Search results for moon pluto sesquiquadrate
Astrological Contact Types in Planetary Aspect (now including Sesquiquadrate)
November 23, 2010 | Filled under Astrology, Learning, Aspects |
In astrology there’s a contact type or energy that form between planets / luminaries (Sun, Moon) and all together this creates what is called an aspect. When we first meet someone, an immediate first impression forms based on a gut reaction. We notice something similar or different about them and we instantaneously decide if we like…
Astrology: The Jucy Method of Aspect Delineation (JMAD) – Planet / Sign Swap – How to Interpret Aspects – Step #4
February 21, 2011 | Filled under Audio Recordings, Video, Delineation |
Intro & Step 1 | 2 | 3 | Stay Tuned for Step #5… The Jucy Method of Aspect Delineation (JMAD) is my way of interpreting the essence and influence of an astrological aspect whether that be related to a natal (birth), synastry (compatibility between two or more people), composite (the purpose of the relationship),…