Lessons learned from Pluto Water. Pluto “America’s Physic” or is that “Psychic”? “When Nature Won’t, Pluto Will.”
September 20, 2011 | Filled under Current News, Planets, Pluto, Scorpio, Transits |
Facts about Pluto Water
- Was available for purchase from 1919 and possibly earlier…
- Made in French Lick, Indiana (sounds sexy!), water source was Pluto Springs
- Slogans: “Not Really Sick ~ and still not really well”, “When Nature Won’t, Pluto Will.”, “Pluto never fails!”, “Keep fit”, “Pluto water is different.”, “Pluto Made a Lamb Out of a Lion…”,
- Ad copy: “Will help make a new man of you”, “Faulty elimination is the cause of so much misery.”, “…[flushes] all the the poisonous waste matter before it”, “Pluto water acts quickly and easily”, “Use Pluto Mineral Water in two ways — either as a immediate relief measure, or as a preventive…”, “…prevents dangerous accumulation of waste poisons”, “…health and vitality restored by the magic of Nature’s own medicine”, “non-habit forming”, “fortified and sterilized”., “…with all it’s evils effects, constipation yields so well to proper treatment!”, “Even in the most stubborn cases of constipation, Pluto acts promptly and thoroughly.”, “…run-down condition do to self-poisoning.”, “Constipation — man’s… and woman’s… oldest, most insidious foe. Gnawing away at our tempers, fraying our nerves to ragged edges. And yet constipation is so easily conquered.”, “Constipation — oldest human affliction — is the commonest ailment today, the root of nearly all human ills. And its prolonged effect is so needless.”, “If we only knew that the biggest fault lies with ourselves. It’s an outward sign of an inward condition that needs correcting.”, “The sensible way is the simple way.”, “[Constipation] destroys.”, “Take Pluto… Feel worlds better…”, “With Pluto there are no hours of overnight waiting, which allow poisons to be absorbed and spread through the system…”, “…get sure but gentle relief…”, “Asthenia [constipation]… it drags you down, slows your mind, robs you of your joys, and pleasures, yet you hardly realize your slipping.”, “Cleanse your system of health-destroying impurities”,
- “Drink a little Pluto water and you’ll always be regular”, It promises to “give you a renewed health and vim”, “give you a “thorough internal wash”, “Pluto, a never failing friend”,
What we can learn from Pluto Water about Pluto
That Pluto can eliminate toxic things, things that don’t work for us, and possibly with or by force.
- Pluto will counter attack. “How can you hope to be at your best when your health is being attacked by an insidious, unseen enemy?”
- Pluto can transform us from unhappy people into happy people
- We can heal from sickness and become healthy and strong
- That coming from a natural and unfettered place brings sexiness to us
- Pluto gets us over our humps and slumps
- If Pluto doesn’t get its way, doesn’t get inside you, doing what it wants, it may destroy you.
- Pluto won’t give up on you even if you do.
- If you allow Pluto to do it’s magic for the good or bad, results will be found quickly.
- It’s a physic — a medicine that purges.
- Constipation in a symbolic sense means “A high level of constraint or restriction; a pronounced lack of ease” or a “clog”. If we gain and use tools to help us eliminate what clogs us, we can heal.
**Dear Reader, What did you learn about Pluto from Pluto Water?
Keywords for Pluto
Transformer, destroyer, eliminator, refresher, metamorphosis, cleanser, depth, psychology, psychiatry, cataclysms, evil, power, control, complete, bottom, bottom feeder, bottom dweller, sewers, cesspool, mystical, investigative, sexual, sex, death, ends, beginnings, magic, reproduction, boils, eruptions, waste, internal, magnetic, penetrating, paranoia, obsession, compulsion, survival, strategic, hidden, poisonous, icy, cold, aggressive, impurity, willful, undefeated, healing, initiation, darkness, toilet, constipation, getting unstuck, catharsis, therapy, protective, shiny, intensity, taboos, the occult, large intestines, rectum, genitals, territorial, subversive, crisis, oil, the underworld, wealth, purging, criticism, secretive, water, cruelty, threats, bullying, volcanoes, obsidian, regeneration, fixity, concentrated, abuse, terror, pain, discomfort, penetrating, dark red and black, birth, gangsters, researcher, undertaker, mortuary, funerals, black market crime, revelations, dark justice, manipulation, negative, ruthless, and violent.
Facts about Pluto
Percival Lowell, a Pisces with stellium, searched from 1906 until his end of life, for Planet X (Pluto)
- The original symbol for Pluto a “P” with an “L” is in honor of Percival Lowell
- Discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaug, an Aquarius with stellium at Lowell Observatory
- Pluto was named by Venetia Burney, a Cancer. She named it after the mythic God of the underworld, Pluto
- Other name suggestions, from the Lowell Observatory, were Minerva and Cronus. And there were other name suggestions from the general public as well such as Eureka and Twelow.
- In 1977 Astrologer, Isabel Hickey suggested in Pluto or Minerva, the Choice is Yours that Minerva (Goddess of Wisdom) was a higher vibration of Pluto.
- It’s a trans-personal, trans-Neptunian planet
- Diameter is under 1500 miles
- Orbit is tipped, highly elliptical and crosses Neptune’s orbit (territorial?)
- Pluto has three Moons — Charon, Nix, and Hydra
- It’s one of the icy planets
- Was officially demoted from a planet to a dwarf planet on August 26, 2006 due mostly to its size.
- Interesting to note, the numbers from the date (numerology)Â 8 8 8 and Pluto rules the 8th house.
- Pluto rules a fixed water sign, Scorpio. Fixed signs are known to be: determined, stubborn, and tireless.
Experiences with Pluto Water
A blogger retells a story of their father’s experience with Pluto Water.
“My father said that he remembers it as a rather violent experience all around…”
My father pledged a fraternity his freshman year, and it was during his initiation when he had his first encounter with Pluto Water. His run-in with Pluto Water was one of many tales he told me a couple of weeks before I matriculated; and because of what my father endured in the spirit of “brotherhood”, I was turned off of the entire Greek universe of manic mayhem — I did not follow in his footsteps and refused to join a fraternity.
My father and his fellow pledges were blindfolded and driven to a remote area far away from campus. Still blindfolded, they were each forced to guzzle a bottle of Pluto Water. Then their blindfolds were finally removed, at which point they were told to find their way on foot back to campus. The active brothers drove away, leaving the pledges to fend for themselves with their systems ticking away like turd time bombs. Read More…
It looks like this fraternity connected to Pluto Water /Â Pluto and initiation subconsciously as Astrologer Hiroki Nizato writes in his blog,
So some pain can serve as initiation – the kind that will let you experience the depth of your soul through sheer terror, grief, or rage: in short, extreme, Plutonian pain. But pain without purpose becomes mere cruelty and abuse. To serve as an experience of initiation, there needs to be a sense of meaning and higher purpose to the pain. Read More…
I find that Pluto is my “re-maker”. It gets rid of what doesn’t work, what hurts, and what hinders and makes way for a new solution. I am able to shed my skin, so-to-speak even if it takes some time because of strong Saturn influences. Pluto, for me, is refreshing and brings life: depth, meaning, and sparkle. Pluto doesn’t destroy what should survive. Pluto gives me life and helps me rise out of rubble… Pluto will protect you if you let him/her!
Current Pluto World Transits
- Moon Cancer Opposition Pluto Capricorn
- Venus Libra Square Pluto Capricorn
- Mars Leo Inconjunct / Quincunx Pluto Capricorn
- Jupiter Taurus Trine Pluto Capricorn
- Uranus Aries Square Pluto Capricorn
- Chiron Pisces Trine Pluto Capricorn
How does Pluto Affect you?
How are you transformed, for good or bad by Pluto? What Pluto transits are you going through right now and how can you make Pluto eliminate what doesn’t work so you can have the success you deserve? Does Pluto contact any of your planets, luminaries, angles, points, or asteroids? What house does it reside and where is it transiting right now? What does Pluto want you to eliminate or transform? How can you let Pluto do its good work? Is Pluto affecting you badly?
Luminaries and Planets
* Sun – Self – Masculine, Personality, Interests, Future
* Moon – Heart – Feminine, Emotions, Needs, Instincts, Mother, Past
* Mercury – Mind – Masculine, Thoughts, Present
* Venus – Relaxation – Love – Feminine, Receptive, Artistry, Sensuality, Luxury
* Mars – Activity – Passion (hate, aggression included), Masculine, Assertive, Sexuality
* Saturn – Tests – Discipline,Feminine, Responsibility, Delays, Fears
* Jupiter – Expansion – Masculine, Luck, Excessive, Optimism
* Uranus – Excitement – Masculine, Shocks, Surprises, Suddenness, Alternative, Wild
* Neptune – Soul – Feminine, Illusions, Magic, Spirituality, Dreams
* Pluto – Depth – Feminine, Power, Destruction, Rebirth, Clearing, Cleaning, Throwing Out
* Chiron — the wounded healer. Our wounds and where we can heal others.
* Ascendant (ASC) – Rising – Entrance – Waking – Influential care-giver – Physical appearance – Overall health – Conditioning – Upbringing – Mask – Shield or Guard – Defense mechanism – Your own life is most important
* Descendant (DSC) – Falling – Departure – Sleeping – Where we let our guard down – Our most intimate self – The lives of others are most important-
* Imum Coelii (IC) – Nadir – Bottom of the Sky – Beneath the Earth – Your lowest self – Past – What you inherited from your Father – Youth – Internal – Weaknesses – Roots (family, ancestory, etc)
* Medium Coeli (MC)– Midheaven – Top of the Sky – The Heavens – Above the Earth – Your highest self – Future – Maturity – External – Strengths – Soul (your star, other stars) – What you inherited from your Mother
What Others Say, Sources, Images:
Pluto Water Bottles | The Museum of Beverage Containers and Advertising | The Destructive Nature of Pluto | Large bottle image of Pluto Water | French Lick Springs Hotel | Pluto Water Wiki | Astrofix.net Neptune-Pluto (Pluto Water!!) | Pluto, Pain, & Initation | Plutovian | Dwarf Planet |Rex Bills Rulership Book | Caduceus Astrology | More about Pluto | Pluto the Singleton
Documentary: NOVA | The Pluto Files with Neil deGrasse Tyson: Who Does Neil Think He Is? | PBS
Watch the full episode. See more NOVA.
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