Moon and/or Neptune vibe will be felt — specifically Moon-Mercury and Mercury-Neptune. What do you think? This may be why some astrologers say an Rx can cause confusion, mixed up vibes, emotional contact, etc.
While the abbreviation Rx means retrograde, it reminds me of the word prescription (which also has re in it). A prescription is meant to fix a problem — something that is not functioning at its best. And during a Mercury Rx things that are broken are brought to our attention so we can fix them before an even more serious problem occurs.
So what does it all mean and how does it affect you?
When Mercury Rx is talked about, it’s often referring to what is going on in the cosmos; however, it’s important to see how what’s going on in the sky affects you personally and for that — we take a look at your natal chart.
By checking your personal and world transits and seeing what sign and house Mercury is in and what other planets, asteroids, stars, and points it may contact — we’ll be able to gain a better idea as to how, why, and what will manifest during this period.
Some Beneficial Things to do During a Mercury Rx
Here are some ideas:
- Revisit unresolved thoughts, communication problems, and conversations.
- Refrain from communicating if discussing new topics.
- Expect delays in receiving messages or deliveries.
- Reorganize files, accounts, or work with old papers.
- Replay conversations.
- Retake a knowledge test.
- Renew business contacts.
- Read the fine print.
One big thing you may find during an Rx, depending on your temperament (aspects and such) is that you don’t feel like extroverting your thoughts or talking. If you are in business like I am, that will affect what you earn since business transactions are not moving forward due to communication hiccups from lack of communication.
Before I wrote this article, I recognized that business income slowed for me during an Rx but I didn’t really know why. Above, I write: Renew business contacts. I certainly wasn’t doing that during previous Rx’s but since my aspects are doing well this go around (and the Rx is in a fire sign — I’m a Leo) I don’t find that to be a problem now.
What I’m saying here is this:Â If you find your self-employment income dwindling, force yourself to complete business transactions and in the future get yourself ready for Rx energy — and schedule Rx time to do other business activities that allow you to hole up for awhile and plump up your cash flow pre-Rx.
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius Dates
Retrograde: November 23, 2011 20° Sagittarius
Direct: December 14, 2011 3° Sagittarius
Keep in mind the Shadow Phases which last for about a couple of weeks before and after — effectively giving you a warning and last minute opportunities.
Current Mercury World Transits
Moon Semi-square Mercury
Mercury Square Mars
Mercury Sesquiqudrate Jupiter
Mercury Quintile Neptune
Mercury Conjunct North Node
Mercury Quintile Chiron
Mercury Square Ceres
Mercury Inconjunct Urania
Current Uranus World Transits
Uranus is considered the higher vibration of Mercury and rules Aquarius which is the exalted co-ruled sign of Mercury.
Sun Trine Uranus
Moon Sextile Uranus
Venus Square Uranus
Jupiter Semi-sextile Uranus
Uranus Semi-sextile Neptune
Uranus Square Pluto
Uranus Semi-sextile Chiron
Uranus Semi-square Urania
Transit Delineation for Mercury Rx in Sagittarius
Sagittarius is connected to the half man / half animal energy. It is the sign of the meta-physician, the warrior healer, the medicine man / woman. Sagittarius is about freedom to go and roam wherever it wants — far and wide. Sagittarius is the philosopher, theologian, seeker / speaker of The Truth, and champion for justice. Sagittarius is ruled by the lucky and expansive, planet Jupiter.
Mercury in Sagittarius (Detriment)
- Likes to philosophize and be open ended in thought
- Very expansive in terms of what one thinks
- Enjoys talking about traveling, spirituality, and new ideas
- Takes the side of unpopular opinion; a bit of a Devil’s Advocate or championing for the underdog sometimes
- Things can be exaggerated, long-winded. Likes to tell stories.
- May not have a fixed opinion and can be swayed by a stronger one than their own
- Rambles on about nothing and everything, chatty
- Quick to make a decision about something
- Likes to share what has learned along the way
- Talks in an optimistic and joyful way
Now spin all that in an Rx, re way. For example, it’s a good time to make plans to revisit family and friends in a place you have traveled to before. And if anything goes wrong, it will work itself out or be in your favour — in the end. It’s a Jupiter ruled Rx afterall.
Looking at the world transits, one stands out right away — Mercury Rx Conjunct North Node. To me, that means this is a very good time to rethink your destiny. What do you want out of life? What’s holding you back? What’s next on your journey? Who are you to become? What will make you feel self-actualized? And since this is a world transit, this is a world thought. Most everyone will be thinking about this as it relates to the future of the world. Because of that, the personal impact may not be as great; however, world thought can trickle down to personal thought. At any rate, Check your personal transits or have me check them for you!!
Personal Notes
Ever since paying close attention to the stars, Mercury Rx has been a time where there was a complete stop or stall to writing. What’s happening now for me is that the truth is more clear and I’m able to communicate that truth in an unwavering way. The unfortunate part is that it’s being done with great strength, so anyone who can’t stand the heat will surely want to avert their eyes from my writing!
And it’s not until now that I felt like writing about Mercury Rx. I have went through many of them and it’s a popular subject but a) I don’t often like writing about a topic unless I’m in the thick of experiencing it b) I’m not currently much into what’s popular, finding what’s not — more interesting, and c) up until now, I have felt stumped and stalled to write anything about it while it was actually happening.
Update: This Mercury Rx is over and what I did was re-evaluate how I shared knowledge and changed who and where I shared it. Sharing knowledge is something I will do, no matter what, but how and where and why I do it was up for re-evaluation. At times it was painful to realize I couldn’t share freely in the way I wanted but the change is for my highest good and for the highest good of those I serve.
My Personal Transits
This time around tr. Mars is Conjunct Mercury with an exact 0° orb of influence along with tr. Mercury Rx Trine Mars are in the 8th house. And tr. Mercury Quintile Uranus is exact with a 0°orb (cusps on the 8/9th houses). My mind is on fire. To add to that, I have the Sun, Mercury, and North Node transiting my 11th house which is ruled by Jupiter (sign on the cusp is Sagittarius) yet I have no planets in this house. Also notable is tr. Sun Conjunct Urania (11th house, Sag).
I want to talk. I want to talk loud and often and I’ll take no prisoners. ;P
What Others Say | Molly Hall ( Guide) | Astrology Zone | MoonKissed
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You may also enjoy: Mercury in Aspect, Mercury by Sign, 3rd House
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