Part One: An Introduction to the 5th House, Fifth House Astrology Series
October 3, 2011 | Filled under Astrology, 5th, Capricorn, Houses, Leo, Sun |
Photograph © Andrew Dunn, 26 June 2005. Website:
The fifth house is the House of fun. The Fun House. Its natural ruler is Leo and it’s in the chart section of “private, other”. Its opposite house is the eleventh, “public, me”. The fifth house is where we bring others into our private world. Where we connect with others for private pleasure.
Why is the Sun Under the Horizon?
A lot of people wonder why the Sun (the King or Queen of the zodiac) is at the bottom of the chart, under the horizon — under the radar. Well, it’s not really. The astrological natal chart works in an unusual way. The chart used by many astrologers, for natal interpretations, is called a geocentric chart. This places the Earth in the middle of the chart rather than the Sun and the Earth represents you. However, the way it really works is that the Sun is in the center and all planets revolve around it. This type of chart is called Heliocentric and why your Sun sign is the most important and talked about luminary (aka, a planet) in the public. Because… You, my friend, are a Star! And everything, every planet and house, is modified or gets touched and warmed up (or cooled down) by your Sun’s rays, power, and strength.
Further touching upon this subject… Because the Earth is in the center of most natal charts, the Sun casts its shadow differently and the top of the chart is the South and the bottom of the chart is the North. Therefore, the Sun or the 5th house is in the North — which would make it on top. And if we flipped the chart — the Sun would be near the 10th house, or rather straddling the MC, the highest point of the chart. That’s why I say that although Capricorn is inconjunct Leo, they can get along in many ways. While one wants fame, wealth, and prestige (Capricorn), the other wants the perks that go along with that — celebrity, jet setting life, and wealth to have fun (Leo).
Going back to the topic of why the Sun is under the horizon… well, the Sun — like all fire signs — are me, myself, and I oriented. They are about themselves and what they want to do. They have the confidence not to care much what others think of them (whereas Capricorn does, the natural sign ruler for the 10th house). The 10th house relates to your image, how the public views you, your honor, etc. Leo couldn’t care less. Leo is here to take it all in and be whatever they want to be. It’s plainly no fun doing what others want Leo to do, following rules others set out for them (Heck, no! They’ll be telling you what to do). Plus, Leo is a playful and self-directed sign. It doesn’t have the need to care about the public in that way. The public, after all, LOVES Leo so nothing needs to be worked at there. 😉 They have already arrived! They are already at the top!
Facts about the 5th House.
Ruled by Sun (Leo).
- A Succedent house (second placement, second place).
- Motto: I create
- House Axis: 5 /11
- Aspect / Planet – Sign: Sun (Leo) Opposition (Aquarius) Uranus
- The JMAD Swap: Sun Aquarius. Uranus Leo. Leo is trine to Sagittarius — 9th house (the higher mind, philosophy, religion, education, law, culture, long-distance travel) and Aries — 1st house (self, physical expression and health, initiative, winning & attracting, and how we enter and exit). These houses are in harmony and connected to each other. The 3rd and 7th house stimulates and piggy-back off the 5th house. The 7th (Libra / Juno is about committed and legal partnerships, aesthetics, domination & submission, attraction and detraction, etc.), and the 3rd (Gemini — the lower mind, chit-chat, those that surround us, short trips such as marches).  So the 5th house is where we meet dates through friends, neighbours, co-workers, social networks, etc. with the outcome of dating and sexual activity often leading to marriage, a long-term commitment, and children or projects the romancers give birth to. The types of activities the lovers and creators may enjoy include 9th and 1st house activities and the romancers or creators are driven by first impressions and the promise of creating new and exciting manifestations of delight.
- Everyone has 5th house themes. This is the The House of One for Many or when house ownership is taken, it can be viewed as House of Many for One .
- 5th House:Â Â Singular Creation & Procreation Eleventh House: Mass Creation & Procreation
- House Themes: Recreation, Creation & Procreation, Dating & Relationships, Arts & Hobbies
5th House Themes
Who, what, why, where, when, and how?
- House of Recreation: What pleasures us to do during our time off. Taking risks. Gambling. Arts & Crafts. What you like to do in your down-time. Entertainment and drama. Very personal friendships that are intimate but not necessarily consummated as opposed to impersonal friendships that occur in the 11th house. A connection with this type of friend may revolve around a beloved shared activity or interest; however, this kind of friendship may not be long lasting. Holidays and special events.
- House of Creation & Procreation: Children you may or may not have. Sex for fun. Projects you create out of a seed, egg, small amount of supplies and resources. Conditions surrounding getting pregnant and pregnancy. The type and condition of children you can have. How you’ll have your children. Think of children as anything you made and that requires a lot of nurturing and that you will probably need to take care of for many years. Creations such as a business or a long-term project.
- House of Dating & Romance: How you like to date. Who you like to date. How and who we flirt with. Where dating leads you. Who you date. What you consider romantic. Your ideal kind of date. What zodiac sign attracts you. What zodiac sign makes laugh, and brings you fun and play into your life. Lets say you are with someone you love and are attracted to and they are a Scorpio but you have Taurus on your 5th house cusp. They are may have another aspect that will emulate Taurus on the 5th such as Sun Conjunct Venus or heavy Venus contacts.
- House of Arts & Hobbies: The type of art or hobbies we enjoy, create, or do. What you are talented at. Childhood talents that may not have seen the light of day as an adult.
Eleanor Buckwalter says, A strong fifth house can produce statesmen and politicians as well as athletes, educational and spiritual leaders, and fine artists. The correlation of politics, art and theatre explains why actors can become successful politicians and why politicians possess the skills of actors, for they need dramatic art to hold the public’s interest through an ability to entertain, interest, or excite and incite.
This also makes sense to me because the 11th house (opposite to the 5th and therefore connected) is a political one and many politicians have planets in that house.
Notable People with 5th house energy
- Louis Armstrong
- Charlie Sheen
- Wilt Chamberlain
- Dorothy Hamill
- David Crosby
- Rose Kennedy
- Leo Guild
- Zipporah Dobyns
- Diamond Jim Brady
- The creation of Donald Duck
- John West
- Slobodan Milosevic
- Philippe Habert
- Percy Bysshe Shelley
- Joseph di Mambro
- Rodolphe d’Autriche
- Louise Brown
- Jim Reeves
- Arthur Janov
- Lina Accurso
- Don Murray
- Georges Carnus
- France Nuyen
- Benjamin Harrison
- Jean Carrière
- Amy Shapiro
- Kenneth Waters
- Boyer Coe
- Takanohana
- Marisabel Lomba
- Michèle Alfa
- Harry Heltzer
- Régis Bulot
- Miguel Esteves Cardoso
- Gary Beban
- Nicola Giuliani
- Giovanni Meneghini
- Evan Shelby Connell
- Philippe Mestre
- Matthijs Maris
- Marshall Field
- Jean Knight
- Roman Gabriel
- Alexei Panshin
- Zsa Zsa Gabor
- Thierry Sabine
- Edgar Rice Burroughs
- James Mitchum
- Pietro Mennea
- Mae Marsh
- Mae West
- Roger Walkowiak
- Don Paul
- Sidney Sonnino
- Marnix Gijsen
Mae West. I’m in the Mood for Love
You’ll notice something soon enough. I embedded a lot of Louis Armstrong‘s songs here. First, I found out what famous person had a strong 5th house and Louis came out on top and I recalled he sang. So I looked up his songs on Youtube and I couldn’t believe how much 5th house magic I was listening to. If you ever wonder what the 5th house sounds like, listen to Louis!
White Christmas, Louis Armstrong
Spooks (Halloween Song), Louis Armstrong
When You’re Smiling, Louis Armstrong
What a Wonderful World, Louis Armstrong
La Vie En Rose, Louis Armstrong
Planned articles for the Fifth:
- Elaboration of 5th house themes.
- Manifestation of 5th house themes within each sign, planet.
- Misunderstandings from self and other within the 5th house.
- How-to overcome 5th house challenges.
What others say about this house
AquaMoonlight | Astrology Zine | *Daily Horoscope | * Astrology Club | My Astrology Charts | Astrology Works | Skyscript
What’s in your fifth house? If nothing is in it, what is in your 5th house cusp? What have you experienced as 5th house themes? Anything else you want to share about the 5th house? What type of fun do you like? Where do you have fun? Who attracts you? Where can you let loose? It’s all in your 5th house, 5th house cusp!!
This house was actually enjoyable to do. Perhaps that’s because I have my Sun and Mars in Leo and Gemini on my 5th house cusp. 😀 It was easy-breezy.
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